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(Y/N)'s POV

It is so late. Why the fuck is he here? I looked at the bi-colored hair male who walked into the park. By the time he walked to the monkey bars it was 11.30 p.m. I sat at the tree so no one could see me in case some heros had a patrol near the park.

Todoroki was sitting peacefully on the monkey bars watching the stars while I was hanging on the tree branch.

"Who are you watching?" The question was asked by my purple headed brother.

"Oh fuck!" I managed to scream while falling down. I caught a chance and bounced of the last branch and did a backflip to land on the floor. "How the fuck are you so quiet?!" I screamed at him while he was climbing down the tree.

"Were you spying on me or something?" The boy on monkey bars asked me suspiciously.

"Ah no. I was just waiting for this retard and chilling and it appears that you were here too" I looked at Shinsou and back at Todoroki. "So if you excuse us we will be going now." ending the sentence I started jumping with ease from monkey bars to the tree and then the next one to find myself a bit more far from heterochromic male.

"You fell for him didn't you" I looked with disgust on my retarded brother

"Ah fuck no. He is hot but not yet"

"So you're planning to do so?"

"Well maybe I'll see if something would happen"

"So we gonna do someting or what?"

"Fine fine."

We rolled two blunts and laid down on the big branch. We just chilled for some time until we heard some explosions and laughing. We looked at each other and hopped down to the ground. Having about 1/8 of the blunts in the hands we walked slowly in the direction of the laughing to find the four boys from earlier sitting and laughing and the red-white haired male gone. Not giving a single fuck we went to the tree near the monkey bars and sat on it ending our chill session.

Bakugou's POV

Me and the three idiots were sitting at the park. I don't even know why I came here. After some time we saw slut and the purple Aizawa walking in the direction of the tree. They had something in their hands. Were they smoking?! I mean why do I care. When they hopped onto a tree dunce face spoke up

"Ahh why do the have weed and we don't?" We looked at him and Tapeface answered

"They are not supposed to. Why do you think they are here and not at home? I don't know why but they have." After this lecture Shitty hair said something not even in the subject.

"Hey bros. Don't you think that (Y/N) is hot. I mean the way she dresses makes her more sexy" I looked at him with wide eyes while the other two agreed. I personally didn't know what to say I mean in fact she's hot but telling that shit I mean it's not like him.

"Oi shitty hair I did not think that you would say that what kind of shit. What do you see in her I mean she's just a slut" as I said those words we heard a rustling of leaves and someone started approaching us. We didn't think much of it and started talking further but as the Black figure was near us we started panicking a little and then we saw this bitch Shinzou who is looking at us with disgust.

"The fuck do you want from us purple Aizawa" I looked at him dead in the eyes and thought he would panic but he just came closer to us and said

" Listen here you little shit I am the only person who can refer to my sister as a slut no one else so shut the fuck up" we were stunned and looked at him like was an alien but he just walked away with (Y/N). After that we decided to go home.

As I laid in my bed I thought about what happened. They both have something odd about them. But I can't put a finger on it.

Todoroki's POV

I was sitting at the desk and wondered about the situation at the park. It was strange. Maybe a little too much. As I enjoyed the peace and quiet in my ears rang the voice of my father. It was suspiciously soft and kind. Deciding to eardrop the conversation I heard something drastic.

"Oh hello. What do you want at this hour?
About that I really suck at having a normal conversation with him but I tried.
No it did not go well.
I'm going to call you back in a few days because I have a business trip to another city." In the headset I heard a familiar screaming. The voice was familiar to me.

"DAD SHUT IT I'M TRYING TO TALK HERE. NO I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG THIS TIME" I knew this voice. But I shrugged it and went to bed.

(Y/N)'s POV

After the talk with Endevor I could tell that Shoto was eardroping on us. I heard a sigh and footsteps that were very light. Even though he didn't knew I was helping his father I knew he was going to try and find out.

I didn't believe in a so called 'second chance' but in love. In family everyone can change. Family is a different story with having chances. That's why I decided to help him. When I was little I met him and talked with him for a while. I think the words of hate or disappointment I told him were going to pick on him eventually and he was going to look for help. I just didn't know that he would look for help in me. I'm not a therapist of any sort but I'm happy that he tries to get help. I will at one point get him to go get real help but now he can't really.

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