Chapter Nineteen

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November 2015

Mikas album promotional tour was finished. She was now back in LA for a couple of weeks, she had been on a few more dates with Evan, they had spent a couple of nights together and things were going well. She knew she liked him a lot. Her thoughts had barely gone to Namjoon and she felt happier than she ever had in the past 4 months. She was sat in her studio when her manager, Amelia came in. Mika smiled as she saw her then stopped when she saw Amelia's face.

"oh, that is not a good face." Mika said turning around from the piano
"I have just had an email. You have been named as a song writing credit for a song." She said sitting down on the sofa
"I don't remember writing any songs with anyone." Mika replied confused
"Did you help write a song for BTS?" Amelia asked

Mika shook her head and then remembered. The day Namjoon kissed her, she suggested a line.

"Shit yes, Namjoon was working on a song and I helped him, but it was only 1 line!" Mika said
"Well BigHit are asking for permission to add you as songwriter credit. The song is going on their new album that is getting released in a couple of weeks. They need an answer by end of the week." She replied
"Did they send you a copy of the song?" she asked

Amelia nodded, Mika asked her to email it and she would listen later. When Amelia left the studio, Mika moved to the sofa. Her thoughts were pulled back to that day. She could remember his scent as if he was in the room with her right now, the touch of his lips, his hands in her hair.


Namjoon has been nervous to name Mika on the song writing credit because he knew it would mean the company having to contact her for permission. He knew she wanted to be left alone now. However her line was in the finished song for Whalien 52 and she deserved that credit. Sejin had said they had sent an email to her manager earlier that day and they would hopefully hear soon.

They were preparing for the comeback for the mini album so were busy in the dance studio. His dreams had lessened during the past month so he was sleeping better but was worried this would make them come back again. He hadn't spoken to Yoongi regarding the dreams yet but told himself he would if they returned. They were having a water break when Sejin came into the room.

"I have heard back from Mikas manager, she has declined." He said
"What does that mean for the album?" Yoongi asked
"The song will still be on it, she just doesn't want her name on it." Sejin replied
"Did she say why?" Taehyung asked
"Amelia said that Mika says it was only one line. Mika has listened to the song and wishes you all the best for the new album." He said
"She deserves the credit though." Jin said
"If she doesn't want it, fuck her." Namjoon suddenly said storming out the rehearsal room, "I am done with her shit."

His outburst made the Jungkook and Jimin jump in fright. They all looked at one another, Sejin following him. Yoongi ran after Sejin and told him to give him space. He knew going after him when he was in this mood would only make matters worse.


Mika had returned to her house; her head had been preoccupied with Namjoon most of the day. She couldn't concentrate on work so had called it a day. Evan had messaged her to say he had a few days off from filming so was on his way home. Mika knew she needed comfort to take her mind off it, so asked him to come over and she would cook dinner for them.

Mika found mundane things like cooking a way to relax her mind. She enjoyed it, it wasn't something she got to do a lot of in everyday life as she was usually on the road, in hotels so meals consisted of food on the go or restaurants. Mika was genuinely missing Evan as well so was looking forward to seeing him.

When her front gate alert finally rang out she ran to it and let Evan in. She opened her front door to see his car pulling up on the driveway. He jumped out the car, he ran over to her and picked her up.

"I've missed you." He smiled
"I missed you too." She smiled back kissing him

He kissed her back. Mika held him close and took in his scent. She hadn't realised just how much she had missed him until she saw him running to her. It had surprised her, the giddiness she felt when his name came up on her phone. Evan felt the same for Mika too. She had been honest with him from the beginning, she hadn't named Namjoon and never would but had let Evan know her heart had been hurting.

Over the past couple of weeks Mika was beginning to see the tough position Namjoon had been put in. She felt ashamed of how she acted afterwards now. She was wishing she could tell him how sorry she was. Taehyung too. She missed Taehyung so much.

As they settled down for the night after dinner, Evan pulled Mika into his arms on the sofa. Mika smiled as she snaked her arms around him. Closing her eyes as she enjoyed the gentle head massage he was giving her.

"Evan, I really like you." She said
"I really like you too." He smiled

Mika had come to realise that she should be more open about her feelings. One of her biggest regrets was not telling Namjoon just how much she did like him. She knew it wouldn't have made a difference to the outcome, but he had deserved to know that he was special to her.

"I want us to be official." Mika said looking up at him
"Are you ready?" he asked her
"I am." She said
"So am I." he smiled

They smiled to one another before their lips met in a soft kiss. Mika knew she was ready to move on. Both Mika and Evan had gone into it with their hearts hurting from previous relationships and together they were healing each other.  She knew she would always love Namjoon, he was her first real love but she needed to leave him behind now.


Yoongi walked into the dressing room to see Namjoon sat on the floor. His jaw was clenched, Yoongi could see the torment his leader was going through. He sat on the floor beside him. He wasn't going to push Namjoon to talk, he just wanted him to know he wasn't alone.

"I am sorry I snapped like that." Namjoon finally said
"It is ok." Yoongi said
"No it isn't. It really is not. I don't know why I did it. I am not angry." He replied
"You are though, you are angry at yourself, at her, at the company and it is ok to feel angry. But you need to start talking. You cannot let this build up internally. So, talk to me." Yoongi said
"I know I need to move on and forget about her, but I can't. I don't know how to." Namjoon sighed
"No one is expecting you to, you were in love with her. From what I can see I think you still are. This isn't something you can just 'move on' from. Just stop holding it in, come to one of us and talk. We are all here for you." He replied

Namjoon knew Yoongi was right. He needed to open up more and he made a mental note to do that. He wasn't angry at Mika, or that she didn't want to be credited. He had no idea why he snapped but Yoongi was right, he needed to get it under control.

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