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It had been over at least fifteen years Youko Kurama managed to escape, the men and went to the human world.

But his spirit went to a pregnant woman and gave birth to Shuichi Minamino, his human form to regain his power and energy Youko manage to explain his life when Shuichi, as he felt that Youko was sad.

Youko has explained that he had lost his mate and daughter, to a human demon hunter Shuichi promised Youko that he will help find the hunter and avenge his family, unknowingly that it was also his own family.

Unknowingly to Youko, Mirajane did the same as her spirit flees to the human world and went to an orphan child, who looked exactly the same as her demon form only it was human.

She also told her history about her mate and daughter, she also promised her to find her mate and reunite with them.

As the two were separated and they started training their own powers, that they could use when they are in their human form.

Kurama could use his Rose whip and some demonic plants, while Mira could use only some of her Satan soul magic like her demonic flames or her wings when needed.

As time went by the two had finally met thanks to Hiei Jaganshi, a fire apperation that needs help stealing magical items from the spirit world.

The two were over joyed that they have finally met, but Kurama had told Mira what happen before he fled to the human world.

Mira cried towards him when he told her that Yukira was taken by the human he apologised so many times and cried for the first time, Mira quickly forgave Kurama knowing it was one of there worst history being killed or hunted down by the demon hunters.

As they flee to the human world in their drastic times, Kurama and Mira wanted revenge for those who assumed killed there beloved Yukira.

Knowing it's been over fifteen years they assumed the worse, thinking she was killed or that she died cause of a sickness.

But Kurama didn't want to assume until its real, deep inside he knew that his daughter is still alive somewhere.

As time went by stealing the items from the spirit world, they met a spirit detective named Yusuke Urameshi and a blue haired grim reaper named Botan.

After the two mates stole the mirror to save Kurama's human mother, but the two lived and became an alliance to Yusuke.

The two helped him when Hiei, abducted Keiko and manage to help in his fight.

As the two were named thieves in the spirit world they were sent to Koenma the prince of the spirit world, with help of Botan instead of a sever punishment Koenma spared there lives.

But they must help Yusuke in his missions, the two agreed in helping and thankful that there lives were spared.

There first task was the four beast saints which was a tricky mission, they met Yusuke's friend Kuwabara who is able to use his energy and turn it into a glowing sword, which amazed Mira and Kurama.

After there mission of saving the earth Koenma has a new mission for them, but what they didn't know Kurama and Mira will finally see there darling daughter with Hiei's sister.

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