Chapter Six

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April 2015
Mika was backed up against a wall as Namjoon kissed her. She had yearned to feel his body pressed against hers, have his hands on her body, lips on hers and now it was happening. She felt like she was dreaming but it was every bit as good as she thought it would be. Nights she had dreamt of him kissing her, reality was so much sweeter than her dreams.

Namjoon was in a similar state of bliss. Never had it crossed his mind that Mika would be kissing him back. He felt he had crossed a line when he lost his mind momentarily when he leaned down to kiss her but when she pulled him back, his doubts disappeared.

Their lips eventually parted as they were desperate for air. The only sounds in the room were their heavy breathing. They stared at one another, neither of them able to speak. Mika gently grabbed his chin and pulled his head down, placing a peck on his lips.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to kiss you." She whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers

Her arms draped around his shoulders and he pulled her into a hug. He bent down to allow her to hug him without having to be on her tiptoes. He smiled at their height difference; it made her cuter to him. Even with her heeled platform boots on he was still towering over her. He pulled away from the hug, taking her hands in his leading her over to the sofa so they could sit down.

"I've waited so long for it as well." He smiled softly caressing her face
"Can we just order food in? I don't want to go out, I just want to be here with you." She said as their fingers intertwined

He nodded and pulled a stack of menus out his desk drawer. They looked through them all and chose what they wanted. As Namjoon ordered the food she nervously moved closer to him on the sofa, she could feel her heart rate climbing at being able to sit so close to him. His large hand uncertainly resting on her leg, she smiled to him to let him know it was ok. It was new for them both.

When he hung up the phone, they looked at each other. Mikas eyes dropped down to his plump lips again. He noticed this and leaned across to kiss her.

"Is this ok?" he asked her

She nodded and pulled him closer to her, kissing him passionately. Their tongues dancing together. Months of longing finally spilling out as they slid down on the sofa, Mika lying on top of him. Namjoons hands moved down her back and rested on her ass giving it a gentle squeeze. A sudden soft squeak escaped from Mikas mouth causing Namjoons stomach to flip. Mika started to giggle causing him to begin laughing too.

"Fuck, I don't know where that noise came from." She laughed hiding her flushing face in his neck
"That was cute." He snickered
"So you think I am cute then?" she asked gazing up at him, a small smirk on her slightly swollen lips

It was Namjoons turn to go red as they both giggled like little kids. She cuddled into him, wrapping her arms around his waist, her head on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing to her.

"I think you know the answer to that already." He chuckled softly
"So how long have you thought that?" she asked her fingers lightly rubbing his stomach
"I've liked you for quite a while. You said you had waited to kiss me. So, I take it you like me too?" he replied swallowing hard
"Since last year but the day we met at my show I had a bit of a crush on you, especially when you finally took those damn sunglasses off and I got to see those gorgeous eyes." She laughed softly as he cringed at the thought of it, "Just didn't think you would like me that way, so I didn't say or do anything."
"How could I not like you? You are incredible." He admitted, "I didn't think you would like me. I thought you liked Taehyung to be honest. You are both so close."
"Tae? Fuck no, he is like an annoying little brother to me. I mean I like him a friend but that's as far as it goes." She laughed, "It is you I have liked from the start."
"Why me though? I am not the best-looking guy; you could have your pick of any guy." He said quietly

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