Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2

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Fact 1:

Spinel likes smelling things like your shirts and jackets. She just likes your scent.

Fact 2:

Spinel hates showers, she thinks they're uncomfortable and a waste of time. However, every once and a while you end up forcing her to take one. She'll protest, she'll flail, kick, and yell. So, you always lock the door just to be sure she can't run past you once you finally shove her in the bathroom. She'll grumble and give you the silent treatment, but a few kisses, and promises of stickers or popcorn will persuade her into the shower.

She'll drop everything in there and struggle to open bottles, so you often end up helping her every step of the way, as if she really were a young child.

However she can manage to wash herself on her own.

Unless she gets soap in her eyes.

Fact 3:

Spinel convinced you to buy her a customized mug.

It was mainly black,

but on its face there are words written in pink text: 'I HATE BIRDS'.

Needless to say, you've come to be very proud of that purchase.

Fact 4:

Spinel rarely dreams, once you caught her dreaming, and she kept moving around with a smile on her face. Pretty much like how a dog dreams.

It's pretty cute.

Fact 5:

Spinel does have a few nightmares every now and then.

The first time she ever had a nightmare, it was a bad one, and she woke up with a loud yelp.

Poor thing was freaked out for hours, and was reluctant to go to sleep the next night.

She felt really bad. She had woken you up and made you worry; staying up with her the rest of the night.

From then on, anytime she has a nightmare, she's been forcing herself to suck it up and be brave, for your sake. She'll simply hold you tighter the rest of the night until she drifts off again.

Fact 6:

Spinel has been watching cooking videos and even some Gordon Ramsay to learn how to cook.

She cooks for you every few days.

Not all her dishes have been the best, but she's getting good. Plus it's super cute to watch her bite her lip as she focuses on her culinary tasks in the kitchen.

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Where stories live. Discover now