Chapter Eleven 🔞

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🔞 Mature content 🔞

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

June, 2015Everyone was settling on the stage. Namjoons eyes drifted over to Mika who was sat incredibly close to Minho. There was only 2 people sat between Namjoon and Mika so he could partially hear their conversation and it was frustrating him. Jaw clenching slightly at the sight of her laughing at something he had just said. He hadn't had the chance to speak to Mika alone yet and it was really beginning to bother him.

He could feel Sejins eyes on him which was not helping. The staff hadn't battled an eyelid at the rest of the guys hugging Mika when she was in their dressing room earlier, yet he couldn't because he knew he wouldn't want to let go. Yoongi sat beside Namjoon giving him a shoulder nudged making him look away from Mika.

"You are staring." Yoongi said
"I can't help it, look at them." He said glancing back over, Mika was laughing even more now, "Mr fucking Perfect." He added bitterly
"Minho is just being friendly." Yoongi reasoned but he knew it was falling on deaf ears as Namjoons jaw clenched once more, "You need to quit that. Cameras remember."

Millie tentatively walked over to Mika handing her a bottle of water. She couldn't believe she was in the same room as SHINee and her sister was talking to them like they were old friends. How was Mika not losing her shit, Millie thought to herself. Mika thanked her for the water.

"Minho, this is my sister Millie." Mika said
"Ah, lovely to meet you." He said standing to bow to her as she bowed back, her face flushing almost as red as her hair, "Youngest or oldest?"
"Older, by 17 minutes." Millie said shyly
"Twins, awesome!" he smiled, "hey Taemin, this is Mikas twin sister Millie."
"Nice to meet you Millie." Taemin replied, a small shy smile on his face

Mika could see Millie was about to faint but was remaining in professional mode. She knew inside her sisters head it was exploding at Taemin smiling to her. Mika was tempted to tell Taemin of her sisters massive crush on the idol as payback for last night but bit her tongue. Millie bowed and excused herself.

Mika caught sight of Namjoon as she turned to put the bottle of water on the floor beside her. His jaw was clenched and not in the cute way. Eyes dark, staring at the floor, his knee bouncing. She wondered what was wrong and considered going to him but then remembered she couldn't.

"I had no idea you were a twin." Minho said bringing her attention back to him
"Non identical, obviously. 2 of my older sisters are identical twins though. Infact all my sisters are identical bar me; they got all the Korean genes from my dad. I got the American genes." Mika laughed
"Nothing wrong with your American genes but you can see your Korean features when you smile." He laughed back

Namjoon heard this. He knew how Mika felt about not looking like her sisters and the anxiety it gave her. Here she was laughing about it and with Minho of all people, who sounded like he was flirting with her now too. He took a deep breath moving seats to the other side so he was as far away as possible from Mika. He was now sat beside Taehyung who could see the exchange between Mika and Minho.

"Nothings going on." He said to Namjoon
"I know that." Namjoon snapped
"Right, come with me now." Yoongi said jumping up and dragging Namjoon off the stage

He pulled him back into their dressing room that was now empty.

"We have 20 minutes before filming starts so get out whatever you need to get out." Yoongi said sternly
"She is too good for me." Namjoon said flopping onto the sofa putting his head in his hands, "She is beautiful, smart, funny and I am just me."
"She likes you for you though." Yoongi said softly
"I see her with Minho and they look good together. I look at her exs and I can see why they were together. I look at myself and I don't get it." Namjoon replied tears filling his eyes

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