☼Chapter 28

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Turns out, Cade needed the help. That would explain why I'm not being scolded as of the moment. Sam intended to propose tonight in celebration for their tenth month as couples. Sure they weren't together longer than other couples but I'm pretty sure they loved each other more if not as much. Sam was in another business conference in New York and would be flying here soon, just in time to fetch London from work. That means Cade and I and our recruits, Aiden and Emerald, will have to do the necessary preparations.

"Asia, we need more rose petals for the trail," Cade said just as he got off the phone.

"Alright," I replied, "you don't mind if I ask Claude for help right?"

Cade smiled, "I should be thankful to you and your inability to keep a secret, if it weren't for you this will never have a chance for success."

"Hey, we're not failing Sam," I said as I held his shoulder, "he would be proud of us and besides we're just in charge of the decors and making sure everything Sam planned is being executed."

"Thanks," he said before running off to make another phone call.

I turned my head to look for Aiden and smiled when he was busy talking to the violinists and cellists in charge for the background music during the proposal and the candlelight dinner. Emerald was also busy helping with the lighting arrangements since Sam wanted little floating lanterns to soar to the sky when he kneels on one knee.

I dialed Claude's number and I was so glad he answered on the first ring, "hello dearest sister," I heard his voice from the other end.

"Claude, I know this is short notice but can you please drive by the flower shop?" I rambled on.

"Slow down," Claude replied with a chuckle, "flower shop? Why am I supposed to go to the flower shop?"

"Sam's proposing to London tonight and we need flower petals!" I continued to talk fast, "just take a cab and grab the box filled with petals. All expenses are already paid by Sam."

"Holy shiblets, London's getting engaged?" I heard his amused tone, "no kidding?"

I raised a brow. What the hell was shiblets? "Yes she'll be engaged once she says yes now please hop to it, part of the success of the proposal lies on your hands."

"Alright, sheesh," Claude said and I heard his footsteps from the other end of the line, "I'll be right there in less than thirty minutes."

"Thanks Claude," I said.

"Yeah, anything for my beloved sisters."

"Whatever," I replied and rolled my eyes, "gotta go now bye."

I hurriedly pocketed my phone and dashed to Cade, "hey I already asked Claude to go get the petals, what else do we need to do?"

Cade took a little notebook and flipped it to a page that looked like a checklist. I watched as he ticked off items from the list, "alright, lights...music...petals, on the way...surprise painting...food," Cade looked up to me, "food," he glanced at his watch and then back to me, "the chef will be arriving in five minutes, I need someone to escort her."

"I'm on it." I turned to see Emerald dashing to the gates and I saw Cade sigh in relief.

"Bringing your friends was a really great decision after all," he said.

"It's alright, we're going to get through this," I replied as I patted him on the back.

Aiden walked up to us and grinned from ear to ear, "so this is what it feels like to organize an event?"

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