Chapter 16

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Taeyeon let's out a groan at the faint whisper. She move her body away from the figure.

"Taeyeon, come on... we're gonna be late.."

She harshly grab the blanket and covered her head, ignoring the call. She heard a sigh.
She then feel a hand on her shoulder, slightly moving her.

"Come on..."

She groans again.

"Five minutes." She mumbled loud enough.

She heard the latter click her tongue.

"Can't, everyone's gonna be there soon. We'll miss the fun."

Taeyeon let's out a loud huff and tried to get back to her deep slumber. She inwardly celebrated when she didn't here anything.
Instead, the blanket on her shoulder suddenly lift up, exposing her. She was wearing a tank top and some PJ's so her shoulder was exposed.

She slightly shivered and was about to protest but she suddenly felt a warm thing on her bare shoulder. She tried to ignore it but her heart pounded hard when she realized that the figure was slowly peppering small kisses on her shoulder.
She then feel the lips move upward towards her neck then to her earlobe.

She flinch at the contact and let out a groan. She heard a faint chuckle from Tiffany. Taeyeon immediately shuts her eyes more to sleep, hoping that Tiffany would continue what she was doing before.

But then her disappointment kicks in when Tiffany stood up from the bed and opened the window.

"Finally, you're awake."

Taeyeon groaned.

"No, I'm not."

Tiffany giggled at the silly remark. She then faced Taeyeon.

"Go get a shower and dress up, Miss Kim. We're leaving in less than an hour."

Taeyeon then harshly stood up from the bed and looks at Tiffany, more like glaring.

"I said I'm not awake!" She almost shouted.

Tiffany looks at her and nod.
"Right. I'll prepare breakfast, get ready."

With that, Tiffany lefts the room leaving the sulking kid---I mean Taeyeon.

Taeyeon looks at the door in disbelief after Tiffany left. She slowly felt her cheeks heat up, remembering the kisses Tiffany gave her a minute ago.

Argh, that woman is really something.


"Hopefully, for the last time, No Taeyeon. We're not changing destination."

Taeyeon let's out a growl at her girlfriend's statement.


"No buts Taeyeon, don't disturb me. I'm driving. We'll be there soon."

Taeyeon huffs and slams her body back to the passenger seat. She then pouts and took out her phone to play some games, distracting herself from her frustration.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at the childish act of her girlfriend.
Earlier ago, Tiffany was left no choice but to change driver when they left for only about ten minutes. It was because Taeyeon suddenly change the GPS location going to another resort.

Tiffany scolded her real bad and ask for explanation but the latter only answered that she simply didn't want to enjoy the vacation with her friends, she just want it to be Tiffany alone.

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