Chapter One

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Mikas eyes fluttered open as the sunlight came through the curtains. She felt like she'd only slept for an hour or two, today was the day she had been dreading for a while. Ever since she and her boyfriend Namjoon officially got together 4 months ago. Mika had always felt out of place, like the odd one out, she looked nothing like her sisters or Korean father. She is half Korean and half-American, born in South Korea but grew up in America.

The family moved to Seattle when she was 3 years old for her father's job. She was the youngest of 5 girls and the second set of twins. Her twin sister Millie had the same Korean facial features, brown eyes and smooth black hair as her father and sisters while Mika had her mother's face, green eyes and curly blond hair. Growing up she struggled to accept herself within the family, she felt out of place beside them. Although she was raised in America with both Korean and American values, Korea was still a massive part of her life and who she was, but it was also a sensitive topic too. That's why she threw herself into music and writing.

Her father taught her piano from a young age and then her oldest sister Sara taught her the guitar when she was 10 years old. To the outside world she was Mika Park, a Grammy award-winning solo artist who was known around the world and played sold-out stadium tours. She was a strong, confident and independent woman who was not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself. Offstage was a different story. Suffering anxiety throughout most of her life had meant Mika was very different from the confident woman people saw on stage.

She was a worrier and preferred the quieter things in life, she was intelligent and very articulate. People judged her as a dumb blond who sang country songs and had nothing of interest to say. Her boyfriend was a member of a group called BTS so understood the stress and anxiety of the job, he was also Korean and here she was waking up to the day she was going to meet his parents.

She stayed still for a while, staring at the curtains, just wanting to stay there for the rest of the day. Meeting Korean parents was a scary prospect to Mika especially given how she felt about not looking Korean herself despite the fact she was half Korean. She could speak fluent Korean as it was something her father made sure his daughters could do. So, she knew language would not be a barrier at all, but it was hoping they would see past her western appearance and accept her as a woman who was good enough for their son.

Suddenly she felt a weight move behind her, the anxiety rising slowly. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer and she felt a light kiss placed on her shoulder.

"Morning" a husky voice said.

She relaxed a bit feeling his body warmth against her skin, she turned in his arms to face him. She still could not believe they were finally together after everything. His face moved slightly so his forehead touched hers and a small kiss was planted on her nose. It made her stomach flutter and the anxiety she was having started to fade. She looked into his dark brown eyes as he smiled at her, his adorable dimples appearing.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, his voice still husky from waking up.

She didn't really, it had taken her a while to fall asleep and when she did it was restless. Namjoon was a heavy sleeper so he wasn't aware of her tossing and turning. She didn't want to worry him, so she smiled and nodded. It was also the first time she'd spent the night at the house he shared with his bandmates.

Namjoon shared a room with Taehyung that was separated with a room divider. Both sides of the divider felt like 2 different rooms and not a large shared bedroom. Taehyung had offered to sleep elsewhere to give them privacy, but Mika did not want to put anyone out with her staying over. She also knew the reason the younger boy offered to sleep elsewhere was in case of any naughty things happening, but Mika had already told Namjoon there would be none of that with other people around, especially someone in the same room. Namjoon laughed and reminded her that they'd had sex in a small cupboard next to the boys dressing room a few weeks prior and it hadn't bothered her then.

"That was different!" She gasped as she gently hit his shoulder feeling her face turn red.
"How so?" he asked raising an eyebrow
"We hadn't seen each other for a while and well... I was horny." She said trying to bury her face into his chest to hide how red it was getting, "But so were you!" She added looking up at him before burying her face again
"Of course I was." He laughed
"Nothing will be happening tonight." Her muffled voice said from his chest as he smiled
"I know, it was never in my mind in the first place. I just like seeing you blush so much." He said kissing the top of her head as she groaned in embarrassment.

As she remembered their conversation from last night, she was made aware of Taehyung starting to get up. He was making quiet and slow movements. Namjoon said good morning to him.

"Oh, I wasn't sure if you were awake." Taehyungs deep voice said softly. "Good morning Mika, I'll see you guys downstairs for breakfast."

And with that Taehyung left. Namjoon brought Mika closer and let out a contented sigh. He loved waking up with her beside him, it didn't happen often, and he knew it wouldn't be a regular thing with both their careers so hectic and living on opposite sides of the earth too. He knew how precious this time was with her and didn't want to waste any of it.

They had met in 2013 and it was now 2017. They had known each other for 4 years, briefly became involved with one another in 2015 but it was over before it even really began due to Namjoons company being against relationships. Although they had agreed to stay friends, Mika found it too hard and they hadn't spoken in 2 years. A few months before they had reconnected when Mika took her niece to see BTS on their current tour, finding that their feelings were still there, and they picked up where they left off. Namjoon was not letting her get away this time. Their journey had not been an easy one, but it was a story worth telling.

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