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(Quick note this might be also the longest chapter I wrote and took me a while and I guess the next chapters when they are fighting the Toguro team it will be a very long chapter :/ oh my poor fingers 😂 hope you enjoy and sorry if this got late hehehe now on with this chapter )

Last chapter:

" YES HE LIVES! AND THAT IS HOW YOU WIN IT!" Yusuke jumps as Mirajane looked at her husband

" You... idiot..." Mirajane cries as Hiei smirks to see him alive as Botan cheers loudly and Keiko Shizuru and Yukina were relieved to see him alright

" His a little jacked up but I say he won!"
Kuwabara said happily

As juri was shock to see him alive as Yukira was unresponsive but they had survive the first match of the finals

As Kurama was softly struggling and was groaning as he stood up Mirajane rushed towards the ring and launched herself to him as she hugged him tightly softly whimpering as Kurama felt Mirajane's tears on his chest as Kurama pets her hair softly

" You big idiot.... do you have to scare us like that..." Mirajane whimpers as she cried in his chest as Kurama knows it was better for him to shut up before he could make his wife even more mad at him and just kissed her head and hugged her back as his chin rest in her shoulder

" AND THE WINNER BY TOTAL GRUESOME IS KURAMA FROM TEAM URAMESHI!!!!" Koto announced as she jumped up and down as Juri was unable to speak due to shock of what happened

" YES!!! We did it in your face !" Kuwabara punched the air in happiness as Hiei was kneeling down trying to snap out Yukira who was in shock

" You made a nice flower pot out of him Kurama !" Yusuke said as he jumps to the ring to help a struggling teammate who was trying to stand

As Hiei glared at the Toguro brothers as he kept a shock Yukira beside him as he puts her head on the crook of his neck as he glared at them

' They don't look like a team that had lost a member and a match what do they know that we don't' Hiei thought as he looked at Yukira who was still unresponsive

As Yusuke went towards Kurama who was hugging Mirajane as he helps Kurama who was struggling

" How ya feeling champ ?" Yusuke asked and pats his shoulder

" F-fine..." Kurama groans as he kneels down as Mira and Yusuke held him before he could fall to the ground

" H-how is she ? Yukira is she alright ?" Kurama asked as Mirajane who started healing him a little

" She's ummm...alright... but she's over there with Hiei we can't get her out of her trance she look likes she's in shock... Hiei can't even wake her I think it's PTSD or something" Yusuke said as they look at a shock Yukira who was on her knees and her head is on Hiei's neck

" I'm sorry Yusuke if I only lifted myself a fraction of a second" Kurama said softly as he winced in pain from the explosion from Karasu's bombs

" What ? Who cares you've won you killed Karasu and saved you daughter and got your revenge for what he had done to her" Yusuke said as he was confused as Kurama shakes his head in disappointment as his hand gripped hard

" It's unwise to be so confident not without the official announcement" Kurama said sadly as he closed his eyes when Juri was now able to stand and announced

" AND THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT SAYS THE WINNER OF THE MATCH IS KARASU!!!" Juri announced as Mirajane's eyes widen in shock

As Yukina paled and covered her mouth as Jorge's spirit was now out of his mouth Shizuru trying to wake him up and slapping him Botan and Keiko were shock as the paled and the Toguro brothers smirks

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