Chapter 14 : Our Bonding Is More Important

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Angelina's POV

'Spread love not hate.'

This is something that I believe in. Pointing out someone's mistakes and hating is easy, but complimenting and uplifting them is hard. People think they would look cool if they tease someone and pick on them; that if they show others down they would be better than them. Well the joke is on them.

I think they are just jealous you are better than them so they point out your mistakes to make themselves feel better. Because if you are going to point of my mistakes at least help me make them right!

That's why it is important to know who you really are and loving that person so much that someone else's hurtful comments won't make a huge impact on your self - esteem.

Teasing your twin doesn't come under it?

I told him later he did well too! And teasing your twin a bit when you beat him at a sport he is the best at doesn't matter right? I have to use my bragging rights!

Fine, but only because you complimented him later

Does everyone have debates with their subconscious?

Don't know, don't care.

Rude much?

My internal debate is cut off by my phone's ringtone.


"Green" The voice at the other end says. The hell?

"The h..." I am half way through voicing my thoughts when they hang up.

Green? Why would some random guy I don't know call me, and say green?

Oh I don't know maybe because it's a prank call?

You dare use my own spells against me?

I get it you are Harry Potter fan but back to the point please.

You little sh*t!

You know you are insulting yourself right?

Maybe it actually meant something and I should call back?

Do whatever you want.

I ignore my subconscious and dial the number.

"I'm sorry; the number you called is unavailable." An operator's voice says. I know it's not an operator since the phone call was picked up.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" I say because I am already pissed off due to those debates with my subconscious mind. It's getting sassier than me.

Told you

I decide to ignore that prank caller and do my homework.

About an hour later I have already completed my English homework and am doing my calculus homework.

Find the differential equation of a parabola with its vertex at the origin and X - axis as the major axis.

So the equation of parabola would be...


I check the phone number and sure enough it's that prank caller. If I ignore whoever it is, he will give up. Eventually the ringing stops.

So where was I? Got it! Equation of the parabola would be y^2= 4ax. Now...


Ignore them...Just ignore them...

The equation has only one constant so I have to differentiate it once and then substitute the value of a.

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