Chapter Thirty - The Final

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September 2017

The flight to New York was long, no one got much sleep. Namjoon found himself looking through his phone of all the videos and photos he had of Mika, tears falling silently as he smiled at them. Memories flooding back to him, all her funny quirks, when she had her deadpan voice and the faces she made during it. He loved it all and the thought of him never seeing them or hearing it every again was too much for him to cope with. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, feel her wrap her arms around him, inhale her familiar scent and hear her tell him she loved him. Yoongi stayed by his side, he was worried for him.

"I can't stop going over my last conversation with her." Namjoon said
"You will drive yourself crazy thinking like this." Yoongi said
"I was more interested in talking to her about sex and thinking with my dick. Maybe if I hadn't been so fucking selfish I could have seen she wasn't well and helped her." He replied with a heavy sigh
"You couldn't have known, no one did. Not even Mika knew what was going to happen." Yoongi reasoned
"Her heart stopped Yoongi, she was dead. Mika died and if they hadn't brought her back my final conversation with her would have been that. It still could be." Namjoon said his voice breaking, "She can still die. I might not get to say goodbye to her."
"You cannot think that way." Yoongi said sternly, "Mika is strong, she is a fighter."
"I can't live without her. I have finally got her back and we love each other. If she does not make it, it will kill me. This can't be the end, her end." He cried

Yoongi had never felt so powerless before. He had spent many nights with Namjoon when he struggled during the 2 years and did his best to be there for not only his leader but his younger brother and his friend. However, he did not know how he could comfort him in this situation. Yoongi knew he could not even begin to comprehend the pain Namjoon was in, the thought of the woman he has loved unconditionally for years possibly dying.

Sara suddenly appeared, she looked at Namjoon with sadness in her eyes. Yoongi shifted to the seat across from them as Sara sank to her knees in front of Namjoon and pulled him into her arms. Namjoon crumpled into her as she softly sshh'd and rubbed his back.

"Mimi will fight this." Sara said, "You won't have to live without her."
"Why can't it be me instead?" he cried
"Mika is strong, so much stronger than she gives herself credit for. When she was 7 years old, an older boy was bullying Julie in school, saying such awful things, racist things about her eyes and being half korean. Mika was always so small for her age yet she stomped over to this boy who was easily twice her size. Her chest all puffed up, on her tip toes to make herself look bigger and she gave the boy absolute hell for upsetting her big sister. She didn't lay one finger on him but with her words alone she had this boy in tears." Sara laughed softly
"I can picture that." He chuckled sniffing

This was the first time Sara had even looked at him without narrowing the eyes, without feeling bitterness towards him. She had still not trusted him but she could see now how much he loved her. Sara hated that it had took this for her to open her eyes and see how genuine Namjoon was, that he loved her baby sister with his entire being.

Mikas mom kept her word and messaged them with regular updates. Mika had a cardiac event through the night, so the doctors took her straight in to fit the stent. Namjoon spent the next 2 hours on edge even more than he was before until they got the message that the procedure was over, she was responding well and the doctors were weaning her off the induced coma. When they landed heard that Mika was in the process of waking up. Relief washed over him to know she was beginning to wake up, he knew she was not out of the woods yet but she was fighting.

They all went straight to the hospital. Millie was already at the hospital and Julie was on a flight from Berlin. Mikas parents embraced one another as Sara consoled a sobbing Millie in the waiting room before the 4 of them all clung to togther. Sara pulled Namjoon and Yoongi in to the family hug. Even though Yoongi did not like displays of affection or being hugged he sank into the hug, feeling the warmth and the love from Mikas family.

Rose explained that Mika was awake but in and out of it so only 2 people were allowed in her room for the time being. Sara immediately said that Namjoon should go in first with Rose. He tried to say that her family should go in first but stopped when Sara said that he was family.

"I know I haven't made it easy for you but Mika loves you and you love her. I see that now and I am sorry for how I have treated you. You are a part of our family, you deserve to be in there just as much as we do." Sara said taking his hands into hers
"Thank you." Namjoon choked, touched at her words and her acceptance

Rose walked with him down the corridor, she tried to prepare him for what he would see, telling him there was a lot of equipment and tubes but nothing could have primed him for the sight when he walked into the room. Mika was lying on the bed, she was hooked up to multiple monitors, she was getting oxygen, there was IV fluids being pumped into her, machines beeping steadily. He felt his legs go weak seeing her, Rose put her arms around his waist to support him and guided him to the seat beside her bed.

"You can hold her hand." Rose said gently
"I am scared, I don't want to hurt her." He whispered
"Don't be. I've been holding her hand this entire time but she will want yours." She replied, lifting Namjoons hand and placing it in Mikas

He softly wrapped his fingers around hers. His eyes looking up at her tiny body, her skin was not its usual pale shade, it was almost grey looking. The tears he had been trying to keep in fell down his cheeks as he began to sob. Rose wrapped her arms around him and held him as he cried.

"Do the doctors know what caused her heart to stop yet?" Namjoon asked staring at Mika
"Her rapid weight loss and the controlled eating." Rose answered sitting on the other side of Mikas bed, "Her heart valves were weakened and her heart was working overtime, one of her valves started to close and it caused her heart to slow down which is how she collapsed."
"What about the fall? Did she get injured from that?" he asked looking at her cast on her other arm
"She broke her arm but doctors said that fall alone could have killed her, they said she was lucky it was only a broken arm." she replied
"I thought it was under control again." He said his other hand softly stroking hers
"We all did. When I joined her I could see the weight loss and the lack of eating. I tried, god knows I tried to get her to eat more but she is stubborn. The more I mentioned it the more shut off she would become so I had to stop. I think her fall down the stairs earlier in the tour was from lack of energy." She replied

Namjoon jumped as Mikas fingers moved slowly in his hand. He looked up at her and saw her eyes opening. Her usual big green eyes looked dark, almost black. He stood up still holding onto her hand and softly put his hand on top of her head, careful not to disturb any of the tubes, cables or the oxygen mask.

"Hi baby." He whispered
"Joo...n" she croaked, "how... here?"
"I flew over straight away with your dad and Sara." He replied her eyes slowly closing and opening
"" she asked
"I am here baby girl. Mama is here." Her mom said smiling at Mika but her eyes were fixed on Namjoon
"How are you feeling?" He asked
"Hur...ts" she replied
"You go to sleep baby. You need to rest." He said
" don't.." Mika gasped, one of the monitors beeps increasing, her hands trying to grasp his but she was too weak to hold on herself
"Baby, I am not going anywhere." He said trying to keep her calm as she began to struggle to breathe

The nurse that was in the room with them walked over to look at the monitors, she increased the oxygen flow. She instructed Mika to slow her breathing down and that everything was fine, Mikas dark eyes were wide and looking at him. Namjoon held onto her hand reassuring her he wasn't leaving as he watched Mikas breathing begin to slow, finding comfort amd safety in his warm hands enclosed in hers.

The nurse injected a mild sedative into one of the IVs to let her get some rest and the monitors slowly went back to normal as Mika closed her eyes again. Namjoon sat down back, his eyes never leaving her. He was not leaving New York until he made sure Mika had the help she needed, he was not going to lose her. He knew it was going to be long journey, but it was one he would be with her every step of the way.


AN: I have decided to finish The Story of Us with this chapter as Book 2 is already in the process of being written. I will be publishing the first chapter soon. Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on The Story of Us, every single one has meant the absolute world to me.

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