Chapter Thirteen 🔞

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🔞 Mature content 🔞

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

June 2015

Mika had finished getting dressed for her first official date with Namjoon. Millie had loosely curled her long hair for her that she was wearing down, cascading over her shoulders. After much deliberation she finally decided on a red satin tiered dress that sat above her knees. Short enough to show off her legs but not short enough to need her having to grip the bottom of it in a constant panic she would flash anyone behind her. It was fitted at the waist and flared out around her hips; the neckline was low enough for a hint of cleavage without being too obvious. She had paired it with 6-inch silver stilettoes, a black Chanel belt, white clutch, a silver necklace and diamond earrings. She had hoped she wasn't overdressed or worse, underdressed for their date. Millie had assured her she looked perfect and to just enjoy herself. Also added that Namjoon would be tearing it off her later anyway, as Mika rolled her eyes and laughed.

The knock at the door made Mikas heart jump, she could feel her heart beating as she walked over to the door. Nervously opening it, she broke into a smile when she saw Namjoon standing in a suit and tie, flowers in hand. Butterflies in her tummy at the sight of her handsome boyfriend standing in front of her. He smiled back when he saw her. She let him into the room, resting a hand on his shoulder as he kissed her cheek.

"You look stunning." He smiled handing her the flowers
"More flowers, thank you baby." She said giving him a soft kiss

She walked back into the lounge and placed them on the table as he sat his overnight bag next to the bedroom door. He smiled more when he saw the bouquet he had sent earlier was sitting in a vase on the coffee table with his handwritten note sat upright in front of them. His eyes went back to Mika as he took her in. She looked truly beautiful; he couldn't quite believe she was his girlfriend.

Moving towards her he pulled her into his arms, her lips closer than usual to his thanks to her heels. She was still shorter, but she could easily lean up without having to pull him down when she wanted to kiss him like she frequently had to do. He almost didn't trust himself with how beautiful she looked, he wanted to drag her into the bedroom but shook the thought out his head.

"I have a present for you." He said handing her a small black giftbag
"You didn't need to get me anything, 2 lots of beautiful flowers in the one day is too much as it is." She smiled pulling out the black velvet rectangle box

He watched as she opened it and gasped when she saw the stunning diamond bracelet inside.

"Namjoon, this is too much!" she whispered
"Do you like it?" he asked nervously
"I love it baby, thank you." She said kissing him

He took the bracelet carefully out the box but ended up dropping it making Mika giggle as a 'shit' escaped his mouth. He sighed in relief it wasn't broken when he picked it up, placing it on her wrist she looked at his face as he nervously smiled clipping it on. He looked up at her and was taken aback by her big green eyes. They always managed to take his breath away.

"Are you ready for our date?" he asked
"So ready." She smiled to him

He took her hand and they left the hotel suite. She felt shy walking hand in hand with him, it wasn't something they had been able to do so she was enjoying it. Namjoon could feel his heart flutter having her hand in his, the last time they had held hands was after dinner with Katie and her boyfriend 2 months ago as they had walked back to her car. He felt her fingers slightly tighten around his and her thumb gently rub against his skin. It was something people took for granted, being able to hold hands with the person they loved and something he knew they couldn't openly do in public.

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