Chapter Eighteen

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October, 2015

Namjoons dreams of Mika were becoming more frequent. Almost every night. He didn't want to wake from the dreams as he felt safe and secure within them, but he was also becoming afraid to sleep. He had nights where he didn't dream of her and he always woke up feeling refreshed but the nights he had the dreams he woke up feeling sad.

The others were seeing how affected their leader had become. Yoongi had become the person he could go to, he listened to Namjoon and allowed him to communicate what he was feeling but he had kept the dreams from Yoongi. He didn't want to worry him, not when they were working on their latest mini album. He knew he needed to keep his focus on work and thankfully working on the songs was helping him but come night-time his thoughts were with Mika.

He was doing his best to ignore the articles he was reading of her going on dates. However seeing the blurry and grainy photos of her leaving restaurants, nightclubs with men with their arms around her and that smile he loved so much made his heart hurt.

Sejin called Namjoon into his office. He had been noticing the change in Namjoons moods, he was more quiet than usual. One of the other managers and a couple of staff members had spoken to Sejin about it. All of them out of genuine concern. Sejin knew that it would only be a matter of time before Bang PD found out so decided to speak to Namjoon in private. He wanted to help him in any way he could.

"Thank you for coming." Sejin said as Namjoon sat down
"Is everything ok?" he asked nervously
"Yes, I am just a bit concerned about you. You haven't really been yourself lately. A couple of staff members have noticed how quiet you have become." Sejin said leaning back in his seat
"I am sorry, I will work harder." Namjoon replied
"You already do work hard. Too hard sometimes. Are you doing ok?" he asked
"I just miss her." He finally said
"I am here if you need anything, if you need to talk or just sit. My door is always open." Sejin said
"I know, Yoongi has been a great help." Namjoon said
"That is good to hear, I am glad." He said

Namjoon left Sejins office and made his way to the rehearsal room. If people were noticing he was acting differently maybe he should talk to Yoongi about the dreams, or to someone at the very least. He didn't know how to even begin though; it had been 4 months. He should be over it by now but his heart was still with her. He unlocked his phone and pressed her number. Putting the phone to his ear he felt his heart beating as the long-distance call waited to connect. It went straight to voicemail. This was the third time in a row it had done that; she was known for always having her phone charged up. Something wasn't right.


Mika nervously walked into the private entrance of the restaurant. It was beautifully lit up with fairy lights on the ceiling, private booths with candle lights flickering. It felt too romantic for a second date. The restaurant was her choice and she was beginning to regret it. Making a mental note to kill Millie who was the one who suggested this restaurant as she walked over to the hostess.

The hostess took her to the table to see her date was already there – Evan Peters. He stood up and smiled to her as she walked over. Little butterflies in her tummy, it had been a while since she felt those butterflies. She smiled back to him, he gave her a gentle hug, pulling her seat out for her. As she sat down her pushed it in and sat across from her. 'Why am I so nervous?' she thought

"You look beautiful." Evan smiled to her
"Thank you." She replied feeling a bit shy
"How was work today?" he asked
"It was good. The album is ready for release in 3 days, so next few weeks will be hectic with lots of promotional work." Mika replied smiling with excitement
"Well I hope you can ping me a little text here n there while you are off travelling the world." He laughed
"I will try." She giggled, "how about you?"
"Busy, lots of meetings today." He sighed, "Filming for the next season of American Horror Story begins in a couple of weeks so it will be a lot of table readings, character production meetings, costume fittings. So it looks like we will both be busy."

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