Chapter Seventeen: She's Not Afraid

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Hey guys, so I'm super happy and stuff that this fanfic is actually getting somewhere, and I only have you guys to thank for it!

I love your feedback and comments, thank you so much for all the support! You guys are truly amazing.


Anyways, enjoy!


Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Seventeen: She's Not Afraid

Summer's POV

Liam was still unconscious and I felt like pulling my hair out. It had been an entire week since he had fallen into this coma and he hadn't so much as twitched. I tried to coax the doctor into telling me what was wrong, how something like this happened to him when he was doing so well. The only thing I got out of him was, 'It's classified information for family members only.'

Did he honestly see any family members anywhere?!

I drew a ragged breath and tightened my hold on Liam's limp hand. The guys weren't here, they had to leave for an interview back in England where Simon Cowell was waiting for them. That was three days ago. Ever since they had left they wouldn't stop calling me, but I couldn't blame them.

Ever since finding out about the band and Liam's fame and fortune, I had began kind of stalking them I guess you could say. But, who could blame me? It passed the time. I had liked their Facebook page, followed them all on Twitter and even checked out their official website. I couldn't help but let a smile slip everytime I saw Liam's smiling face appear on my phone as I searched the web for my boyfriend.

The gang had come in to comfort me, Anna and Caleb, Jay and Jenny, and Saige and Dylan. They were bringing me the notes I had been missing out on in school, plus assignments and homework. Anna had even told me she already knew Liam was apart of One Direction as soon as she laid eyes on him, I felt surprised, angered and frustrated. I mean, come on, she had known this whole time and she could've told me. Honestly! But she quickly stuttered that Liam made her promise and that she couldn't resist his 'puppy dog eyes'.

I looked back down at his chiselled face at that thought. I honestly missed those sparkling brown eyes so much. I was just waiting and praying on the day those eyes would flicker open, letting me see the same happiness and cheerful expression. Not the sad and depressed ones, like the last time I spoke to him.

I squeezed my eyes shut and ran my free hand through my hair wishing i could take back everything I ever said to him. It was so stupid. So what if he was famous? So what if he was one fifth of the heart-throb of all the female pre-teen and teen population.

So what if he just wanted one normal year before his career soared to magnificent heights.

I opened my eyes and slipped my hand out of his. There was no point in making a pity-party for myself, he was the one that might not wake up, he was the one in pain.

My palms were sweaty as I retracted Liam's cell from the bag where his stuff was. I had been putting off contacting his parents for the entire week, wishing I didn't have to tell them their son may never wake up from a fatal coma.

I had tried to coax the boys into doing it, but they were too busy, as much as they wanted to make a call to his parents or even drop in, they couldn't.

I scrolled through his contacts until I saw 'mum' and gulped as I clicked the Select button. I brought the phone to my ear and tried to calm my nervous beating heart as the familiar tone of the ring signal through to England.

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