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By now Team Urameshi along with Botan were about to watch the match, between Team Toguro and The Spirit warriors which should be interesting.

While Yusuke, Kuwabara and Botan sat down with some of the audience, Mirajane, Kurama and Yukira were watching on the other side of the stadium.

As for Hiei who was no where to be found which saddened Yukira, but knowing Hiei was still mastering the dragon she understood that, but she might have to do a pouty face to spend time with him.

As Koto announced who were the teams that will be advancing to the next match, which was tomorrow and there was one last place for one last team.

It was now Team Toguro vs Spirit warriors as the younger Toguro, walked to the ring making Yukira look in shock he was alone and was shirtless.

' His going to fight alone ?!?! Where are his teammates!' Yukira thought as she looked at them.

'He hasn't changed the last time I saw him.' Yukira looked surprised yet looking serious while, Mirajane looked confused and Kurama was thinking the same thing, as his daughter about where was the rest of his team.

As they heard the audience cheered his name, as they saw Toguro looking towards Yusuke with somehow and scary glare, as Yusuke looked in fear but changed and looked angry towards him.

As the spirit warriors were at the ring Yukira looked at Ogyuku who saved them from Rugby, she looked at the ring and thought to herself 'this will be an interesting fight'.

As they heard Toguro asked them to fight him all at once, that made Mirajane and Kurama look in curiously, but sadly they didn't stood a chance against the younger Toguro.

Yukira looked shocked when Toguro was only 45% of his power, as they watch his muscles grew bigger as he punched one of them at the stomach.

When suddenly blood bursts out from his body, making Yukira cover her eyes in fright as Kurama held her close as Mirajane looked utterly shock.

' He has this much power for a 45% of his strength.' Kurama thought as he held his daughter in his arms.

' What will happen if he released it all ? This is bad.' Mirajane thought as she watched Toguro kill the rest of the spirit warriors in such a brutal way.

As the fight ended in less than ten minutes but it felt only like it was five minutes, the audience was shock on how powerful he is.

As the Team Toguro now is part of the advance teams, who will be fighting tomorrow after Team Urameshi.

Yukira was shaking in fear after what she saw she mentally thanked, that the elder Toguro was the one who was torturing her before, instead of the younger one who knows if he was the one who tortured her she could have died within seconds.

And tomorrow was filled with surprises and they managed to continue on the second day of the tournament.

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