Chapter 17

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I soon pass out because of the pain and I am not sure how long I am out for. I wake up to my bed and an empty room. How did I get into my bed? Just then my door opens and Talia walks in. When her eyes meet mine, she squeals and runs up to me.

"You are finally awake!" she exclaims.

"Yeah I...wait finally? How long have I been out?"

", you have been asleep for a week."

"A WEEK?" I shout.

"Uh yes, do you mind me asking what happened to you?"

"Oh, you should ask Altair that. He was the reason I used my powers and in doing so I made my body feel as though it was burning from the inside out. That is the reason why I passed out, it was from the immense pain I was in." I say with venom in my words.

"Oh, I am sorry about you having to do that. What did he do to you?"

"Well, he tried to force me to go somewhere with him. I am not sure where, but when he grabbed my wrist so tightly, I knew it wasn't anywhere good. I burned him and then teleported to my room where I laid on the floor in inexplicable pain until I passed out."

"I wonder what he wanted."

"Yeah, me too. I mean I deserve to know for him trying to drag me somewhere resulting in me passing out for a week."

"I will go get Aluca for y..."

"No, you will not leave me here alone, practically defenseless when Altair could come in at any moment. I will go with you to his office."

"Okay, are you sure you are fine to walk?"

"Yes, I am almost fully healed anyway and in one week I can leave hell, literally."

She chuckles, "follow me."

I do as she says, standing up I feel extremely stiff. I stretch out my muscles quickly and follow her out my door. This time I pay attention to where we are going and we soon arrive at the office door, she knocks lightly, and we are told to come in.

I turn to Talia to whisper, "don't leave me here this time. I do not want to be walking around the castle alone again."

"Okay, I will wait in this hall for you. Don't worry."

I nod and proceed to the black leather chair that sits in front of the wooden desk.


"Chara! Good to see you on your feet again! What happened last week to cause you to pass out for so long?"

"Well, your son decided to try to drag me somewhere to which I refused. He tried to force me, so I used my powers to burn him and then I couldn't find my way back to my room. I didn't want to run into Altair again, so I teleported myself to the floor of my room where I laid there in excruciating pain until I passed out."

He is stunned for a moment before he says, "I am sorry for my son's behaviour. I was also wondering why you haven't healed yourself yet."

"Well, apparently this guy's thinks I am his mate, god knows why, but he doesn't know I can shapeshift and while I was in a wolf form, he captured me. He insisted I did something to 'Chara', aka me, because I smell like 'her'."

"Well no sh..."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, when I refused to shift back because I was trying to keep a low profile, he kicked me hard in the ribs multiple times. Bruising eight ribs, four of which are cracked and one fractured. So, I cannot heal myself because my so-called mate caused it."

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