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Here's the next part guys.........

It's been 8 in the morning and Kartik's challenge has yet been moving in Naira's head. She had taken the challenge but completing it was a task she had never imagined of. She couldn't even back now because she had already promised to do the task. While it was just a couple of hours the functions were about to start while Naira was still in the dilemma. The guests had all been there already and the final preparations were being done. This time things were more organised and well planned. No one wanted any mistake this time and everything was running with time. It was time for the haldi ceremony and Naira was ready in her white and yellow dress for the function. Her cousins and Nikita were all geared up to smear her with loads of haldi this time. Naira on the other hand was both excited and worried, excited for her marriage and worried about how the task would be done. On the other hand the Goenka house with its limited guests was ready for the haldi ceremony too. Not too many people were there few of dadi's close friends were only there along with Kartik's mama mama and his cousins Abhay and Srishti. They were just a few years younger than Kartik and were in full mood to pull their brother's leg. Kartik was definitely too strict and rude for the outer world but for his family he was the best anyone could be. There were not many in his family and his bonding with his cousins was equally strong. While the haldi ceremony in Goenka villa started quite peacefully Abhay and Srishti made sure not to turn it into a mess at the end they had already smeared a lot of haldi on Kartik already. Kartik on the other hand was again lost. He was very happy with the marriage but his mind was all fixed on how the dare he had given would be done by Naira. He knew she will do it somehow but how was the main question. He had knowingly given her such a task that she would have to bring out lots of courage to do it. While he moved towards the bathroom to get a bath after the haldi shower done by his lovely cousins he managed yet to message his lady love. Naira on the other hand who was thoroughly engrossed in the her thoughts was disturbed by the notification popping up. As she opened the notification it read
"Just a few hours left to be wifey for the task. Plan well."
While the message brought a wide smile on her face along with a deep shade of red on her cheek she was now even more worried so as to how to complete the task. Kartik had not forgotten about it and his expectations looked too high and Naira was under the pressure to live up to it. While Naira was still blushing hard reading the message Nikita didn't miss to read her expressions well...
Nikita:- Looks like someone has got an important message.......
Naira:- No it's nothing like that it's just a joke nothing else.
Nikita:- I have seen people laughing on jokes not blushing that too so badly. At least I am not that dumb sweetie.
Naira:- It's it's nothing...........
Nikita:- it's okay if you don't want to tell but I am happy that you are finally getting the happiness you wished and deserved. Kartik is such a good guy and he loves you so much. I will pray that you both stay like this only always.
But that's all about future but the present says that the haldi from your to be dream house is there already so get ready to be covered with your loved ones haldi.
Naira blushed hearing Nikita's words but it was always so hard for her to control. She had always been a shy girl and with all that happening she was getting on to her nerves already. While Naira's haldi started as smoothly as expected its end was nothing less than a chaos with her cousins and Nikita all smearing haldi on her she had no escape and was soon drenched completely in haldi. She could feel the difference this time than the previous one. There she had no interest in the functions but this time around everything had been so special to her. Every second brought her closer to her Prince Charming but above everything one question just stuck in her mind all the time so as to how will the task be completed by her.
Time passed by so soon and it was time for the engagement cum sangeet function. The guest list for the day was limited and only the family members and few very close friends were invited. The function was to be held in the backyards of Singhania house. So the Goenka's also arrived. Kartik touched feet of all the elders to seek their blessings but what he was waiting for was his lady to come down. He was busy scanning for her everywhere just to be disappointed not finding her. While he was still searching her Nikita whispered have some patience she will be there soon. Her words were enough to embarrass him. He had been caught finding her and couldn't just hide now. On the other hand Naira was getting impatient to get down. She had been asked to sit in her room till she was asked to descend but her eagerness to see Kartik was making her restless. She had always dreamt of all such things and they were happening for real now. As soon as Nikita asked her to come she just rushed out. She didn't care about anything but to see Kartik. She came out of her room and was descending down the stairs. It was already announced that she will be coming down soon with all eyes fixed on the stairs but the one that was most impatiently waiting was Kartik's eyes. But it was just moments before his heart stopped beating. She was there ready in the light blue lehengas matching his dress her subtle makeup and decent jewellery and she looked angelic. He had always been enchanted by her beauty but today it was something different. His eyes followed every curve of her body. She had always looked beautiful in the western dresses but Indian attire was something no one could ever beat her. The light makeup along with the Kajal on her eyes just added perks to her beauty. She had always been a natural beauty but today even the apsara from heaven would feel jealous of her. She moved slowly and with every step she took Kartik's heart skipped its beat. She was always decent with her assets and her personality was just perfect. She was fit neither fat nor extremely thin and boys always drooled over her but Kartik, his eyes were just fixed on her face. He couldn't move his eyes away and just gawked at her extremely beautiful to be wife. Her eyes were decent beautiful but today with the slight highlighter and the Kajal she just looked to kill every boy's heart. He had always wished of marrying a beautiful well mannered independent girl and today he could see everything in her. She just checked every box he wished for. She was taking small steps and the distance that could be covered in a minute or so had extended but Kartik never realised it. He was lost in her and was actually not in the senses to understand anything. He kept on tracing her until she was next to her and could still not get his eyes off her for a second. He had barely blinked all throughout and his eyes were wide open.
Naira on the other hand had literally rushed out of her room but as soon as she came out her eyes landed straight on the stage and boom....... He was there, her dream boy was there. He looked like a Greek god always, he was well built with sharp features and well groomed like always. His eyes were always so expressive and with a single look she knew he was lost in her. She blushed hard seeing her to be husband shamelessly gawking at her but was happy too with his reaction. She wanted to run to him but decided to rather tease him a bit. It was always him who had teased her and now was her turn. She knowingly took small steps as she wanted him to adore her well. Every time she saw her she just blushed to the deepest shade of red. She knew everyone was looking at her and the embarrassment just made her wish to disappear in air. She had moved as slow as she could but once she was beside him her heart just started racing like hell. That was the effect he had on her. His proximity had a vibe that pulled her closer and closer and she couldn't resist it ever. His soft manly odour mixed with his subtle cologne just made her miss beats. A rapid gush of blood flooded her and her face lit up. She was blushing hard and just wanted to hide somewhere. The intense moment created was making her numb and she literally felt like grabbing him and landing a tight kiss on his lips. His constant gaze was making things worse for her as she could neither ignore it nor contain it. The EFFECT they had on each other was magical and both cherished it. It was now baldly needed to break the moment because it was getting irresistible for both of them and finally Nikita came to their rescue with her announcement............

Okay guys so done with the part. I hope this part created some moments and I wanted to integrate the next part with it too but then decided to rather express their feelings more. The story will now pick up its pace and there is some serious hot romance coming up between the lovely couple. There's a challenge too waiting for Naira and the question is can she complete it in time. What is the challenge and how will it be completed, just stay tuned to know everything when we return with the next part of the story.
So guys I am back after three consecutive negative tests I am finally back home. Last few days being the toughest ones in the lockdown and it seriously is a thing to worry about. Not the disease but the isolation........ It just drains you out mentally and I had literally not picked up my phone in this duration. It was such a hell lot of thing to fight with. Although being in this field I was a bit more composed with what all was to come but still it was draining. Finally I feel much better and with the symptoms gone I am back home although still I need to take lots of precautions. A big thanks to all your lovely wishes that helped me in this journey. So thanks to all of you for your wishes. As far as the story is concerned I know it was a bit of break in the momentum but I will try to catch up back and since we are up with probably 1/3 of the story already and the next parts being the main part of the story I am too excited for it and hope you all are excited too. Do hit the like button and comment your views on the story. It would be nice interacting with all of you. Also we are approaching the next milestone of 1k likes so let's gear up as there is something waiting for you all guys there too. I will be back soon with the next part. Till then stay safe and keep reading and spreading love.........

REVENGE TO LOVE--A Kaira story Where stories live. Discover now