Chapter 11

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Let me know your thoughts!

Peter runs at me and I put up my telekinetic shield. He goes in for a punch, but hits the shield and flies backward. He stands up, confused. I push him over lightly with my telekinesis and he stumbles to the ground; however, he gets up quickly. I see him close his eyes and he tries to get into my head, it doesn't seem to work though because I don't feel anything. Just before he opens his eyes, I teleport behind him. I tap him on the shoulder giving him a slight burn. He shoots around with his foot out aiming to kick me in the gut. I catch his foot with my telekinesis and throw him back. He stumbles to his feet; the hard blows weakening him. I hold out my hands and aim to build the pressure inside his head. He falls to his knees holding around his temples; pain in his eyes. He lets out a quiet 'stop' and I stop, his pressure equalizing in his head again.

"We have this year's new winner, Kate Smith!" the principal announces.

The crowd cheers and I walk up to Peter, "hey Pete, you okay?" I ask him still kneeling on the ground.

"Yeah, congrats," he smiles.

I hold out a hand and he takes it, standing up, "you put up a good fight. You must tell me how you blocked out my telepathy."

"Another time."

He nods, "so, are you going to call me Pete from now on?"

"Definitely, it suits you." I throw him a smile and he gives me one back.

There was a party after the tournament at the boy's dorm. We all head over there after getting changed, I am wearing simple light washed jeans with a bralette and an open flannel. I walk over with Alana and Ryla. We talked about the tournament and I found out Alana got 152nd place and Ryla got place 240. We soon make it to the boy's house and we walk in. Everyone goes silent and turns to face us, then suddenly they erupt out in cheer and clapping. A couple guys I do not know come up to me and lift me above their heads. I am smiling ear to ear, even though I do not like attention, this feels totally different. I feel at home. I stick to drinking water the whole night because I still cannot shake the feeling something bad is coming and it is coming soon. I look around for Luca or Jason and after searching for five minutes I finally find Jason.

"Jason, can I talk to you?"

"Of Course, come on."

He leads me to his room and shuts the door.

"So, what's up?"

"I think something bad is going to happen tonight. I can't explain it, but for the last two days I have had this feeling that I cannot shake. We need to prepare everyone who is somewhat sober and notify the teachers."

"I will mind-link my pack and tell them we may need their help. You go find the teachers then I will get the sober people downstairs."

"Okay, what is a mind-link?"

"Oh right, I can talk through my mind to the members of my pack. How are you not wasted right now?"

"I have only been drinking water because of this feeling, what about you?"

"Since I am a wolf, I can't really get drunk."

"Okay, I am off. Stay safe."

"You too."

As I walk downstairs, I text Daniel letting him know about how I think something is going to happen. He is on his way. I think of the fastest way to find the teachers and I remember that my father has telepathy. I decide to try to communicate with Principal Grimm through my mind.

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