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After the elder Toguro had tortured Yukira she was left bleeding on the ground, the side of her head was bleeding severely the sides of her waists were heavily bruised, her back was filled with scratches from the elder Toguro's nails.

She was heavily breathing feeling her blood lessen more, where she was laying was filled with her blood.

She was heavily breathing feeling her blood lessen more, where she was laying was filled with her blood

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Her eyes were not filled with life, she was already dying all she could think was surviving.

' I don't want to die.... I haven't found my parents yet.... please... I... want... to.... live." Yukira thought but darkness consumes her, as tears comes out of her eyes and turning into Hiruseki pearls.

Which were a different colour, from her pearly white ones the colors were different showing her sadness and grief.

Which were a different colour, from her pearly white ones the colors were different showing her sadness and grief

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All she could think was anyone, to save her and Yukina from the horrid prison.

Meanwhile others were fighting other demons to find Yukina and Yukira, Yusuke Kuwabara and Botan were fighting the guards that were guarding the mansion.

While Kurama and Mirajane were looking for there daughter, while they found Hiei the couple ask him to join them in looking for his sister, and there daughter which he agreed to and help them look.

As battle continues with Kuwabara and Yusuke along with Hiei and Kurama fighting other demons that were guarding the tower, besise the mansion while Mirajane went inside the tower knowing Yukina was there.

As Mirajane went inside the tower she met Yukina, who was sitting down in her chair crying.

" Are you Yukina my dear ?" Mirajane asked the young girl.

" Y-yes... who are you ?" Yukina asked her, as she wiped her tears.

" My name is Mirajane, were here to rescue you and my daughter." she said as stands up.

" W-wait are you Mirajane? Yukira's mother ?" Yukina asked her.

" Yes I am my husband Hiei and I are here to find the both of you, but do you know where she is ?" Mirajane asked her as she destroys the cell door to break her out.

" I don't know I'm so so sorry !!! She kept protecting me from being harm, she always takes the punishments for me, I felt terrible that they are hurting her!!! Please help me save her !!! It's the least I could do for her" Yukina cried to her.

That made Mirajane smiled sadly but in the inside, but she was proud of her daughter protecting her friend yet angry that people were hurting her.

" Let's save her together Yukina, but for now we better find my husband and Hiei." Mirajane said.

" Wait.. Hiei is here ?" Yukina asked.

" Yes, your twin brother has come with us to save you." Mirajane said as she held Yukina's hand as they ran out of the cell.

Yukina felt happy knowing she is able to see her brother, after a long time after Mirajane help her the two quickly ran out of the tower to find Kurama and Hiei.

While Yusuke and Kuwabara fought the triad demons looking for Yukina, but what they didn't know that the Toguro brothers were going to fight the trio soon.

While Kurama and Hiei were looking for Tarukane, Kurama wanted to bash his head into a wall for kidnapping his daughter, while Hiei wanted to kill him for torturing his sister.

As Yukina and Mirajane run looking for Hiei and Kurama, but what Hiei didn't know that Yukina knew he is her twin brother.

But Hiei sensed a tremendous energy from the Toguro brothers.

" I can't believe, it their here." Hiei growls in disbelief.

" What is it Hiei ?" Kurama asked him as he looked at him.

" The Toguro brothers, there here... I could sense there energy, we need to find the two girls fast, before they arrive there's no telling what they could do." Hiei said as he and Kurama started running.

All Kurama could think of was his mate's safety, as the two male demons run towards the stairs going to a room where Tarukane was.

As they ran they almost ran into Mirajane and Yukina, Hiei stood in shock finally he is reuniting with his twin sister.

" HIEI!!!" Yukina cried as she went towards to Hiei for a hug, which he gladly accepted he finally held his sister after so long while Kurama went towards Mirajane.

" I was so worried about you." Kurama held Mirajane in his arms.

" As do I love... but we need to find Yukira and quick" Mirajane said.

" Will go with you" Yukina said as her eyes showed determination.

" You can't come with us, the Toguro brothers are here they will hurt you !" Hiei exclaims as he grab his sisters arm preparing for there departure.

" I couldn't leave her here... she has done so much for me... she kept on taking my punishments just to keep me safe... Please let me help look for her I can't bare it if I didn't do anything!!!" She cries as Hiruseki pearls dropped on the floor.

Which made Kurama, Hiei and Mirajane look at her in pity knowing their daughter had made a good friend.

" Alright I'll go with you just to keep you safe... please stop crying tears aren't worth for them will make them pay for what they have done to both of you" Hiei said as he comforted his sister.

That made Kurama smiled softly, deep down inside he couldn't wait to hold his daughter again.

As the four ran to look for Yukira, Yusuke and Kuwabara went in a room where the Toguro brothers were waiting, and were about to fight while Yusuke looked at a very bloody young girl that were being held by two guards.

" Isn't that... Yukira ? Kurama and Mira's daughter ?" Yusuke whispers to Botan who nodded, feeling sick on what they had done to the poor girl, yet sorry for her seeing she was slightly unconscious but bleeding very badly.

" We have to be quick... her energy is getting weaker and we need to heal her fast." Botan said to Yusuke who nod in agreement.

The battle was just about to begin for them, while the four demons desperately look for the other girl will they able to make it in time ?

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