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After Kuwabara's loss on the first match it was now the beginning of the second match, both teams looked at each other with determination on winning.

As for Kuwabara was still in pain Yukira took the liberty to heal him, although with Hiei's side comment that he will do well on his own, but Yukira didn't mind him in that comment but she giggled when he saw his slightly jealous look which was adorable.

When all of the sudden Roto jumped to the ring, preparing for the second match.

" Hmmm this could be intriguing..." Team Rokuyukai's female supporting fighter said, as she smirks and looking at Mirajane.

" Ooh! The next competitor has already stepped up!" Koto said with excitement.

" Please I'll handle this one." Kurama smirks slightly while Mirajane looked with a devilish smile, the poor demon doesn't know what his in for.

As Kurama was about to walk to the arena he kissed Mirajane's lips, as Kuwabara blushed from their boldness while Hiei looked stoic while Yukira giggles of how Kuwabara is reacting.

" Good luck my love." Mirajane said to him as the part from there kiss, as Hiei smirks at the two.

" With pleasure." Kurama replies as he smiled to a worried looking Yukira, as Mirajane comforts her as Kurama kiss Yukira's head and walked to the arena.

As Kurama jumped up to the arena going closer to Roto, as they were five feet apart from each other as there eyes held determination.

' I could tell this will be exciting.' Roto thought as he looked to a very serious Kurama.

When all of the sudden Hiei smirks, while Kuwabara has being healed by Yukira, who is worried for her father.

" Kurama, considering the stakes we can't afford to take any chances don't leave the ring with him still alive." Hiei told Kurama with a smirk.

" Naturally." Kurama looked at them with his famous Yoko Kurama smirk, which made Yukira smiled knowing her father had this battle in his hands.

" Be careful Kurama...." Yusuke mumbles still sleeping.

Meanwhile Keiko, Botan and Shizuru were with the audience to watch the match, when they heard Keiko yelling what was he muttering about, when suddenly Botan jumped of her sit and went towards the Team.

" Alright! It's simply time I stepped in !" Botan said happily as she jumped off from her seat, and went to Hiei, Mirajane, Yukira and Kuwabara and a nearby sleeping Yusuke.

" U-U'm Botan are you sure you can do that ?" Keiko asked loudly to her.

" We will deal with the rest now of there team now, you just sit and relax since you have no use now." Hiei said to Kuwabara who was holding his right arm, as Yukira was done healing his wounds.

" Hey! I'm not out of this yet if Yusuke doesn't wake up I'll take the last guy!" Kuwabara yelled to him as he looked at the ring.

" Will pray that doesn't happen." Hiei said stoically as Yukira held his hands secretly.

" All right ladies and gentlemen, I'm here now let's whip this team into shape !" Botan said as the team looked at her.

" H-hey! How'd you get here ?" Kuwabara asked looking at Botan.

" Botan-chan please leave before you could get hurt." Mirajane told the blue haired grim ripper.

" I'm sorry Mira-san, but I'm here to help you guys win!" Botan said as she pumped her hands up high.

" Gah! So wait your like the replacement fighter for Urameshi ?!?!" Kuwabara asked her.

While Yukira and Mirajane sweat drops from his statement, while Botan looked at him like he had two heads and Hiei slapped his forehead for his idiotic ways.

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