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( Ok so I know Kuwabara fights the elder Toguro but in here they don't fight but Toguro will still kill his brother and 'kill / stab' Kuwabara then again one of the most longest chapters huhu my poor fingers and this took me at least three days to write to many episodes man but enjoy this chapter)

Last Chapter:


" Mama" Yukira said weakly as Mirajane caught her before she could fall to the ground

As she smiled and help Yukira up as the smile at each other as Yukira close her eyes and now was sleeping in her mother's embrace

" YES!!! ONE MORE AND WE WIN!!!" Yusuke jumps as Kuwabara was shaking in fear after seeing an angry Yukira as Kurama smirks

" Tell me to not get Yukira mad like ever again" Kuwabara shakes

" Hmm I'll make a note for you" Koenma said as Kurama smiles and chuckled

" That's my girls..." Kurama said softly as Hiei smiles in his sleep

One more battle determines if they will live or not

After the third match was finally over Mirajane carries Yukira in her back as they went back to the stadium as Kurama stood up slowly and help Mirajane carry a tired out Yukira as they laid her beside Hiei as the two were sleeping peacefully as Mira giggles on how cute they were together

As they saw what Yukira did to the forests all burned out or destroyed nearly a forest and some parts of the stadium were still broken due to Hiei's attacks Yusuke scratches the back of his head as he sweat drops

" Gotta hand it to you Mira, Kurama never knew little Yukira can do that damage..." Yusuke said as some parts of the forest were smoking or was still burning from her power

" Yes being an hybrid is rare and so is the power she could get" Mirajane said as Kurama held on to Mirajane who smirks

" Yes and we have to stay on there good side we don't want any people burning or being bash until your unconscious" Kurama said

" Hell Hiei didn't tell us how long do he needs to hibernate so as Yukira who seems to be in same state" Koenma said

" Yeah when they wake up we all be dead soon" Yusuke said sarcastically as he faced Mirajane as Koenma looked at him

" Well aren't you a cheerful soul" Koenma said while Yusuke was looking at Mirajane

" Aren't you tired Mirajane ?" Yusuke asked her as Mirajane held her slightly bruised neck and burned arms and legs

" I'll be fine I may be covered with some burns and bruises it's not that sever so I'll be just fine" Mirajane said as she smiled softly as Kurama kissed her head softly

As they watch Yukira was cuddling with Hiei as they snore softly as the sleep away

" Well is the last match going to start soon although the broke ring is still a problem?" Kuwabara asked them

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