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Here's the next part of the story.......
The two of them had finally taken their seats but the romantic sequence was still running fresh in both their minds. Naira was still in the same zone and wanted the dance to continue. Kartik too didn't want to back off but Naira's tears and his confused mind didn't allow him to maintain that moment. After a long silence the duo finally decided to order something. It wasn't as difficult as before, the restaurant being the best in the country boasted of serving all types of cuisine and was thus an easy escape for the two. The silence was hurting both of them and it had to be broken now.
Kartik:- We will be leaving tomorrow by 2 in the afternoon. It had been a very successful trip and memorable too.
Naira:- Definitely more memorable than I expected.
They had random talk about things but none of the conversation lasted long. Finally when they were done the waiter presented them with two glasses full of a liquid they were unaware of. Enquiring about that they learned it was a special drink the restaurant offered to all its customers. Kaira didn't hesitate trying out something new and they actually liked it. It was a bit strong but had a milky thick taste too and they eventually liked it which made them order it again. After a couple of drinks Kartik realised that it had considerable amount of alcohol mixed to it but it was too late by then as the drink had already hit Naira well who never had a drop of alcohol ever in her life. The alcohol was way too strong then what Kartik expected and soon it was taking over Naira's senses. She just felt like dizziness and difficult to move. She blabbered a lot, more than she had spoken from the time she had joined the company. Kartik who thought her to be silent was taken aback by her constant speaking. Finally he decided to get her to the hotel before she would create a scene being intoxicated. Naira on the other hand was out of her senses and blabbering things she would never say in real.
Naira:- Kartik you know what you are soooooo cute just like a baby. I so badly feel like pulling your cheeks and kissing them.....😘😘😘😘😘 You know what everyone says you are rude but you are not rude you are cute..... very cute little baby.
Kartik:- Thank you Naira for the compliment but I guess you need some rest now so hold my hand and I will take you to your room so that you can rest.
Naira:- You want my hand but you will have to promise that you won't leave it.....
Kartik:- Naira please listen to me I am not leaving okay but please let me take you to your room.
Naira finally leaned fully upon Kartik and Kartik just carried her carefully to her room. She kept on pulling his cheek all along but Kartik couldn't resist or he didn't want to. He finally took her to the room and made her lie down on her bed. He removed her sandals and before he could check upon her she was asleep. The alcohol had hit her badly and she was in a slumber too soon. She looked so cute and beautiful that Kartik couldn't resist admiring his beautiful PA. Yes he was feeling a strange attraction towards her but suddenly his brain took over. Tears welled up in his eyes as they got blood shot. Seeing her sleeping peacefully was not something he was working for. All he wanted was to take away her sleep. Before he would break down he left the room and barged into his room which was adjacent to her room. He saw himself in the mirror and the very memory of the dance made him feel worthless......... He wanted peace, he wanted solitude but everything happening was not what he had planned. And finally he resorted to something he had been doing all these years to deal such situations. Alcohol....... It all started from a peg and had no count of pegs then on. Generally he would be silent in a peg or so but today nothing made him have peace. His eyes were blood shot and tears flowing continuously down his cheek. All his past came back in front of him again. His hate for Singhania's came back with a huge force. He stormed back to Naira's room and there she lay peacefully with a cute smile on her face, unaware of what could happen. She had passed out already. She was fragile and was vulnerable. Kartik couldn't see her sleeping peacefully. She was all on offer for him. He could do anything, hurt her in anyway he wanted, take his revenge and make her go in pain he was going through. He wanted to hurt her and tear away her most valuable asset. Her purity and modesty. But could he do that, could he hurt the girl whose single tear made him sack his trusted employees. Could he hurt the girl whose single smile made his worst day a memorable one. Could he hurt the girl who made him feel what love meant. His heart and mind was under such a storm he couldn't decide. His tears had no bound. They were flowing constantly without limits. He wanted to be evil but his heart won't let him be. His upbringing won't let him be what he hated. He couldn't be the monster he wanted to fight all these years......... And then he heard something that changed everything. The girl lying peacefully murmured something and it was those words which calmed his inner self.  The TURMOIL he was going through was put by that simple phrase.......... all this happened when she spoke don't leave me Kartik. I LOVE YOU. Yes it was the unconscious mind of Naira speaking those words which she would never say in real. She spoke what she felt. And all it did to Kartik was to bring him to his knees. He just held her hand still crying like a baby who was hurt, he wanted solitude and she provided him that. The alcohol was now taking on his mind too and all he could do was sit on the ground holding her hand and falling asleep..........

Okay guys so another part with lots of emotions and many questions......... What is the thing that makes Kartik hate Singhania family? What is the past that haunts him so badly that he was ready to steal away her modesty? He isn't a bad man or is he portraying to be good or bad? Lots to unfold in upcoming parts. So just stay tuned and enjoy.

I hope you guys are safe and sound. Thank you guys for the support you have shown. It was such a lovely welcome from all the readers. I know the parts are small but I want the updates to be regular. Please do share it with your friends and hit the star if you like the story. Every like boosts up the morale of the writers. Do like and comment your views in the comments section. Next update will be there soon..... Till then keep reading and spreading love.........

REVENGE TO LOVE--A Kaira story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz