3. Marcia

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'' Jade? as in the greenstone? '' the elderly man in front of me spoke, with a yellow shirt covering his big beer belly and electric blue pants.  

'' yes sir, The name Jade In English is the name of a semi-precious stone. In Spanish, it means jewel. On a spiritual level, jade means is a special stone that is believed to develop wisdom, balance, and peace. '' as I continued

'' It is a unique, sturdy piece of apparatus that encourages our cognisance to progress at a more distinguished level. It also had the enchanting dynamism of protecting the disorders of the intestines. It's said that many people use the jade stone because they believed that it cured the pain inside. '' I finished and he looked at me like a lost choked fish. He reminded me of flounder. even flounder was better looking than him, to be honest.

'' But daddy I want to look like Princess Diana. She looked so beautiful on her wedding day! or even better! Meghan Markle! Oh daddy, what about my jewellery? I want diamonds on them! Not some greenstones!'' A chirpy voice spoke, definitely a spoiled brat.

She then turned to look at me and spoke '' Do you make custom wedding dresses? ''.

'' Off-course we do miss, just say the word and we will get the designer right away.'' I replied to her, I'm telling you the look in her eyes clearly said '' I am going to torture the designer'. Lord have mercy on Mark.

'' Done! I'll come back here on Monday! come on daddy let's go! '' She mumbled and pull the poor man out with her.

The minute they were out I pressed the intercom '' Marcia! Please, Please I beg you, get me fruit beer!'' I groaned

'' No drinking during work hours jade! '' She replied with a strict tone.

'' Oh come on woman! it's a fruit beer! it's not even alcoholic! '' I repressed.

I heard her mumble something in Italian, which I obviously could not pick up. '' Fine'' she replied, then continued to ask '' Flavour? ''.

'' Aww, Marcia! Peach Please! '' I grinned.

'' Ya ya, Bet you smiling like an idiotic fool! '' she said while I gasped.

'' Marica! How dare you speak to your manager like that! '' I acted like I was hurt by her words!

'' Oh come on! grow some balls '' that was all she said and the line went blank.

I chuckled at her antics, Marcia was a woman in her forties. During my first day here she helped me around. Now I did say that I handle all Mia's business, But I'm more attached to the wedding shop mostly because of the happy vibes and Marcia here.

There isn't much to handle at the bar and restaurants, they run well and they don't need much checking. Although if there are any issues I am always contacted and reported, everything that goes on there. If the liquor supply hasn't come, The produce for the restaurants and cafe hasn't arrived, If the worker's have issues I am requested, There is an issue with the customers I am summoned.

I work along with Marica Since this wedding shop also has an event managing part. It kind of get's a little messy here. With the event managers having tiffs with the wedding designers and other employee's. When we add in recruits it always competes against the event managers. Since some of the wedding dress consultants, do tend out of kindness to just add a little bit of advice to the event managers. Which they don't like at all.

Sometimes the orders for the flowers haven't arrived yet, the silk moonlight curtains are missing, someone's hair is on fire and someone wants diamonds hanging from their ballroom ceiling. It's either someone is suffering from sunburn or they have issues with the fitting's of the dress, they want the waist to be '' snatched '' more. Like damn you need to be able to breathe in that dress woman. stop acting like you have a waist like Kim Kardashian.

The trail needs to be super long like Priyanka Chopra's when she married Nick Jonas. Yeah then watch the whole church trip on your trail. Women, nowadays I tell you. All of them have lost their brain cells. They want glitter in their eyebrows and diamonds on their shoes.

'' Here I brought one for me, least I'll try to get a kick out of it.  '' Marica spoke as she placed my beer on the table and plopped herself on the chair in front of me.

'' Rough day? '' I asked her as I opened my beer and took a nice long swing of it.

No, I don't drink alcohol, I just don't like the idea of drawing myself into my sorrows and the addictive taste of it. I mean I do sip red wine, but it's only during occasions or gala's, birthdays or success parties. Nothing more or less so. yup and it's not cause of my Arab heritage nope nothing as such.

My mom is half Canadian- American and my dad is half Yemenis American. So yeah, My appearance and accent are what I struggled with most ever since I grew up. I have never seen any of my aunts or uncles, I never got to meet my dad's side of the family since he eloped and ran away with my mother. My mom stayed with her mother, who also eloped and ran away when she was younger. So I don't even know who is my cousin, who is my niece and whose dog I am supposed to take care of on a Saturday night. It's a whole story of running away.

'' Are you listening to me? '' Marica interrupted and I looked away from my thoughts.

'' Sorry? repeat, please? '' I asked her with a grin.

'' Olivia had called up, she said that a businessman is coming to check on the fifty per cent on partnership for the wedding shop. '' Marcia informed me

'' Mia is giving fifty per cent partnership?? '' I questioned in surprise,

'' why was I not told about this? '' I continued.

'' well you are told about this, I just told you,'' Marica said drinking her mint flavour beer. I scowled at the flavour of mint in beer. yuck.

'' His name is Eduardo Knight and he is twenty-seven, No babies yet and not married''. Marcia said, I just gave her the brow.

'' Oh come on! When I was your age I was banging every man that I found sexy! Yet here you remain seated with your legs locked! What are you waiting for? '' She growled and I smiled at her.

'' Marriage. '' I replied softly picking up my phone as I saw Olivia sent me a message.

Opening it, I scrolled through the documents that were sent through a pdf file to me. After taking a good few minutes, I came across the picture of the businessman that I was supposed to meet. He had beautiful chocolate eyes, a sharp jawline and not so plump lips.

he could use some vaseline.

But his eyes; his eyes revealed something so delirious and dangerous. He had the thrill right in his face, I couldn't see the rest of him but I bet he had abs and muscles.

I never took much of an interest in men before, but he was unique. He looked different, he felt rare. I felt a chill run up my spine... But I just could not--

'' You better bang him '' Marcia declared looking at me.

'' Marcia! '' I groaned.

'' What, that man screams sex on legs! '' She tried to persuade me as I kicked her out of my office.

Just in time after I closed my door, I heard another ping of my phone. Looking down I saw the time that I was allotted to meet Mr Knight and the place.

4:00 pm, Mystical Rose hotel.

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