Chapter Three

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Present - July 2017
Namjoon and Mika were lying in his bed, cuddling one another. They were in a content little bubble. He felt her fingers gently rubbing his lower back under his t-shirt, he looked down at her and saw her smiling with those crescent moon eyes he loved so much.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all day we do need to get up, we need to leave by 12pm. Jin said last night he would cook us a good breakfast." he said stroking her hair

Immediately he felt her entire body stiffen, her fingers stopped moving, and her eyes were back to be their usual size, but they were different. He knew what it was. Namjoon had been aware of her anxiety, he knew she feared meeting his parents even though she had never said the words to him.

He leaned down, placed his lips on hers, and kissed her gently, "Hey, don't worry. My parents are going to love you."

She gave him a lopsided smile and untangled herself from his arms to sit up.

"Breakfast sounds good." she said, standing up from the bed, putting her glasses on and threw an oversized cardigan on over her PJs.

He stood up as well and patted over to where she stood as she ran her fingers through her hair to smooth it down. He pulled her into his arms, he felt her hands rest on his waist as they looked at one another. Namjoon gently tilted her chin upwards to kiss her, both finding comfort as their lips touched. His kisses always made her feel better.

As the kiss began to deepen Mika felt herself get carried away, she began to crave him. Their lips parted and his tongue slid into her mouth. Her hands moved up to his hair, he moaned gently as he loved the feeling of her fingers in his hair, his hands moved down her back. His body was beginning to react, and she could feel twitching in his PJ bottoms.

Mika knew they were getting carried away and needed to stop but his lips were too sweet. He pulled her body closer to his, her heart rate increasing at the close contact. It had been a while since they were this close, his soft moans into her mouth were making her knees weak causing her fingers to grasp his hair gently. Hands were getting lower down her body, their tongues exploring the others when Mika heard what sounded like a cute Yoongi sneeze from the hallway pulling her back to reality.

She pulled back still holding onto Namjoon, one hand cupped his face, the other rested on his shoulder. They looked at one another smiling for a few seconds as Namjoon tried to clear his mind to calm down the semi that was already beginning to poke Mika in the leg.

"Sorry for my awful morning breath." she said giggling causing him to laugh loudly and suddenly scooping up her legs into his arms. She let out a small scream as he did this.

"Your morning breath has nothing on mine." he said.

She laughed as he carried her out the room, both silently praying he wouldn't drop her. He didn't have the title of God of Destruction for nothing after all. They made it safely down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Jin at the stove as Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin sat at the large kitchen table.

"ah the happy couple" Jimin said as Jungkook started humming the Wedding March.
"Shut up Kookie" Mika laughed.
"Hey if your boyfriend walks in holding you like a bride what do you expect?" he laughed
"The annoying maknae has a point." Jin said laughing
"Alright Joonie, time to put me down." she said looking at him as he pouted back at her

Namjoon walked over to the table and gently placed her on a seat beside Jungkook that Jimin had pushed out for her with his foot. He gave her a sweet kiss to the lips as the maknaes made fake vomit noises, Mika giving them the middle finger as she kissed Namjoon back.

"I take it from the grand entrance and the smiles on your faces you two had a good night." Jimin grinned raising his eyebrows from across the table, "and with innocent Tae in the room as well!"

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