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Sunrise came in the hanging neck island and today was the day, where the dark tournament begins in exactly 10 in the morning.

Team Urameshi was getting ready although Kuwabara slept in a little bit, and had to woken up by Mirajane but Yusuke was still unconscious, that made Kurama a little worried he must have trained hard to be unconscious for this long.

Hiei was dressed up in his purple/lavender outfit that Koenma has provided him, even though he disapproved of it and would like his old black clothes back.

Koenma had told him that he had to wear it for the first match, then he could wear his black outfit on the second match on the next team, he gave Yukira his extra scarf that he brought with him which Yukira was thankful for.

She was wearing the outfit she had wore last night which Yukina and Mirajane made for her, it was a good thing that Kurama made her a sword with its case on the back, she wrapped the scarf around her neck smelling the forest and minty scent of Hiei which brought Yukira's comfort.

The team went towards the arena where the fight was about to happen, when they heard fireworks coming out of it letting them know the tournament was about to begin.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, Humans and Demons Welcome !!! To the glorious Hanging Neck Island !!! Where we now commence the Dark Tournament! To BEGIN!!!" Koto announced who was the announcer of today's Dark tournament and who is also a cat demon.

Cheers and whistles from the audience could be heard around the arena, while other teams were watching who were the first teams to fight in today's match, as announced today's fighters were Team Urameshi and Team Rokuyukai for the opening ceremony.

As they heard Koto announced something important as Team Urameshi looked at each other faces, that were filled with determination to win today's match, and hopefully would go to the next battle.

As soon as soon they heard the demons yelling, to bring out the fighters so they can watch the match now.

" Now please welcome TEAM ROKUYUKAI!!!" Koto yelled as she faced to her right where the opponents were waking with smug looks on there faces, as well as there supporting fighter who was a female as Demons cheered loudly for them.

As Yukira watch them looking so determined to beat them, she felt Hiei's hands held hers which she gave him a smile.

" And now for this years guest team !!! Please welcome TEAM URAMESHI!!!" Koto yelled as she faced left where they all walked towards the arena.

Kurama and Mirajane walked together, along with Yukira and Hiei as Kuwabara held on Yusuke who was still asleep.

They could hear the Demons yelling for them to die which was a bit discouraging for Yukira, but she didn't bother on helping them yell more, she just focused on what is happening to there teams now as she is the supporting fighter.

" These sure are one heck of a greeting for special guests, I don't think these monsters took there grumpy pills today." Kuwabara said to the team as he still carried a sleeping Yusuke.

" Agree Kuwabara it isn't pleasant being called a traitor, by these creatures you've never met." Kurama said as he looked around at the audience.

" Don't fret love, we will be show them who there messing with." Mirajane said with an evil smirk there all in for a ride now.

" Hnn... these idiots have no idea do they ?" Hiei asked as they stopped, at least few meters aways from the arena.

" Let's just hope will win today..." Yukira said softly.

" Both teams into the arena please !" Koto announced to them.

As the teams went up the ring face to face six feet away from each other, as Team Urameshi looked relax but in there minds they have strategies, on winning Team Rokuyukai looked like they won the match already.,

As yells were being heard about killing the Urameshi team, it made Yukira feel uneasy she hasn't gotten over with Tarukane and his other men, and now she's here dealing to fight for her life when will her life get easy.

" Is that big idiot still asleep ???" Rinku asked in annoyance, since he saw him last night asleep as well.

As Koto announced that the team leader, could choose who will get to fight first or if they can't decide, the heads of the announcers will announce who will fight first.

" Uhh.. not exactly miss, Our team leader is still asleep." Kuwabara grumbles as he tried to wake Yusuke up.

Kurama looked at the two and smiled at their interactions.

" Well Kuwabara, you'll be the one to do it." Kurama said as Mirajane nods while Hiei looked at Kurama like he is an idiot.

" HUH? Really?!!" Kuwabara exclaims quite nervously.

" I don't want to go to school mom... Just make Kuwabara the leader of this stupid tournament, has anyone seen my green jacket ?" Yusuke mumbles still sleeping which made Yukira sweat drop, as Kuwabara looked at him in annoyance.

" Geehee... if this isn't how you regain your power up's, I don't want to know what it is, and I really don't want to be the second choice, well let's do this tournament terms thing." Kuwabara said as his face show determination.

Hiei and Yukira looked at him as Hiei mumbles.

" Poor fool..." Hiei mumbles as Yukira giggles, as they watch Kuwabara and Zeru walk up face to face.

As Yukira could see they have small lightings, as they look to each other very oddly.

" I don't care how we play this fight, it's not going to make a difference in the end just as long we have time to enjoy my victory, and will be having so much fun with that little girl over there she seems fun to be with." Zeru said as he looked at Yukira who was shaking remembering, that kind of look that Karasu made when he assaulted her.

That made Kurama and Hiei pissed, as Mira look at him with a demonic glare.

" Let's do man to man that's how real man fight after all, and don't you dare talk to a girl like that !" Kuwabara said as he glared at him.

" Sounds like the agreement is a sure to a one on one." Koto announced.

As the two part ways and went back to their own teams, when suddenly Zeru looked at the sleeping Yusuke he felt pissed on why he isn't responding.

His eyes flowed red and his energy flowed into a green color, as flames were surrounding him making Kuwabara look in shock.

" Ooh check this ladies and gentlemen, Zeru is suddenly surrounded by flames ! Don't you love the heat !" Koto said excitedly.

Kuwabara looked at him angrily, as he said that he spirit energy was up till the roof.

'Someone of his class with the power of fire... interesting.' Kurama thought as Hiei looked at him with a glare.

' Hiei we better be careful of this one.' Kurama send him a mental message.

' Hn...' Hiei replies to Kurama.

While Mirajane looked at him with cold eyes, while Yukira looked worried at Kuwabara and Yusuke.

" HEY! Urameshi !!! You gotta wake up come on!!" Kuwabara shakes him but it was no use he was still asleep.

When suddenly fire surrounded them as Hiei pulled Yukira closer to him, to avoid her from getting burned as the flames went towards to the audience, which was yelled in panic as they watch them burn to death.

When Koto yelled to each team to send out a fighter to the begin the match, as it was Rinku vs Kuwabara which made Kurama and Hiei watch with interest on how this goes.

While Mirajane carried Yusuke and Yukira looked at Kuwabara, she knows he could be strong in his own way but to match with the kids power was doubtful.

But the fight was intense with there different techniques, which was amazing to watch but sadly in the end, Kuwabara lost.

Now it was the second match now what will happen next.

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