Chapter 2

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I wake up in my own bed hoping what I recall from my birthday was just a dream. I look to my side and see Cade and realize that everything from the previous day actually happened and I am apparently not human. I wish I knew what I am, but I doubt it would make me feel any better.

"How are you feeling?" Cade wonders.

"Fine I guess, anything else you have to tell me?" I ask, hoping that there isn't more to this whole new world.

"Let's just say that's all you need to know, for now. I don't want you to pass out again," Cade looks at me worriedly. I nod, probably a safe decision, I will find out more later when this information has had time to sink in.

A few minutes later there is a slow knock at the front door, and I look at Cade, confused. John and Emily are out of the house and they wouldn't knock on the door to their house. I make my way down the stairs from my room to open the door as Cade takes a phone call. I open the door with a smile, but soon my expression falls into one of horror. Standing in front of me is the same creature from the desert yesterday. The same eight-foot-tall leathery demon servant, as Cade called it, with bright yellow eyes. I can now see that up close, that this thing had small, dull red pores all over the revolting body in between the cracks of this leathery skin.

I open my mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. My feet feel glued in place as they would not cooperate with my mind. I can't run or scream. The demon steps forward and brings his long claws up to snatch me or kill me, I am not sure which, and I close my eyes awaiting death. When I open my eyes the demon servant is suspended in the air, screeching at a high frequency. That is when Cade finally reaches the bottom of the stairs and freezes in his tracks. I turn to look at him with relief that he saved me, and the demon falls to the ground. In a flash, Cade's eyes turn a glowing green and the demon servant vanishes in a puff of red smoke. I can hear my own heart beating a million miles a minute.

"Thanks for saving me after that thing almost torn me apart. Pretty close, good use of your magic. The whole suspending in the air was pretty cool and almost too late."

"I only sent him back to the underworld. You must have done the whole suspending act," Cade explains. I think back to my time at the tree, I guess the practicing really had paid off.

"If they found you here, I think we should leave to keep you safe. Maybe do some research and find out what your powers are."

"Where can we research this stuff?" I question.

"I know a place."

On that note we set off to Cade's mystery supernatural research facility or whatever he would call it. Cade, Zane, and I hop into Cade's old dusty red truck and we head off to wherever he is taking me. I wish I knew what he was hiding from me, I am a naturally curious person, so this is killing me not knowing. How does he know so much about what he is or where to find out more information on what's happening to me? Doesn't he have human parents? I have never seen anything strange happen at his house.

About an hour later we pull up to this rickety old house covered in an odd shade of green and ivy. It looks like it's pulled straight out of a horror movie. We are literally in the middle of nowhere, there is just desert for as far as I can see and no other signs of civilization. We all hop out of the car and head up the creaking steps to the slanted yellow door. Cade knocks and I hold my breath, nervous of who or what is on the other side. It takes a few seconds, but I can hear the squeaking floor boards as someone approaches the door and opens it. I flinch at the sudden movement before taking in the person standing in front of me. She is pretty old with thin white hair and fragile frame although she looks like someone you don't want to mess with.

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