Chapter 17: Jay's Wing

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Sorry for the major cringe I've caused you.  From now on, I am ALWAYS going to re-read my chapters.  They have started having too many errors.  Please post constructive criticism so I know what to work on. I will try to improve my writing skills.  I hope you guys still like this story. Please click the star for more people to be able to read my story.  Or don't.  Up to you.  I'm going to post the story that me and my friend have been working on in... about a month.  Also, do you want me to write a story about the most stupid things that I've seen in warrior Fan Fictions, or do you want me to write a three book series?

Half-Moon nodded. "I'm glad to see that you've found a cat that will make you happy." Jayfeather jerked back. "You aren't upset with me for loving Briarlight?"  She sighed "No, Jayfeather.  When will you learn? I can't be angry with you for following your heart.  It is one of the best things about you, and I was selfish to try and obtain it for myself.  You will live a great life with her, no matter how many challenges it may have."

"I loved you just as much as Briarlight, Half-Moon. But I know my destiny lies not with you, but with Briarlight. We could have had a great life, but I had to return to my own.  I couldn't walk pawsteps that were not meant for me." Half-Moon smiled gently. "Jay's Wing did return.  After you left, everyone could tell that you were gone, but rejoiced in the return of the original.  Jay's Wing ended up becoming my mate. We had two beautiful kits, Dawn of Gentle Sun and Ember of Dying Fire.  Do not worry about having left me behind.  I moved on, just as you did.  I know why you made the decision you did.  Do not feel as if you are betraying me by taking a mate. Goodbye, Jayfeather." Half-Moon's voice faded out as Jayfeather was jerked back into his own body, blind once again. 

 Crossing the border to ThunderClan, Jayfeather couldn't help but feel disappointed.  For some reason, he had always assumed that Half-Moon had kept waiting for him. But, Half-Moon had mated with Jay's Wing, starting the newest generation of the Tribe.  The path StarClan had laid out for him was not an easy one, but one Jayfeather had to follow. "Jayfeather!" Briarlight's greeting shook him out of the fog his head was in. "Hello, Briarlight! Any movement from Lightheart?" Briarlight dipped her head. "Not yet.  Did any of the other medicine cats give you ideas?"

"Mothwing said if I dip her in some of the cold lake water, it might be enough to jolt her awake.  I'll ask Firestar to assemble a patrol to help me do it at sunrise." Briarlight purred.  "Mind if I join you? I could help."

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