Chapter Twenty-Two

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February, 2017

BTS were getting ready for the soundcheck for their Wings tour. It was their first night of a big world tour. They were starting it off with 2 nights in Seoul. The crew were getting things set up as the boys all stood around, chatting and messing around with one another. Sejin suddenly appeared taking Namjoon to one side.

"We have got a couple of VIPs visiting today, they will be sitting in on the soundcheck." Sejin said
"aw that's great, we will make sure to spend some time with them." Namjoon smiled, always happy to meet an ARMY.

Sejin was nervously moving around making Namjoon ask "is everything ok?".

He cleared his throat and said the words that made Namjoon freeze. Words he never thought he would hear.

"It's Mika." Sejin replied
"Mikas here, she is actually here?" he asked in disbelief, Sejin nodded.
"Her niece is a big BTS fan, Mika got her tickets for the show and her new assistant arranged for backstage passes. Mika didn't know about the passes, she only found out about it yesterday." he said

Namjoon felt his heart sink a bit realising it wasn't Mika who wanted to see him. Before he could say anything, he saw her, and her eldest sister Sara walk on the stage. She looked beautiful, more than he remembered her to be, her hair was a lighter shade of blond, shorter and straightener than the last time he saw her.

She was wearing black ripped jeans, a white T-shirt with a black and white checked shirt tied around her waist and a pair of red converse. She looked a lot slimmer though, he felt a hint of concern for her health as she wasn't that slim before. Holding her hand was who Namjoon assumed to be her niece, Younha.

"Are you ok?" Sejin asked him, just at that point Taehyung spotted Mika and ran over to them hugging her tightly

The rest of the boys walked over smiling except Yoongi, he looked straight at Namjoon from far away. There was an unspoken look between the pair that said the same thing Sejin had asked, Namjoon nodded and slowly started walking over to where the girl who still made his heart flutter stood. Taehyung was already on his knees talking to her niece, Younha excitedly and holding her hands as Jungkook released Mika from an embrace that had lifted her off the ground.

"You have become like a tank!" she laughed stumbling slightly as her feet touched the ground
"Well it has been 2 years since we last saw you, I've worked out a lot in that time." he replied chuckling then suddenly remembering, his eyes flickering to the leader.

Namjoon and Yoongi had reached them by this point. Yoongi beside him, letting him know he was there for him. Namjoon was in disbelief that she was standing infront of him. He hadn't stood this close to her in nearly 2 years. Mika was a bundle of nerves. Since her break up with Evan 2 months before she had been keeping to herself, finding safety within her New York apartment. Millie had collected Mikas things from Evans house in LA and had sorted his things from Mikas house. Mika wasn't ready to go back to LA so spent Christmas and new years by herself in New York.

Mid-January she was tired of New York and finally caved in to Saras repeated requests to come stay with her in Seoul. Seoul was the last place Mika had wanted to be in the beginning as she was not only mourning the end of her relationship with Evan but the pain over Namjoon that she had pushed aside had returned. When she finally started to feel more healed again she took the next flight to Seoul and surprised Sara. She had been in korea ever since.

"I didn't know you were coming." Taehyung said, his face flushed with excitement at seeing her again
"This one is a big BTS fan." she said, placing her hand on Younhas head as the girl laughed, "I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said without hesitating BTS concert, so here we are."
"It's really great to see you again." Jin said, "and to meet this little ARMY."
"I've missed you." Taehyung said
"Yeah, I am sorry. It's been a long time. Look at you guys in your big stadiums now, you've all grown up." she smiled
"Are you friends with my Auntie Mimi?" Younha asked Taehyung
"We are." He smiled back at her as she looked up at Mika with her mouth open

Mika was painfully aware of Namjoon standing there. Her heart was racing, it had been racing all day. She had been nervous too, scared that the guys wouldn't want to see her but the greeting they gave her settled her fears. She was trying to bring herself to look in Namjoons direction.

Namjoon felt like everyone was waiting for him to say something, just as he was working up the guts to say something, she looked at him. He felt like his heart had stopped. Her big green eyes had always taken his breath away but after not seeing them for so long he had almost forgot how enchanting they were. Mika finally looked in his direction and felt a burst of butterflies in her tummy. She knew in that moment she was still in love with him. After all this time.

"Hi Namjoon." Mika said
'Namjoon' he thought, 'I am not her Joonie anymore.'
"Hi Mika, you must be Sara." he said to her sister bowing.
"Yes." she replied abruptly looking away from him.

'Fuck, well she doesn't like me.' he thought, he glanced at Mika who was glaring at Sara before seeing him looking at her. Her eyes softened immediately, she mouthed 'sorry' and gave him a small smile. Everyone's attention went to the 8-year-old girl in the middle, she was hugging Jungkook as Taehyung was pretending to cry that she loved Jungkook more than him while everyone laughed. Jungkook was holding onto her saying he wasn't going to share.

Namjoon felt a horrible sense of deja vu. Mika and he had first met on this stage before her soundcheck. Here they were, once again on that exact same stage. As if that deja vu wasn't bad enough a staff member interrupted them to say it was time to start the soundcheck, another stab of deja vu when she had to do her soundcheck. Mika took Younhas hand as she reluctantly let go of Jungkook pouting.

"Mama we've only just got here." she said to her mother

Sara stroked the little girl's black hair and opened her mouth but Taehyung spoke up.

"Tell you what, you go sit in the front row with your mama and auntie Mimi, and when we are finished you can come backstage with us for dinner. I can try to steal you away from Jungkook, does that sound ok with you?" he said

The little girl smiled and nodded. A crew member said they would take them, as they walked past Namjoon took one last look at Mika who was looking down at her niece. Sara's narrow eyes were fixed on him, 'wow fun times' he thought to himself as he put his earpiece in.

"You alright?" Yoongi asked

Namjoon could only nod before he glanced back once more to see Mika was looking back at him too. He smiled at her and felt his heart jump when she smiled softly back. He hoped they would get a chance to speak to her at some point but from the looks of Sara that was going to be difficult. Namjoon knew Sara was the most protective sister and she was overly protective of Mika. If she already didn't like him she wasn't going to let him near Mika.

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