Chapter Twenty-Three

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February 2017

As Mika, Sara and Younha took their seats while the boys prepared for their sound check Mika nudged Sara's shoulder. Mika was furious Sara was so dismissive of Namjoon. She knew going into this that Sara would be on the defence with him, Mika had warned her before they even left for the venue that she didn't want to make things more awkward.

Mika didn't need to worry about Sara on top of everything else. She already feared how the guys would react to her being there, Taehyung especially. For all she knew they would turn them away, refuse to have Mika backstage full stop. If that happened she was willing to leave but ask for Younha and Sara to stay as she knew how much her niece loved them. Mika just wanted Younha to have the best day and not have it affected because she was an awful person to the nicest men she had ever had in her life.

"What was that for?!" Sara said rubbing her shoulder dramatically even though Mika knew she hadn't hurt her
"Why were you so rude to Namjoon?" Mika said quietly and in English.

She didn't want Younha to hear but the little girl was away in her own world anyway sat watching her favourite band. She was completely oblivious to the 2 sisters glaring at one another.

"Because he hurt you when he dumped you. He is a dick!" Sara answered
"Ok first he didn't dump me by choice, it was his company that wouldn't allow the relationship. Secondly, he is a good guy, he doesn't deserve to get the full Demon Sara experience. And thirdly he is not a dick!" Mika said glaring harder
"Hey, Demon Sara comes out when people I love get hurt and you were hurting. For fuck sake Mi-Kyung, you told us he was lying to you about his company knowing. He is a dick, period." Sara countered
"Don't use my Korean name just to make a point." Mika said rolling her eyes
"We didn't see you for months. Eomma and Appa were so worried about you, we all were. You were hanging around with so many men. I don't want you going back to that dark time." Sara said
"I was working on my album, that's why you didn't see me. Yes, I was going out too, I am still allowed to date like every normal woman my age. Only difference with me was that it was all publicised, and I was made to look like a slut who was sleeping around when I wasn't! I was going through the motions, but I was fine." Mika said
"Don't get sucked in by him again." Sara retorted
"He never sucked me in the first time." She replied
"He messed you up, I won't let him do that again." Sara said
"Sara, please just don't give him glares. This is all hard enough for me, cutting him out my life wasn't easy. Today's about Younha. She's been looking forward to the concert for a while and I want her to have a good day. My assistant, although she did all this sound check stuff behind my back, went to a lot of trouble to arrange this for her. Let's just give this one a great day." Mika begged

Sara looked at her baby sister, she was fiercely protective of all her sisters but more so Mika because of how she felt growing up. It didn't matter if she was Mika Park, global superstar to the world, she was still her little Mimi and always would be. Sara knew Mika was a grown woman, she needed to make her own mistakes and learn from them, but it didn't stop Sara wanting to protect her.

"Ok, I'll play nice. I know this isn't easy for you. It's just because I love you." She said pulling her baby sister in for a hug. "He is still a dick though." She added
"Sara!!" Mika muttered

The sound check had gone well, Younha was dancing around and even got on stage with them to dance to Fire as the boys showed her the routine. Mika smiled watching her niece with them, how good they were with her and how happy Younha was. When Mika bought the tickets for the concert, she had no intentions of letting them know she was even there, but her assistant had really done good getting this for Younha and watching her face light up was worth being around him again.

They were now all sat in the boys dressing room at a table that had lots of food on it. Younha was sitting between Taehyung and Jungkook as they were both making her laugh. Mika was sat in the middle of Jimin and Jin with Sara sitting next to Namjoon. Mika kept her eyes on Sara to make sure she was keeping to her word of playing nice. So far, she hadn't seen any glares or narrowing of the eyes, but Sara hadn't spoken to him either as she was speaking mostly to Yoongi and Hobi.

Namjoon hadn't really spoke much during the meal, he looked at Mika a few times hoping for her to look at him. He wanted so much to speak to her alone but her scary sister was always close by. When Sara took Younha to the toilet he took his chance. His heart was beating fast, his hands suddenly felt sweaty. He walked over to her and sat beside her. She shifted slightly in her seat to face him.

"Hey Mika, how have you been?" he asked nervously
"I've been good. You guy have really done amazing. I said you would have big stadium tours, didn't I?" she smiled
"You always had a lot more confidence in us than we ever did." He chuckled "Your album was amazing by the way. It was definitely worthy of the Grammy awards you won for it."
"Thank you. I was a bit scared of the reaction to it as it was more pop than country, but I got such positive comments about the direction my music was going in. I am not the little curly blond country singer anymore and I wanted to show how I'd grown." She said smiling and turning to face him fully
"What is next for your music?" he asked
"The next album is already in the works. I've recorded most of it, first single is getting released soon and filming the music video for it next week actually." She replied

He loved how passionate she was about her music. It was one of the many things that he admired about her.

"Is there any chance we could talk alone later?" He nervously asked looking at his hands, too scared to look at her
"I don't think we will have the time." She said and he nodded, still looking down.

He knew she wouldn't do it, but he had to ask.

"You guys will be getting ready soon and we will need to take Younha home as it will be late so we can't hang around after the show." She said reaching out and touching his hands which were fumbling in his lap. Her sudden touch made him look at her. "I do want to talk to you, to explain things." She added

He felt like his heart was going to stop. Her touching his hands, her green eyes staring into his and now saying that she did want to talk.

"We can go talk now. Stylists won't be coming in for another hour, Sara and Younha can hang out here with the others." He suggested his heart pounding

Mika thought for a second, pulled him to his feet and nodded. They quickly left the room still holding hands, he took her down a corridor and into a small room. The sparks flew immediately as soon as the door was closed, hands still connected. They looked at one another, both wanting to make a move. As if in sync they grabbed each other and began kissing. It was as if it was 2 years ago and no time had passed.

It was alive and electric, she pushed him against the door moved her hand down to lock it. His hands were roaming over her body as she spun him around and pushed him down onto the couch. He had never seen this dominant side of her before. She straddled his lap, sitting on him and began kissing him again.

"I've missed you." He mumbled into the kiss as he felt himself getting hard
"I've missed you too Joonie." She said calling him her old nickname making him kiss her harder

He was lost in her touch, her familiar scent was intoxicating to him. Her soft lips moving against his as his tongue entered her mouth. They had crossed the invisible line again and neither of them wanted to stop what was going to happen.

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