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I looked at the child for a moment before jumping down. I walked over to him and kneeled down.

"What are you doing here kid?" I asked him softly which was a surprise to him.

"This is my cave and you are an intruder!" I stood up stright and looked at the boy. I bend down to show him my respect.

"I'm really sorry for intruding this place of yours. I just noticed the beautiful view and decided to watch it form here for a while." The child looked a bit embarrassed and he felt guilty of his actions towards me. "Now. What's your name young master?" With this question his head shot up and he looked at me with awe.

"M-my name is Kota! What is your name?" He asked.

"My name is (Y/N) Aizawa. Shall we go back to the camp young master?" I played a role of his butler. He was comfortable with it and seemed happy.

Kota and I went towards the camp. We talked a bit where I was still in a role of butler which made him laugh.

"Well (Y/N) what is your quirk?" He asked which made me stop for a mere second. I picked him up and placed him on my shoulders.

"My quirk is liquid manipulation. I can manipulate any liquid in any shape or form." He looked at me shocked.

"My quirk is Water Gun. I can shoot water out of my hands." He said now with a calm tone.

"Have you ever thought of becoming a hero?" This question made him angry. He tried to kick and punch me but he did not succeed.

"I HATE HEROS! THEY ARE SO STUPID AND RECLESS." He shouted but I immidietly calmed him down.

"Young master listen. For me most of the heros are recless and stupid. But we do those things to protect others. Sometimes we have only one way of doing things. We put our lives on the line to protect people who we love and care about. You do not need to like us but you need to understand us." Kota was listening to me with curiosity.

"Maybe you are right. But you are still stupid to protect others on the cost of your own life." While talking Kota started to fall asleep. I smiled to myself and walked all the way back to the camp with a sleeping boy on my shoulderes.

While walking I noticed that there are certain structures of the land. I knew for a fact that those are training grounds but it was a bit specyfic. I shrugged it off and walked past them. I made my way to the camp where I was greeted by an angry and worried Mandalay.

"Oh god there you two are. I was looking for you." She didn't notice that Kota was sleeping.

"Shhhhh. You'll wake him up." I wisper yelled.

"Oh sorry." She apologized and she led me the way to his room.

I put him in his bed and covered him with a blanket. He smiled trough his sleep. My heart was dying from his cuteness.

I waved them goodbye but did not get away from being scolded by Mandalay. I was walking around the building and explored it a bit when I stumbled upon my friend group in only towels. They didn't notice me yet so I took advantage of that. I walked closer to Kirishima and after a few seconds I jumped on him.

"AHHH." Kirishima screamed. Most of the boys looked his way.

"What's going on!?" Bakugo yelled and then he noticed me on his back laughing.

"Hi there!" I was smiling.

"My god (Y/N) don't do that again. And where were you?!" Bakugou and Kirishima said.

"I was exploring, singing and I'm a really respected butler." I giggled.

"You're weird. Where are you headed now?" Midoria asked.

"Well I'm headed to your room to find Iida and I'm going to Aizawa."

"Oh okay."

Kirishima walked with me to their room and placed me on the floor. I ran up to Iida and asked him if he could take me to Aizawa's room. I ignored Todoroki but I noticed that he wasn't even looking towards me. 

"Yes (Y/N). Let's go then." I nodded and said my goodbye to the boys. 

"Here we are." Iida showed me the right door and we parted ways.

I knocked on the door to Aizawa's room and heard a sign to come in. After I came in I saw wide eyes of my father. 

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Here and there. Long story. I had a question."

"Sure go ahead."

"Can I sleep in your room cause' I don't want to wake up the girls. They already went to sleep."

"Ah yeah sure"

I sat down at the floor and looked around before closing my eyes and starting to hum a random tune. Because Mic is also my father it came to me naturally to like music.

"You know kiddo I don't understand you sometimes." Shota suddenly spoke.


"You are really strong. Not to mention the two times that this bastard put his hands on you and yet you still can freely be around guys without any fear. At the same time you can be very emotional and delicate like porcelain."

"It's not that I'm strong I just don't show my weakness around other people. I know that you Shinsou and Mic won't do anything because you are my family and I can trust you no matter what happens to me. I'm a bit scared to be around some people but it is kind of my speciality to hide my feelings and fear. It's an occupational hazard I guess." I smiled lightly. He chuckled.

"Well get some sleep and remember no matter what they think of you you can trust those people. If anything goes sideways you always have me Mic and Shinsou and we will always love you for who you are and no matter how you feel." he kissed my forehead and laid down.

I laid down on the futon next to him and fell into a deep sleep.

Hi guys! I'm really sorry for not updating for so long. I had a block and a lot of school work. I'll try to do more chapters now but I cannot promise anything. If you have some suggestions or you want something specific to happen feel free to write to me and leave comments. Love you all~♡

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