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It was a rest day for the Urameshi team Yusuke was on the forest, trying to practice his spirit gun while Kuwabara was going around.

While Kuwabara was complaining that no one was there with him not even Yukira was in the room.

They were all training for there next match as Hiei was on the sea side trying to train the dragon of the darkness flame, even if his hands were all bruised up and bloody.

He pulled out his sword as he grunts in pain looking at his right arm, which has the most damaged, he couldn't help but train it more just to master it just to protect her.

As for Kurama and Mirajane trained there powers to use it for frequently as possible, and Mirajane was trying to help Kurama master his demon form.

Meanwhile in the arena the match continued with other team fighters, it was Team Ichigaki and another team fighter while Yukira was watching the match, thinking that this might be there next battle.

As she watched them fight one of the Team Ichigaki members, decapitated the other the one who had decapitated him was Mark M-3 which was an odd name for Yukira.

As she watched him go back to his team she looked at the team leader who seemed to be a doctor, Yukira thought and looked at the fighters they seemed different from other fighters.

And with such weird names she thought they were experiments, but she wasn't sure as she continued to watch them as M-3 threw the head on the the team leaders feet.

She watched the team they had seven members and the supporting fighter was a girl as well, M-1 was the orange hair guy, M-2 was the guy in purple, M-3 was the shirtless dude, while M-4 and M-5 looked similar to each other.

As if they were twins and the girl was named J-6 she looked at her, feeling anxious about there match the next day.

As the fight was over after killing the Minotaur by removing his arms brutally by M-3 and M-1, while M-2 sliced his head off that made Yukira shiver on how gruesome they were, it's like they were enjoying it.

As Dr. Ichigaki looked pleased as she hear him yell, on how they will defeat the Urameshi team that made her look at the leader with a glare.

' The attack energies of the three are undoubtedly human, our team should have been here to see there movements but something isn't right.' Yukira thought as she watched them leave.

As Yukira left the stadium she looked around her surroundings once more.

' I have to tell what I saw to the others, they must know what we're in for tomorrow.' Yukira thought as she ran towards the forest hoping to find her teammates.

As she felt a strong demon energy wave she looked and follow it, only to see Yusuke in a tree and a big demon who was named Rugby.

" Yusuke !!" Yukira yelled at him.

" W-what are you doing here ?!?!" Yusuke yelled in shock seeing her there.

As he jumped to a tree near her as he is protected her, as Yukira looked at the demon who surprised attack Yusuke.

" I saw how powerful your energy is when you yelled, I wanted to see how it compares." Rugby said to him.

" Compares to what ?" Yusuke asked while grabbing Yukira's hand, as he took her behind him and put his hands out like a gun getting ready to fire his spirit gun.

As Rugby summons a huge rugby ball and let out his demon energy and kicked towards the two, as Yusuke's arm was shaking he somehow couldn't make the shot.

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