Chapter Nine

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**Mentions of an eating disorder**

Present – July 2017
Whenever Namjoon thought back to the moment he decided to continue his relationship with Mika without letting her know that he was hiding it from his bosses he knew that was when he put the nail in the coffin and set the relationship up to fail. How he was standing in front of her kissing her right now was a mystery to him. He never expected to even be in the same room as her again let alone back together.

Namjoon set up the shower for Mika as she wrapped her cardigan around her body. Worry began to creep in at the fact she was hiding so much but he just wanted to get Mika through this meeting with his parents before speaking to her about it. It was important for him that they got to meet the girl he had loved for years and was getting a second chance with. Neither of them had said the L word yet but they felt it. Both too afraid to say it and scare the other off.

Namjoon gave Mika a final kiss and left her alone to have her shower. She took the rest of her clothes off and got in. She let the warm water run over her body as she closed her eyes, trying to calm her hectic mind that was beginning to run away with her. Anxiety creeping over her like a dark cloud, her chest tightening.

"Stop it Mika." She whispered to herself

Mika knew she couldn't let Namjoon see her like that. She got herself showered, got out and dressed into a pair of grey sweats and a large black t-shirt. Seeing her reflection in the mirror running a hand over her stomach she felt disgusted at her figure. What she was seeing of herself was not what the reality was. when she looked in the mirror she felt disgusted, all she could see was fat.

Mika was already worried about the next couple of days, the boys ate big meals and she was wondering how she would be able to eat as little as possible without them noticing. Jin paid attention to everyone eating as he took pride in seeing people eat and enjoy his cooking, so she knew it was him she had to fool mainly. She couldn't go back to LA having gained more weight, not when she was filming her next music video the day after getting back. She knew there would be no time to rectify any weight gain so she needed to be very careful while she was here.

She went back into the bedroom to see Namjoon lying on the bed, he smiled as he saw her and she smiled back. He got up and pulled her in for a kiss before he got himself ready for a shower too. Mika sank onto the floor in front of his full-length mirror and began to blow dry her hair, decided to wear it straight. It wasn't long before Namjoon came back into the room freshly showered too.

He noticed she was staring into the mirror, she hadn't notice him come out the bathroom. He watched her as she stared, like she was in a trance. He knew her anxiety was creeping in and that he needed to help her with it. He sat beside her, she jumped slightly.

"Hey, it is ok. Look at me, just take a deep breath." He said taking her hands into his

Mika did as he said, copying his breathing. She felt his hands gently squeeze hers bringing her thoughts back. The burning pit in her stomach beginning to settle down.

"Everything will be ok. I will be with you the entire time; I won't leave your side at all." He said as she closed her eyes and rested her forehead on his
"Thank you." She said kissing his hands

She turned back to the mirror and started putting her make up on. Namjoon stood up and got himself dressed. They were having lunch at his parents house as Namjoon wanted to keep the meeting as low key and relaxed as possible for her.

"Do I look ok?" she asked nervously

She was dressed in a knee length lilac dress with a white shrug and white ballet pumps. Her shoulder length hair was perfectly framing her face. Namjoon was left speechless at how beautiful she looked. All he could do was nod and she smiled to him. He was wearing a pair of black pants with a white shirt loosely tucked in.

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