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Deku's POV

Today got very weird. Normally (Y/N) is hanging out with me, Kacchan, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Shinsou but today she is sitting around with Mina, Jiro, Uraraka and Hakagure. I mean it is very nice to see her around with girls and not only us and it is great that she is interacting with others but it is just weird. I decided to ask her about it. 

"Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you for a sec?" she looked up at me and looked at the girls which just nodded. 

"Yeah sure no problem." she got up from her seat and followed me to the hallway. 

"What's up Deku?"

"Look I'm very happy that you have more friends and all but I thought you didn't like hanging out with other girls. Not that I mind just..." she giggled at me but answered.

"I know what I said but last night I met up with Ochaco and we kind of started talking and we found Mina and Jiro and we kind of hit it of so we decided to hang out more often."

"That's nice. Great actually but one more thing."


"You stopped being around Todoroki a bit and you are with him so what happened?" 

"Nothing to worry about. Really."

"Alright. Good to know nothing bad is going on." we parted ways and as soon as I got my eyes on Kacchan I took him by the elbow and took him out of the room.

"Well spill it!"

"What the hell are you talking about nerd?"

"I saw Todoroki and Momo kissing. Isn't Todoroki with (Y/N)?"

Bakugou's POV

Oh fuck. He found out. Shit. What do I tell him.

Suddenly the bell rung and we stopped the talk. We got to the class and sat in our seats. I was really scared. I passed a note to Deku telling him not to bring this subject with (Y/N) or Todoroki and leave it to them. The rest of the lessons were normal and boring. No one else knew what is going on. Girls weren't even concerned but all of the boys were worried.

"Hey guys. We have to do something and we have to do it now. It isn't normal for (N/N) to be so silent. She just went on the roof. Maybe we should follow her and try to talk to her alone."

"Dunce face what if she does not want to talk today? We could try but she'll just send us off back. There is no point in this." I just told dryly.

"Maybe but what if it is improtant?"

"Just leave her be alright. Give her time she has a lot on her mind and she has to have some time alone. She deserves a break form all that is going on around her." Kiri said. 

Even tho there were more argues we all decided to drop the subject and just let her be alone for one day. When I was walking out of the school I saw her sitting on the egde looking at me. I saluted to her and just went home.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked home in silence. I didn't want to see anyone. Walking to the house I ran upstairs and changed into some comfier clothes. I locked my room and sat on the bed wondering why can't I do anything right. I have friends and I have people to talk about it but it's just something that holds me down.  Welp it can't be helped. I just need to think of something on my own.

I was getting darker outside and Mic with Aizawa were on the patrol. Shinsou was in his room and checked on me. I told him I'm going out and will be back pretty late. He told me to be careful. Not looking back I ran as fast as I could to the abandoned part of the city. I didn't see anybody so I climbed the building and laid down.

After some time in peace I broke down crying. I hugged my knees and cried for about an hour until I heard a familiar voice.

"What happened doll face? Why are you crying?" Dabi kneeled next to me and took me into his arms.

"I don't fucking know what to do. I have everything I could ask for. Family, friends. But also my one boyfriend I thought I could trust just went on and cheated on me like that. I am just lost."

"Maybe be yourself. Don't give a fuck about him and just dump him but with style. Live your life like you want it."

I looked at him. His beautiful electric blue eyes pierced through mine. His look was filled with sympathy. I just knew that I can trust him. I hugged him and sobbed for a while. He rubbed my back and whispered nothings in my ear. I soon calmed down.

"Hey Dabi do you belive in love?" I asked standing up and walking towards the edge.

"It depends. I belive in feelings but I'm not really concerned with the idea of love. I just haven't found anyone that will make me feel differently."

"Well I hope one day you can find someone like this. Someone who you can trust without any doubt and someone who you will do anyting to be with."

"I sure hope too. Bye doll face."

"Bye burnt chicken nugget"

I laughed at the nickname and started walking to my house. I stopped at the park I met with Todoroki by an accident. I searched my bag and found some good stuff. I called Shinsou to come.

After a few minutes I saw the purple head walking towards me. I made myself comfortable and started to smoke. Shinsou soon climbed the tree and sat beside me. We talked and smoke for some time and when the green ran out we headed home. This night was crazy but worth everything. I know what to do now and not to fear anything. If something happens I can still find Dabi and talk with him.

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