Chapter Twenty-Five

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February 2017

The door to the dressing room suddenly opened for them to see Jungkook looking scared. Mika knew Sara was the cause of it. She smiled apologetically at him as she walked in. She saw Demon Sara on the cusp of coming out. Sara's face relaxed when she saw her sister walk in but her eyes narrowed at the sight of Namjoon behind her. Mika looked over at Younha who was on Jins shoulders with Taehyung chasing them. Mika couldn't help but laugh at this. She sat beside Sara who was looking at her.

"Everything ok?" She asked
"Yeah, we needed to talk. Clear the air. I feel better for it." Mika said looking over at Namjoon as he was talking with Yoongi

Namjoon saw her looking at him and smiled to her, she smiled back before looking back at Sara whose eyes went dark seeing the eye contact the pair just had. Mika took her sisters hand which immediately softened Saras eyes as she looked back at Mika.

"I need you to trust me." Mika said
"I do, it is him I don't trust. I don't trust anyone who can or has already hurt you. I am just worried about you. I know you hate when I am like this. Please don't shut yourself off again." Sara said hugging her baby sister
"I won't." Mika replied
"He is still a dick though." She whispered as Mika burst out laughing slapping her sisters leg

It was soon time for the boys to get ready for the concert. They said their goodbyes to the girls, Younha pouting that it was time to leave. Mika longed to hug Namjoon and give him a kiss but she knew with Sara and Younha in the room it was impossible.

The room became a buzz as stylists, make up artists and hairdressers came into the room. Namjoon felt butterflies in his stomach thinking of the night ahead. He was excited for the concert, putting on a show for the fans but also knowing Mika would be watching him.

He had managed to text her Sejin was arranging transport for her sister and niece to get home and Mika could travel to the hotel with the boys before it was time to head towards the stage. Sara was not happy when Mika told her the plans but kept her mouth shut. Mika text him back with a selfie of the three of them from their seats. Each of them holding an army bomb.

It made his heart leap; he showed the others and they all laughed taking a photo of themselves to send back. Yoongi looked at the leader as he text back, his face glowing with a different kind of happiness he hadn't seen from him in a long time.


Namjoon and the boys walked back into their dressing room. The show had went great but they were all exhausted. Drinking cold bottles of water and wiping off their sweat with clean towels they were spread out in the room. Most of them lying down on the many sofas.

Sejin had let Namjoon know that Mika was on her way backstage. Jin, who was sharing a room with Namjoon, had offered to stay in another room to give them privacy. Namjoon was thankful as he knew he had to make the most of the time they had together. The boys got changed into clean clothes and freshened up before packing up their belongings.

Sejin came back into the room with Mika behind him, Namjoon couldn't help but smile when he saw her, she ran over to him and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, giving her a kiss. Whispering how much he missed her made her smile.

"You guys were amazing!" she said to them giving them all hugs

They were taken to the cars. Jimin, Taehyung, Hobi and Jungkook in the first car, then Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Mika in the second one. Namjoon held Mikas hand the whole time. Jin and Yoongi were talking between themselves.

"Jins staying in with Yoongi and Jungkook tonight so we have my room to ourselves. I am not expecting anything, if you want to go back to your own hotel at any point I will arrange a car to take you." he whispered to her
"and what if I don't want to go?" she asked before he leaned down to kiss her hearing the two elders groan
"Are we going to have to get used to that?" Jin laughed

Namjoon and Mika looked at each other before giggling and kissing again. It didn't take long to arrive at the hotel, thankfully through a secure entry so Mika wasn't spotted. The 8 of them walked down the corridor towards their hotel rooms, Namjoon and Mika trailing behind the group, holding hands and giggling like little kids once again.

Jin looked back and said he needed to pick up a few things from the room but he wasn't even sure if they heard him because they were in a little bubble. Jin felt like he had gone back in time looking at them together again.

"Are they like a couple again?" Jungkook asked
"No idea, I think they have a lot of talking to do." Jin replied
"And making up to do from the looks of it." Jimin laughed
"I don't want her going away again though." Taehyung said
"It's not about what we want though. Namjoon said that she explained why she cut contact. She was hurting, like he was. She's said that she still likes him and we all know he never stopped loving her." Yoongi pointed out
"I wonder if he's got condoms." Hobi said suddenly making the youngest members gasp "What? Are you honestly telling me you couldn't feel the sexual tension between them in that lift?" He added
"He has a point. Namjoon hasn't been with anyone since he and Mika split up so I can't see him having any." Yoongi said
"I have some in the room, I'll let him know where they are." Jin said
"JK looks like he's about to faint." Taehyung laughed
"It's too much information for my innocent brain. I don't know what's worse, you guys talking about Namjoon getting laid or knowing Jin has a supply of condoms" He pouted as the others laughed

They had arrived at Jin and Namjoons room first. Jin picked up what he was needing for the night. He motioned for Namjoon to come into the bathroom as he got his toothbrush and skincare things.

"Condoms are in the middle drawer." He said quietly
"What? Why would I need to know that?!" Namjoon said his face flaring red
"You are a red blooded 22-year-old, things happen, and it is Mika, the woman you've been in love with for 2 years. There is no way you two aren't going to keep your hands off one another the second I leave the room." Jin smirked patting him on the back before leaving the bathroom

Namjoon followed him back into the room and Jin said his goodbyes to the pair. As the door closed, they both looked at each other, smiling shyly at one another. Namjoon offered Mika a bottle of water from the minibar. She gladly took the cold bottle and took a drink, her mouth getting very dry suddenly.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked her
"You don't need to ask me." She nodded

Namjoon took a step forwards, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body into his. Their lips connected softly, moving together. Her arms rested on his shoulders, one hand touching the nape of his neck and the other in his hair as the kiss deepened.

"Like I said I have zero expectations. We can talk, we can watch tv, we can do whatever you want." He whispered
"I know." She said kissing him again before pulling his T-shirt off "I want to do this. I want you."

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