Chapter 16

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I wake up in what looks to be a hospital room. I slowly sit up and throw my feet over the edge of the bed. I lift up the hospital gown I have on to see my ribs still badly bruised and wrapped. My head is a little groggy, but I bring myself to stand up. I feel a little lightheaded, but the pain in my sides feel a lot better than before, especially after what Britany did. I can't believe she threw me across the field, what a...

"Kate? Kate! You are awake! You shouldn't be standing, lay back down," Nix insists.

"No, I am fine. How long was I out?"

"Eight days."

"WHAT? What exactly happened to cause me to sleep for eight freaking days?"

"Well, you were thrown by Britany."

"Yes, I remember."

"Two of your ribs punctured your lung, but the healer could only heal those two ribs, not the rest of the injuries. Do you know why?"

"I don't know. Who else is here?"

"Jason, dad, and Jack."

"Can you send in Jack please."


Nix looks a little hurt as he walks to the door to get Jack. A few moments later Jack walks in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, better than I did on Friday."

"That's good. It seemed like you needed that sleep. Don't worry about Britany, she will have a punishment picked out by the principal now that you are awake."

"Okay, thanks Jack."

"Do you want to talk about why you cannot fully heal?"

"It is a long story. I don't feel like getting into it. If you want to know, after I talk with Liam, you can ask him why and he can explain."

"Okay, I will go grab him for you."


Liam walks in and makes his way over to me and sits down on the bed, I remain standing.

"Don't feeling like sitting?"

"No, I have been laying down for eight days. I should be stretching my legs out."

"No argument there. So, how do you feel?"


"I am sorry that you are in all of this because of my son."

"It's okay. I should be healed in a week or two by the looks of it."

"That's good to hear. Hopefully you can come back to the pack house today."

"Yeah...WAIT what about Zane, where is he?"

"He is at the pack house, he is fine."

"He must feel so lonely."

"Well, he had Nix to keep him company."

"What do you mean?"

"Since you guys are mates, Zane can communicate with him as well."

"That son of a...why wouldn't he have told me?"

"That is something you must ask Zane. Why don't I go get the doctor to see if you can leave?"

"Okay, thank you. Oh, if Jack asks you why I am not healed fully, you can tell him. I trust him, but I am still tired, and I don't feel like going into that story right now."

"Okay I will tell him if he asks."

"Thank you, Liam."

He nods and leaves the room.

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