Chapter Fifteen

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June, 2015

Mikas eyes opened slowly. They were puffy and hurt a lot. She didn't even remember falling asleep, but she knew she had cried herself to sleep. The pain hit her again, washing over her entire body as she remembered the previous day. Rolling over in the bed she pulled herself upright, her feet dangling over the edge. She looked down and saw her phone. Sighing she picked it up off the floor to see many notifications and missed calls from a lot of people.

Mika scrolled through the names – Sara, Millie, her mom, her manager, music producer, Taehyung and then the name that made her want to throw the phone. 'Joonie' His name on her phone usually filled her with joy, she never thought she would feel pain seeing it. Contemplating whether to read the messages or not she decided against it for now. She moved through the rest of the messages and saw lots from Millie. Opening her contacts, she called her.

"Dude, you never get sick. Are you pregnant?" Millie laughed answering
"Are you busy?" Mika asked, her voice husky
"I'll be over in a few minutes; do you want any food?" she asked
"No." Mika said before hanging up

She soon heard the hotel suite door click open as Millie had let herself in. She walked into the darkened bedroom, Mika lying on the bed. Millie immediately running over to her sister, she knew instantly something was very wrong.

"Mika, what is it?" she asked climbing up beside her as Mikas tears began to fall again

Millie lay down beside her, pulling her into her arms and held her. Mikas sobs were heart-breaking to hear and her entire body was shaking. Millie had never seen her sister in such a state before, it was worrying. Millie held Mika tightly until she settled.

"Just tell me when you are ready." Millie said softly, brushing Mikas hair with her fingers
"Joon and I broke up." Mika whispered
"I thought things were going well?" she asked shocked
"His company found out about us." Mika simply replied


Namjoon had spent the past 24 hours in a daze, he was present and professional for the interviews but once in a private room he was quiet. Yoongi and Jin had spoken to the others to let them know that Namjoon had broke up with Mika so they were giving him space while trying to support him too. He had messaged Mika earlier to ask if she was ok but she hadn't replied yet, he knew she was busy and would probably be asleep too. She hadn't been replying to Taehyungs messages either which was unusual for her.

Namjoon had barely slept the night before, her words echoing in his head. 'Better to end it now before any feelings got involved anyway.' That was too late for him as he had already fell in love with her and he thought she was beginning to develop deeps feelings for him too. Maybe it was just a fling in her eyes.

When they arrived back at their hotel rooms, Jin had gone straight into the shower. Namjoon sat at the desk staring at his phone. He knew it would be morning for her and decided to give her a call.


Millie and Mika were now sat at the dining table in her hotel suite. Millie had managed to get Mika out of the bed and ordered room service. Mika pushed the food around her plate, she wasn't hungry. Millie stared at her. Mika had told her everything that had happened, and she was shocked. She was furious at him; she had defended him to Sara.

Millie grimaced internally when she thought of how Sara was going to react to the news and what she would say to Mika. Millie knew Mika would lose her shit if Sara dared say 'I told you so'. She made a mental note to tell Sara separately and make sure she did not upset Mika. Saras heart was always in the right place but she was blunt and to the point. She didn't realise how harsh her words came across at times. Millies focus was looking after Mika.

"You need to eat something." She said
"I am not hungry." Mika snapped dropping her fork onto the plate with a clatter and pushing her seat back from the table
"Do not get sassy with me." Millie scolded her

Mika looked back at her sister and rolled her eyes picking up the fork again. She took a bite of the scrambled eggs.

"We can reschedule todays work for another day." Millie said opening her schedule book
"No." Mika said loudly, "I've already missed one day." She added
"Mika...." Millie said softly
"No, Millie. One day is one too many. I am going for a shower." She replied grabbing her things and walking into the bathroom

She threw herself onto the armchair that was in the large bathroom and sighed. 'Why didn't he just tell me from the start?', she thought. She wouldn't have ended things like he thought she would. Her mind started wondering back to their last night together, how tender he was. How loving he was, holding her hand during their date, the way his fingers intertwined with hers when they made love. That night wasn't just sex for her, and she had thought it was the same for him too. She almost told him she was falling for him that night. 'I thought he was falling for me too.'

Her phone buzzing pulled her out her thoughts. She hadn't realised she had picked it up with her things. Pulling it out from the pile of clothes she looked at the screen. The name and photo that came up on the screen made a pain hit her chest. His beautiful face. Fresh tears gathered in her eyes as she looked at it. She stared at the phone as it continued to buzz until it stopped. She closed her eyes as the tears fell, jumping slightly when the phone buzzed again after a few minutes indicating a voicemail had been left.

Mika slowly stood up and walked over to the counter. She placed the phone on it and took a deep breath. She needed to get ready, telling herself she would call him later.


Namjoon put his phone onto the desk. He wasn't surprised she didn't answer but he was still sad at not getting to at least see if she was ok. She hadn't read any of his messages yet so he could only assume she was just too busy. With a heavy sigh he stood up from the chair and got himself ready for bed, brushing his teeth as he sat on the bed since Jin was still in the shower. He picked up his phone once more, he opened his gallery and scrolled at the most recent photo of Mika.

It was from their last morning together, she was sat cross legged on the bed, having just woke up at 7am to say goodbye to him, her hair in a messy bun, a massive smile on her face as she laughed at him doing an aeygo to get her to smile for the photo. He had wanted to take a photo of her before he left, Mika was refusing to smile, saying she looked like shit and it was too early for a photo. He knew his aeygo was her weakness, it worked though. She burst into laughter and he caught the most beautiful photo of her in his eyes. The real Mika, his Mika. Except she wasn't his now, not anymore.

Tears came to his eyes as he looked at the photo. As he lay back on his bed, the tears spilled over and ran down his cheeks. The pain in his chest was something he had never felt before, he knew it was heart ache. The only sounds in the hotel room was his quiet sobs and the shower running.

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