Chapter 25

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I wake up, my head pounding and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. My sides feel like they are being hit with a hammer and are on fire. I spit out the blood from my mouth and start coughing. I need to heal myself, but I can't while I am here or else it will raise suspicions. I open a link with the others.

Are you guys alright, I say, exhaustion clearly in my voice.

Oh my god Chara, are you alright? I hear Nix ask; words filled with worry.

I can handle it; however, I cannot heal myself here or else it will raise suspicion. I am afraid they may be watching us. I have a feeling they are, I pause, coughing up for blood, If I don't make it, please find Zane and try to find my dad. Nix, I love you... I trail off while I start breathing heavily and my eyes get droopy.

I love you too, you will be okay Chara, I will make sure you don't die on me, I hear Nix, sadness laces his words.

I am on the verge of the darkness consuming me once again. Before that happens, I feel a little bit of energy entering my body, but I don't know where from. I can't sense Zane around here. I am now able to keep my eyes open, but I can't move.

Did it work? I hear Nix ask through the link we share.


Some mates can send some energy to each other in desperate situations. Did it work?

Yes, thank you.

Anything for you love.

I smile at his words and I just lay there on the hard-concrete floor. I see a shadow peek around the corner of the cell, I instantly know it is Malik and he is using the shadow to look at my injuries.

Malik don't let the shadow grab a hold of anything. I can show you my injuries, but don't do anything a normal Laren can't do.

Okay. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but they really did a number on your face.

I let out a light laugh, but instantly regret doing so, it sends me into a coughing fit as blood splatters from my mouth onto the floor.

Oh god, are you okay?


I lift up my shirt to show my ribs that I haven't even looked at myself yet, I don't want to know how bad it is. I know once I see my injuries, it will only make things worse.

Chara, I think we need to get you help, and soon.

I know Malik, I can feel it. I am probably bleeding internally, and I may have an hour or two until I die.

We can't let that happen.

Before I can respond the door to the cells where we are held opens. Grim walks in and walks over to my cell. The guard opens the cell door and Grim walks over to me.

"I really thought that with the power I felt coming off of you, you would be healed by now. I guess you really are weak, even for a werewolf. I mean look at you, your injuries should have gotten better, but they seem to be worse," he laughs.

"Can you just let me die in peace? It's the least you can do."

He laughs again, "I will leave you be as it is your final wish."

He walks up to me, "here, I have a parting gift for you," and just like that he stomps on my lower leg, I hear the snap of either my shin or ankle.

I let out an ear-piercing scream, then cough up blood. This makes Nix furious.

"You son of a..." Nix if cut off.

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