Chapter Twenty

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December 2015

Christmas was in 2 weeks. The boys were busy with filming, photoshoots, interviews. You name it they were doing it. Namjoons moods had evened out, he was beginning to open more to Yoongi and Jin. He was finding it helpful. There had been many nights filled with words of regrets and bottles of Soju, nights that resulted in sore heads the following day but 4 weeks and no dreams.

The new mini album The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Part 2 had been received well. Things were going very well but Namjoon was waiting for something to bring it down. He was right. It would be in the form of an Instagram post.


Mika and Evan had been talking about going public for awhile. They had been reportedly dating for weeks now, ever since they were photographed holding hands after their 2nd date. There had been a few other occasions they were photographed together as well. The paparazzi had even taken to hiding outside the gates of Mikas LA home to catch the pair together.

They were getting annoyed with having to play 'dodge the paps'. They wanted to be able to walk around holding hands without looking over their shoulders, attend events together. They had decided the best way to go public was a simple instagram post.

Mika was back in New York and they decided to take a photo of themselves in front of her Christmas tree. They had just finished decorating it when the idea came to them after taking a selfie together as they were sat on the floor.

"Should we just do it?" Mika asked
"There's no time like the present. And we do look very cute in this photo, well you do." Evan laughed
"You look adorable with your Rudolph ears on." Mika giggled pointing at his headband
"Very manly aren't they?" he replied with a smirk, "Let's go for it."

Mika felt like there were a thousand butterflies in her tummy. She uploaded the photo and wrote the caption "My Evan the red nosed Reindeer." She showed Evan it before posting. He pulled his phone out and uploaded the same photo to his own account with the caption "my little Elf" referring to Mikas elf hat headband. They looked at each other and nodded before both pressing the post button at the same time.

"Well that is us definitely official now." Evan laughed
"No going back, sure you still want me as your girlfriend?" Mika said crawling towards him
"Absolutely." He smirked as she got closer to him
"Then let's celebrate properly." She said kissing him
"I won't turn that down." He mumbled against her lips as they fell back onto the floor nearly knocking the tree down in the process, making them both giggle


The news of Mika and Evans joint Instagram posts spread online fast. It didn't take long for the articles to appear online. Fans were going into overdrive at the confirmation of the speculated relationship, the cute post of the couple wearing Christmas themed headbands with the twinkling fairy lights from the tree in the background.

It didn't take long for the news to reach Seoul either. Taehyung was the first one to see the photo, he was still following Mika on her social media accounts. Hoping that one day she would get back in touch with him. Unlike Namjoon he hadn't deleted her number from his phone yet. He hadn't called or messaged her for weeks as he didn't want to find out if she had blocked him like she had Namjoon. It would break his heart if she had.

Taehyung stared at the photo, if he knew that this photo wasn't a ticking time bomb he would have been smiling at how cute it was. The background of the tree and lights perfectly framed the photo as the smiling couple looked incredibly loved up. He knew this was going to break Namjoons heart. Namjoon had just managed to piece himself back together. Taehyung knew if anyone should break the news to Namjoon it should be Yoongi, so he went to see him in his shared room with Jin.

Both men were lying on their separate beds. Yoongi was listening to music through his headphones, his eyes closed while Jin was reading. Jin smiled to him as he walked in but when he saw his face he knew something was up. He put his book down and sat up from his bed. Yoongis eyes opened slightly to see who had come into the room. Like Jin he took one look at Taehyungs face and knew he didn't have any good news.

Taehyung sat on the end of Yoongis bed and handed his phone to him. Jin moved over to see the screen and felt his heart drop. The 2 elders looked at one another. The 3 of them knew this wasn't good.

"You need to be the one to tell him Yoongi." Taehyung said
"It will be easier coming from you." Jin added
"I know. This will break him though." Yoongi sighed
"We will be here for him. That is all we can do." Jin said
"He is in our room." Taehyung said quietly
"I guess there is no time like the present." Yoongi said

Yoongi stood up from his bed and slowly made his way down the hall. He didn't even know how he would word it to Namjoon. Praying the words would come to him by the time he reached Namjoon and Taehyungs bedroom. They hadn't so he decided to just say it as it was, he knocked the door and heard Namjoon shout him in. Namjoon smiled as he saw Yoongi walk in.

"What's up?" he asked
"Mika put a post up on her Instagram. I think you should see it." Yoongi said

He passed Taehyungs phone to him. Namjoon didn't really want to look at it but if Yoongi had brought it to him he knew it was important. As he looked at the phone it was what he had feared for a while now. He felt a small pain in his chest as he handed the phone back to Yoongi.

"Evan has posted the same photo on his Instagram, from the looks of it they both posted at the same time." Yoongi said
"Yeah." Namjoon managed to say
"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked
"It hurts." He answered honestly, "but it was going to happen at some point."
"You know that we are here for you, so don't close yourself off again." Yoongi said
"I do and I am grateful to you all. I know that I haven't been the easiest person to live with or even be around for the past few months, but I am thankful to you all." Namjoon said in earnest

Namjoon watched as Yoongi left the room after he assured him he was ok for now. He spun around in his chair to face his computer again. The dull ache in his chest was still there. He always knew this day would come and that it would hurt no matter when it would be or who it was with. He found himself looking up Mikas Instagram account on his phone to look at the photo again.

She looks happy was his first thought. He looks happy too, was his second thought. All he wanted for Mika was for her to be happy, whether it was with him or someone else. He had accepted it was never going to be with him now. He just hoped that Evan would treat her how she deserved to be, that he would look after her and make her happy. And she looked happy now. His fragile heart once again shattering as he switched off his phone.

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