Four | 四

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I sat in the seat of my classroom as my teacher gave a lecture on literature, Captain had told us there was something she wanted to tell us today during practice but gave no hints on what it could be. My leg bounced in anticipation as I looked out of the window of the classroom dazed by the thought of practice today.

"[Y-n] if you cannot handle class 1-5, you will be moved down" The teacher snapped me out of my trance and I quickly bowed my head in embarrassment "Gomenasai" my apology was loud which quickly caught on a few giggles from the other students. The teacher gave a forgiving smile before continuing on with her lecture.

"As I was saying, literature had sparked on new ideas such as-"

The bell for classes had rung and I quickly packed up my books and exited the into hall "Wait up [Y-n]!" Manami ran out if the classroom towards me and a laugh left my lips "What do you think the news is?" curiously I looked over to her and she shrugged "Beats me, I wouldn't know either" she admitted as she looked out of the hall windows. A smile tore at my cheeks as we continued down the hall towards the girls practice hall, excitement filled my body so much that it felt like it was gonna burst from me. 

After letting the ball slap from my palm with a satisfying smack, Mao blew a whistle and everyone stopped what they were doing "Gather round!" she called and all the girls quickly did so. 

Mao doubled checked to make sure everyone was here before Yui spoke "I have some great news" she smiled at the semi-circle of girls, I wiped the sweat off my brow as I listened intently about the news "Ohgiminami has agreed to a friendly practice match against our team" Yui jumped up and down at the news with all of the other girls while holding onto Mao who kept a straight face. 

It's been so long since I've gotten to play! A practice match! A real practice match!

"The practice match will take place in a weeks time so practice hard and stay healthy!" Mao finally let up on a small grin and we all smiled back ecstatically.


"Ah- before I forget. Mao has the boxes come in yet?" Yui looked over to her Vice-Captain and Mao nodded before heading off to the store room.

It took two trips but when she returned she pulled up at the tape of one box and the flaps sprung open like a Jack-in-the-box. Everyone looked in the box and their eyes widened with excitement.

"Karasuno's Girls' Volleyball team new uniforms" Yui announced and all the girls all 'oo'd' and 'Aww'd". 

Another smile pulled at my face as I stared starry-eyed at the fresh clean uniforms, Yui pulled the uniforms out and cleared her throat "When I call your name please collect your uniform!"

The uniforms were sleeveless and  a plain black with white down the sides but the white lettering of 'Karasuno' on the front made me jump with anticipation.

"[Y-n] your uniform!" Yui called out and I quickly dashed over and was caught in awe when my uniform came into view, Instead of a black uniform with white accents it was a white uniform with black accents. 

"Wah! Yours is so cool [Y-n]" Manami held her cheeks as she stared in awe at the different uniform "Liberos' get a different uniform to tell them apart from the rest of the team" Tadako explained and she held onto her similar white uniform. 

Manami turned her uniform over and looked at the back " Ah- Lucky number seven!" She grinned and she flashed her uniform to me, I turned mine over and a big bold five was printed onto my shirt "Ah you got five?" I could only nod from the overwhelming excitement, tracing the five over and over again with my finger.

Karasuno's Libero...

The bell for lunch rung and I slowly made my way down to the drink dispenser where I pressed the button for [Insert Drink]. The machine rumbled before spitting out what I had typed in "[Y-n]!" A familiar voice called out and I turned around to see Hinata coming towards me.

Kageyama followed soon after and pressed the button for milk "Ah I see- So you guys are going up against Ohgiminami?" Hinata repeated back to me before taking a sip of his juice "Yeah-" I confirmed.

"When is it" Kageyama asked as he poked his straw through the box.

"In a week at the girls court" I don't try to hide my brimming excitement but they already knew since seeing me earlier "Ohgiminami girls... are quite tall aren't they?" Kageyama ask and I nod to confirm his suspicions.

"Then you should really watch out for them, short stack" nails on a chalk board ran through my head as a familiar voice ridiculed my height. I turned around and there stood Tsukishima with his freckled friend not standing too far off. I scrunched my nose and turned away from the two before raising my voice "What do you want Shittyshima? Shouldn't you be back in class 1-2" I crossed my arms.

Kageyama made a small choking noise on his milk before he quickly turned around, his shoulders shaking as he held back his laughter "G-gomen"

"Tsukiis' really smart! He's in class 1-4!" Yamaguchi bragged off and I let a small chuckle of victory "Only class 1-4?" I turned around with a condescending smile on my face and Tsukishima turned his head away.


"Woah! You're in 1-5? I heard it's super hard in there!" Yamaguchi awed over me and I let out a cackle of victory.

"At least your brain isn't pea-sized too or else I would have felt especially bad, Chibi-Chan" Tsukishima grabbed a hold of his pride again and I put my hands on my hips as I look up towards him.

 "Stop calling me that!" I demanded but that only fueled the flame "Stop calling you what, Chibi-Chan?" He grinned as he bent over me "That! That nickname!" I yelled and he squinted his eyes and smiled "What nickname are you talking about" 

I growled from under my breath as I grabbed my drink off the table and started to head back to class "You're a waste of my time" storming back to my classroom, Hinata and Kageyama followed me; Hinata making a "Bleeeh" noise at Tsukishima before catching up to me.


My legs jumped as I made a spike from the back row, the ball coming down heavily onto the other side before bouncing again to the brick wall. 


I jumped onto the ground chest first and the ball flew back up into the air after hitting my balled fist, jumping onto the other side of the net. 

"You stupid Giraffe!!" Yelling as I hit the receive hard enough to make it bounce off the wall across from me. 

Chizuru wiped the sweat off her brow as she watched me pumble ball after ball "Should we stop her? All of these aren't good plays-" she asked but Ami quickly shook her head and smiled "I like her fire today!" She took a swig of her water bottle.

 Chizuru knitted her brows together before raising her voice "[Y-n]-Chan~ Take it easy okay~" she called out to me and I scratched the back of my head embarrassed "Yes Ma'am!"

After quickly yanking down my jersey that hugged my figure, I pulled up my knee pads as Yui gathered us into a circle with arms around each others waist "Lets have a good game and work hard!" Yui smiled and we all cheered back "Osu!"

"Alright! Let's give them all the support we have!" Tanaka ordered and the boys team cheered in agreement "Osu!" (Tsukishima giving a small 'Osu' as well)

"Karasuno! Fight! Karasuno! Fight!" The boys clapped and cheered from the railing, They're so embarassing I thought as sweat dropped down the side of my face, though its still nice to have someone cheering for you.

The opposing team soon approached us and Kageyama was right about the Ohgiminami girls, they were tall! The girls wore a white jersey with navy shorts, both Captains walked up to each other and shook hands "Welcome, I'm the Captain of the Ohgiminami girls Volleyball team Noburu  Seiko" 

"Im Michimiya Yui and I'm the Captain of the Karasuno girls Volleyball team, I hope we have a good game" the both of them smiled to each other while shaking hands.

Both of the teams stood on their teams respective lines on the court before we all bowed to each other 

"Arigato Gozaimasu!"

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