Chapter Two

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BTS had just had their debut a few weeks before and it was a very busy and nervous time for the boys. Mika was in the middle of her first world tour for her second album Speak Now and was in Seoul. The boys' company Big Hit had arranged for them to attend Mikas concert as a treat but also to see a live performance of a big scale. One of their managers was friends with the stage manager for the Asian leg of her tour and had managed to get them soundcheck and backstage passes.

Before the soundcheck, they had the chance to go on the stage. As the boys walked around and looked out at the venue, they felt overwhelmed at the sheer size of the space. They wondered if they would ever play such a venue, it felt like a dream that was out of their reach.

Namjoon was standing at the edge of the stage, looking out at all the seats. He tried to imagine all the people sitting in them when he heard a small voice behind him say hello, it made him jump as he was lost in his thoughts. He turned to see Mika smiling up at him. Immediately he bowed down to her.

"You don't need to bow down to me. It's nice to meet you." She said sweetly in fluent Korean

Namjoon was surprised to hear her speak Korean and so overwhelmed that he bowed down again while saying hello back.

"Surprised I can speak Korean?" she giggled seeing his stunned face

"Y-yes." he stuttered

He knew of Mika briefly, admittedly her music wasn't what he listened to, but his younger bandmate Taehyung was a fan. An American singer who played country music, so fluent Korean she was speaking really had surprised him.

"Most people are. I am half Korean on my dads' side. My sisters and I were brought up knowing Korean as a second language. I can't really write or read it as well as I used to though, don't tell anyone." she admitted with a soft chuckle looking down at her feet.

He was in awe of how fluently this American country singer was speaking, he did not expect it at all. He was ashamed to admit he expected a strong southern American accent.

"It is an honour to meet you, thank you for allowing us to be here." He said
"Oh, you are welcome. The stage manager for the Asian leg of the tour is friends with your manager. When he said it was for BTS it was ok with me! It is so nice to meet you." She replied smiling
"So, you know about us?" he asked, surprised once more.

This girl was full of surprises, he thought.

"Oh yeah, my sister Millie is a massive kpop fan. She told me I had to check you guys out as I'd like you, I hate when she is right." she laughed as they began to slowly walk to the centre of the stage. "I like your songs, they are good."

Her band was starting to set up as they continued to chat. Namjoon could see Taehyung watching them from a distance with his mouth open, he asked Mika if she could meet Taehyung as he was a fan, she turned around giving him a massive smile and beckoned him over. Taehyung looked shocked when he saw her but ran over.

"Hello." he said as he bowed down, his face flaming red, "It's an honour to meet you."

Namjoon watched as she laughed softly and spoke with his younger bandmate, clearly, he knew she could speak Korean. 'A heads up would have been nice' he thought. Her long blond hair was tied back into a ponytail, with some stray strands hanging loose around her face. Her eyes sparkling green, like emeralds.

He had no idea she was half Korean; she didn't look it until she smiled. She had the perfect crescent moon eye smile and he could see some Korean features to her face when she smiled and laughed. He was amazed by her beauty; she was only wearing minimal makeup so he could see how naturally beautiful she was. A crew member suddenly appeared handing a microphone to Mika signalling it was time to start the soundcheck. Mika turned back to the 2 boys.

"Feel free to stand at the side or take a seat out front." she smiled to them, her eyes looking at Namjoon.

He felt his heart flutter slightly at her gaze.

"erm, I'll see you guys after sound checks done, we can all get some food so I can properly meet you all. If you guys want to that is." She said her eyes looking down at her feet briefly

'Was that a hint of nerves in her voice?', he thought but quickly disregarded it. What would she have to be nervous over talking to them? Taehyung quickly nodded, saying thank you and bowing again. Namjoon knew from that moment there was something special about this girl, he was intrigued by her.

She was the opposite of what he thought and was ashamed to admit to himself he had judged before meeting her. He thought she would be a typical country singer, a ditzy blond with nothing of interest to say and an empty airhead.

Mika liked him instantly.  He was tall naturally, had really frizzy dark hair that was styled up making him look a lot taller. He wore dark sunglasses that hid his eyes but he had a really kind smile and she had to admit the most adorable dimples.

After her soundcheck, they had got talking more backstage and he found her to be intelligent, friendly and incredibly witty. She didn't take herself too seriously either, he liked that.

He found out her father, Tae-min was Korean while her mother, Rose was American. Rose had moved to Korea with her family when she was 12 years old and met Tae-min at school. They were the same age, became friends quickly, he helped her learn Korean and they fell in love. It was the classic high school sweetheart relationship; they had married young and started a family quickly.

Mika was a month younger than Namjoon, born October 31st making her and her twin Millie Halloween babies. She was the youngest of 5 girls, they all had their Korean names but were known by their western names. The oldest was Sara (Su-mi) born in 1987, identical twins Katie (Kyung-ah) and Julie (Jung-ah) were born in 1991 and then finally Millie (Mi-ja) and Mika (Mi-Kyung) in 1994.

All girls were born in Korea, but the family moved to Seattle when Mika was 3 years old for her fathers' job. They moved around the states for a while before finally settling in Nashville when Mika was 9 years old. Her father was keen for his daughters to understand their Korean culture so ensured they could all speak, write and read Korean but he always wanted them to embrace their mothers' culture and the culture of their new home too.

Namjoon was interested in hearing about her upbringing and her family. He learnt how her father had taught her piano from the age of 6 and her sister Sara later taught her guitar. How music was an outlet for her as she grew up and how it was something that she found comfort in.

Namjoon could relate to this as he too had found comfort in music growing up. Although a very different type of music to Mika it was something that he understood. The escapism music could give someone, a creative outlet and a way to express oneself.

During the show he watched as she commanded the stage, this small girl alone on that stage had the entire audience's attention, she was out there alone with no other members to support or back her up, she had a stage presence he had never seen before.

He could feel the atmosphere was alive, everyone was singing and her voice, her voice blew him away. He knew he wanted to know her more, see what other surprises she had. After the show, they all got to see one another again. Mika finally got to see his eyes as he had now taken the sunglasses off. His eyes were gentle and kind. They were hooded and dark chocolate brown. She was instantly pulled in by them. She swapped numbers with them but Namjoon and Mika had struck up an instant friendship. She was just as intrigued as he was.

It wasn't a friendship anyone would have expected given on the outside they were opposites but inside they got one another, there was something there that neither of them knew just how much would develop over the years and the hurt that was in store for them as well.

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