Chapter Four

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Spring, 2015
Mika had a 2-week break from work and was spending it in Korea visiting some family. Her sister Sara lived in Seoul with her husband, Seojun and their 6-year-old daughter Younha as well as he dads side of the family. She had travelled over with her other sister Katie who was mostly visiting her boyfriend Marcus, Mika knew she would barely see Katie as no one else existed when she was with him.

Mika had arranged to meet up with Namjoon for a couple of days during her trip. She was excited to see him and hang out with him. They spoke on the phone a lot, text each other nearly every day and had a lot of facetime calls. She was also looking forward to seeing Taehyung but mainly Namjoon.

She knew early into her friendship with him that she liked him. He was sweet, kind, a proper gentleman, funny, a total nerd like she was, they could have deep conversations but also silly conversations. He was also as clumsy as she was. Mika had opened to him about her anxiety, how she felt like the odd one out of her family. The bullying she endured in school, kids saying she must be adopted because she didn't look like her sisters, some even going as far as saying her dad wasn't her dad.

It wasn't easy for Mika to talk about her feelings openly and as a child she was very closed off. Her dad saw this, understood why. He taught her the piano from a young age, something his mother had taught him as a child. Mika had a passion for writing too and he encouraged this to express herself.

Namjoon was easy to talk to, he understood and always had the right words to say. She sometimes wondered if he was even a real person, as she had never met anyone so perfect. Soon she began to develop feelings for him, she liked him more than a friend. Knowing he was out of her league she kept her mouth shut, there was no way this amazing man would like her that way.

Unknown to her Namjoon felt the same way. He was also looking forward to seeing her during her trip, although he was needing to finish off a song, he invited her along as he would appreciate her input. He was impressed with her songwriting and valued her opinion.

Namjoon was sat at his computer staring at the screen, with his eyes flickering to his phone every so often. Mika was on her way and he felt butterflies. He rubbed his face, trying to calm himself down. It was just Mika, his friend, he tried to remind himself. Just his friend, a good friend but just a friend all the same.

Suddenly his phone sprang to life, a text saying she was in the lobby. He jumped from his seat, grabbing his phone and turning quickly. In his excitement he forgot he was still wearing his headphones, his head was pulled backwards slightly, the cord violently yanked out the socket and smacking him on the leg. Cursing slightly at his clumsiness, he threw the headphones on the seat and made his way out the studio.

He found Mika in the lobby, she looked amazing. Her usual curly hair was straight, he had never seen it that way before, but he loved it. Her green eyes seemed brighter every time he saw her. She smiled at him as his heart fluttered. 'Stop it.' He said to himself

She skipped over to him giggling, holding 2 coffees, she handed one to him as he put an arm around her to give her a side hug. She smelled so good, of roses and faint vanilla. They made their way up to his studio.

"How was your flight yesterday?" he asked taking a sip of the coffee she had got him
"Boring. Katie slept the whole time and then when we landed, she totally ditched me for Marcus who met us at the airport." She rolled her eyes
"Well can you blame her? She hasn't seen him in a couple of months." He laughed
"Normally I wouldn't but we were supposed to go out for dinner all 3 of us but I got a 'we have other plans' text. She was more interested in getting laid than spending time with me. So, I spent the night all by myself, in my hotel room watching movies with room service. I brought the wrong sister with me. Julie wouldn't have done that shit to me, she has family loyalty at least." Mika laughed back sipping her coffee
"You should have text me; you could have come over to ours for dinner." He said feeling bad she spent the night by herself
"I didn't want to bother you guys." She replied
"You never could." He said smiling at her, his eyes gazing into hers
"So how is the song coming on?" she asked nervously looking at the floor

They spent the next hour discussing the song, she went over the lyrics with him and listened to what he had so far. She sat beside him at the desk, leaning close to him as she looked at his work. Namjoon could feel his nerves rise at her being so close, the ends of her long hair were softly touching his bare arm that was resting on the desk. He gently bit his lower lip.

"I can't get past this bit; the line doesn't feel right to me." He said rubbing his forehead
"How about you try 'lonely lonely lonely whale singing alone like this even with me, who's like a lonely island, can I shine on the outside'?" she suggested singing the part, he looked at her his eyes wide, "Sorry. What you have is good already." She added feeling nervous at his look, worried she had offended him
"No, that is actually really good. I like that better." He smiled at her, "could you sing it again for an audio file so I could let the guys hear it? I liked the way you sang it."

Mika could feel her face heating up at his words but nodded as he got his phone ready. She cleared her throat and took a sip of water so she could sing it properly. Namjoon was in awe listening to her sing, he secretly loved hearing her sing infront of him, her voice was amazing to him. He saved the file and was finishing up updating the new lyrics.

Mika leaned back in the seat as she watched him. Her eyes looking at his face, he looked so cute when he was working and concentrating. His jaw slightly clenched and his eyebrows lowered down. Her eyes glanced down to his lips, they looked so soft and plump, her mind beginning to wonder how it would feel to kiss them.

Namjoon looking over at her pulled her gaze away from his lips, her eyes immediately going to the floor. He shifted in his seat, he had felt her staring at him, and he couldn't deny he enjoyed it but it also made him nervous too. Mikas eyes tentatively looked back up at him, her fingers nervously fumbling.

"Well that's everything saved, I've done as much as I can for today. Do you want to go get some lunch?" he asked
"Lunch sounds good." She smiled standing up

As he stood up too her eyes were still on his. He gazed back into hers, they were standing so close to one another. The world around them seem to zone out, they were enthralled by one another's gaze. His coffee brown eyes were pulling her into him. Namjoon leaned down and gently placed his lips on hers. He instantly regretted what he did, expecting her to push him away or slap him.

As he was about to pull back and apologise profusely to her, Mikas lips moved back to his and kissed him back. It was a gentle kiss, slightly hesitant. His lips were just as soft as she had always imagined they would be.

Namjoon felt her hands rest on his waist giving him the courage to place a hand on her cheek. At the contact their kiss changed instantly, it became more assured. Lips moving together, Namjoons tongue lightly brushing her lips asking for permission which she granted, opening her mouth for his tongue to enter. There was no going back from this now.

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