Chapter 12

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I am so happy you decided to continue the story!

I thought he was my friend. I guess I should have known something was wrong, I never felt as if I could trust him. I was just blinded by his kindness.

"What the hell, Luca?"

"You are so gullible Kate, or should I say, Chara."

"How did you know?"

"My dad wants to speak with you, I am here to take you back with me."

"I am not going to that hell hole again." I hiss at him.

"So, you have figured out who I am?"

"Well considering you have two hellhounds standing next to you and just a few moments ago, ten demon servants attacked us, it wasn't too hard to figure out."

"So, you can see the hellhounds then. I thought only people who lived in hell could see them, unless. How did I not see this before? You are the daughter of Noc, aren't you?"

I stay silent. He smiles.

"I will not fail like Cade did. Impetus," Luca shouts and somehow, I understand him. He told the hounds to attack.

They run at me and I send them into the air, holding them there. They disappear as I send them to hell. Luca looks shocked with a hint of terror. He underestimates me.

"This is not over." Luca states and he disappears.

I think back to what he said, I will not fail like Cade did. I cannot believe my best friend since I was a kid is working for Aluca. He planned on taking me back to the underworld. I think back to when I was there. I realize now that he had a glint of anger and frustration in his eye when I found him in the cell. He must have alerted all the hellhounds to follow us, not thinking I was strong enough to hold them all off. I am so frustrated and confused right now. I turn around to shocked faces. I am probably tomato red with embarrassment. I am going to try to leave this terrible situation. I turn right towards the direction of the girl's dorm, but the principal blocks my path. I look left and see Alpha Liam standing there. Daniel walks up to me.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" Daniel asks them.

The principal nods, "right this way."

As we walk away, I grab a hold of Jason's arm to let him know to come with us. The principal quickly talks to a teacher, probably to make sure the students get to their dorms safely and then continues to guide us towards a cabin. He guides us through the hallway and into an office. Daniel stops at the door.

"What are you doing Daniel?"

"You need to do this yourself. I will see you soon okay. I believe in you; you will do great. Goodbye."

"Be safe."

He nods and walks away. I take a deep breath and walk into the office.

The principal motions for me to sit down in front of the desk that Alpha Liam and himself are sitting behind. The chair next to me is where Jason is sitting, they are all looking at me and it makes me feel like disappearing into the chair. I try to push down my nerves and wait for someone to begin.

"So, Kate, do you want to explain to us what just happened?" Principal Grimm asks.

"Um..." where do I start?

"How about we be more specific," Alpha Liam suggests, and I nod in agreement, "okay, how about how you ended up in the underworld in the first place?"

"Well, I just found out about the supernatural world a couple weeks ago when a demon servant was trying to kill me. My best friend Cade explained some of it to me and he helped me get away. We met an old lady named Haven who explained the prophecy. The house was attacked, and we ran. We teleported to a small town and that is where Aluca found us. He took Cade, Zane, and I to the underworld. Cade and Zane were put into the cells and I was in Aluca's office. I managed to get away and rescue Cade and Zane with the help of Zane. We were chased by a lot; I mean A LOT of hellhounds. I managed to suspend them in the air while the others went through the portal and I followed."

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