Cali Girls

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"Model girls laying out in Venice Beach, the ones in magazines, they're hanging out with me," (R5, Cali Girls).

Rydel's POV - Day I

It was the beginning of summer and the band thought we needed a vacation. After asking our manager we were granted a month off. The boys had immediately thought of going home to California and staying at our beach house. I thought it was a fantastic idea so we got on a plane the following morning and went on our way to LA.

I had been quick to call the window seat and not to my surprise Ellington took the following aisle seat and my brothers crowded behind us.

Riker tapped my right shoulder to get my attention and I turned to look at him. "Can you believe it? I can't wait to get to our beach house!" he said with a burst of excitement. We were all pretty psyched to finally have a couple days to ourselves but Riker seemed to be the most anxious.

"What makes you so excited?" I asked with a chuckle of curiosity.

He looked around as if it was a secret, "Well, I can't say but trust me it's awesome," he promised. He smiled and I mirrored his expression. I wanted to ask more and more but knew he was the best at surprises and just let him live his dreams.

I turned forward and found myself staring at Ellington. His eyes as deep and brown as ever, I flinched as reality hit me and I knew if I let myself fall into them I would ruin everything. He quickly understood and brushed it off to go forth and start making fun of my oldest brother by squirming around like an idiot. I laughed and after a while playfully hit him to stop.

I had tried to take a nap but with no surprise I proved yet again that it was impossible to fall asleep around my brothers. Ross and Rocky were fangirling over pretty much anything and Riker wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was, which meant pretty much nothing, leaving Ellington who would simply make a joke out of everything. I can't say I was completely quiet either.

We arrived at Los Angeles International and Riker bolted to his feet as soon as it was legal and when we arrived at the house he was the first to get off.

What happened next made everything make sense.

"Hey you," we heard at the opening of the front door. I tried to see who it was but Riker hugged her, hiding her identity in his chest. When he had finally pulled away we all saw who it was and understood.

It was Scarlet, the little sister I never had. Although we were the same age I had always insisted on calling her my little sister. Maybe it was because she was a lot shorter than me or maybe—well mostly—because she'd been Riker's girlfriend for as long as I can remember.

"Little sister!" I sang as I brought her into a hug. "Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?"

"Hey Dells! Riker called and told me you guys were going to be here for a while and I thought it perfect to come join you," she answered with a bright smile as my brothers crowded around.

"Couldn't stay away could you?" Rocky flirted playfully. Scarlet raised an eyebrow but Ross interrupted by hitting Rocky in the stomach.

"What, no hug for your best friend?" he asked with his arms extended.

Scarlet smiled and met him with a hug. Ross hugged her tightly, closing his eyes until Scarlet pinched him and he let go.

"Hey Scarlet! Are you still ticklish?" Riker shouted before attacking her. She squirmed and Riker picked her up and took her inside.

"Wow this house is amazing!" Scarlet said in awe.

"I know right?" Riker agreed after putting her down. He turned to us, "So there are only three rooms in the house, all on the second floor. Meaning we'll have to pair up," he explained. Right away he shot a look at Scarlet as if he was hoping to room with her. Scarlet on the other hand didn't even look his way.

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