Chapter Seventeen

276 8 7

September 2015

Namjoons arms were wrapped tightly around Mika as the cold breeze blew around them. Her back was to his chest as they looked out over the lake. It was peaceful and calming. The sun was setting in the distance making the sky light up a mixture of purples, pinks and oranges. Mika turned her head slightly as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I love you." He whispered
"I love you too." She smiled back at him her lips connecting with his again

Namjoon woke up with a start as a pillow was thrown at his head. He looked around the room to see Jungkook sitting up on the bed beside his, puffy faced and hair sticking up.

"You were talking in your sleep again and woke me up." He grumbled

Jungkook flopped back on his bed and pulling the covers over his head as Namjoon lay back down. 'Of course it was a dream.', he thought. It was always a dream when Mika was involved. 3 months had now passed, and he had not heard a thing from her. Neither had Taehyung. Namjoon had continued to reach out to her, he cut back on the calls and only sent the odd message now in the hopes she would reply. She was reading them but not replying.

The guys were in the process of finishing off their The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Part 2 album so he was being kept busy with recording, writing and producing but he was still dreaming of her. Not as often anymore, in fact this was the first dream in a couple of weeks. He wondered if she ever dreamt of him.

Namjoon closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep but eventually gave in and admitted he was awake now. He moved over to the desk in the corner of the hotel room, switching on his laptop and putting his headphones in. Opening his work folder he booted up his music software, he had been working some lyrics for a new song so he may as well try to finish them off since he wasn't getting back to sleep. He pulled out his lyric notebook and a pen, flipping to the page.

An hour later he was finished. He listening to the melody through his headphones and sang the lyrics in his head:

'Memories crumble like dried flower petals at the tips of my fingers, under my feet. Right behind your back I'm chasing butterflies, so lost in dreams I follow your traces. Show me the way, please stop me, let me breathe.'

Namjoon switched all his equipment off and crawled back into bed. Jungkook was still fast asleep, he felt slightly jealous watching his youngest member sleeping so peacefully. He worried the dreams were coming back again, as much as he wished he could stay in them forever he knew he had move on. Mika clearly had.


Mika woke to feel a pair of arms wrapped around her. She smiled slightly, feeling comfort in the strong arms. She ran her fingers along the bare skin, the owner of the them moaning slightly. Mika sighed as she remembered the arms weren't Namjoons. She was trying to move on and had decided to get herself out into the dating world. She wanted to be a normal 21-year-old and go dates, so she did. Many dates, some were good, some were utterly disastrous and some were pure physical but the owners of these arms had been around for the longest. They weren't officially together but weren't seeing other people either. To be honest, she wasn't looking for a relationship, she just wanted to have fun, to forget and Taron Egerton was certainly fun.

Mika turned in the bed and was faced with Taron, he was smiling down at her. She liked him but he wasn't Namjoon. She knew she shouldn't compare him, or any men to Namjoon but couldn't help it. She missed him, so much. The pain still hit her when she thought of him but it was beginning to lessen.

Mika kissed Taron softly before getting up. He groaned as she left his warm arms and tried to pull her back down as she giggled.

"I have to get to work." She said falling back into his arms
"I know but I want you to stay here." He pouted
"I can't." she laughed freeing herself from him and getting up
"Be my girlfriend." He said
"Taron, we've spoken about this before." Mika sighed going into the bathroom
"I know but I will keep asking until you say yes." He laughed

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