Ten | 十

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"You guys can wander around for a little bit but be back here in ten minutes when that match starts" Michimiya smiled and me and a couple of other girls started down the stairs "[Y-n], what'll you be doing for the ten minutes?" Eiko asked.

"I'm going to check up on everyone and try to knock those nerves to the dirt" I smiled back and Eiko grabbed her cheeks "You're so pure! Never become like me!" she doted, and I chuckled in response.

"What will you be doing for the ten minutes, Eiko-Senpai?" I asked, and she grinned as she cupped her chin "Looking for the Captain of the other team" I tilted my head in worry "Perhaps I should warn him you're here first" I laughed nervously.

We all reached the first floor of the gym and Eiko waved before she started towards the other team "She's crazy" Ami shook her head disapprovingly "Don't worry, I'll monitor her" she waved before she pursued Eiko.

I quickly made my way towards the boys and looked around to only see Hinata was missing in action "Where's Hinata?"I asked as I approached the group "He's using the restroom" Yamaguchi pointed towards the restroom signs while sitting on the bench.

"Not, again- I hope he's okay" sweat dropped down the side of my face as I looked towards where Yamaguchi was pointing. Soon I looked back down to Yamaguchi who had a sad look on his face "What's wrong Yamaguchi?" I bent down to his eye level and his face filled up with color, "H-huh? I'm fine, but why are you asking?" He seemed a bit taken aback from the question.

"You look sad, what's wrong" My eyes softened and Yamaguchi scratched his cheek "To be honest" He chuckled and looked down at his shoes "I feel a bit left out being the only first year" he looked back up to me and I smiled.

"Playing on the court isn't the only part of the game, there's also the support team! Without support the team can hardly stay together" I grabbed both of Yamaguchi's hands and his face blew up with color again.


"[Y-n] is right you know" Sugawara gave Yamaguchi a big slap on the back that almost made him fall out of his seat "There are unique roles in this game and your role is the support group!"

Yamaguchi's face lightened up, and he looked back down to me then back to Suga "Thank you both" and I waved my hand and shook my head, "Don't worry about it! Good luck today!" I stood back up and Tanaka-Senpai stormed past me, "Damn Turnip-Kun" Tanka cursed as he passed us.

Hinata followed close behind him while holding his stomach, "Hinata, There's no need to be nervous. Relax!" Daichi smiled as he waved his hands, but Hinata grew stiffer, "I will do my best!" He yelled.

"Hinata" I called as I ran up to him, Hinata turned his attention to me quickly and nervously "Y-Yes?!" he yelled and I gave him a soft smile "Take a deep breath, and calm down" I ruffled my hand through his ginger hair and he closed his eyes.

"O-okay" he replied back just the tiniest bit calmer "Okay" I smiled again before catching my eyes onto Tsukishima. I ran up to him and pushed on a pressure point on his lower back, he jumped from being startled and quickly turned around "Hey shrimp-" Tsukishima started before he saw the smile on my face "Give it your all, if not i'll make you pay"

Tsukishima seemed taken aback before he returned a small grin back, he raised his hand and flicked his finger on my forehead "I'd like to see you try Chibi-Chan" the whistle to begin the match blew and I gave a sly smirk "You'll see" I started back towards the second floor and Tsukishima watched as I left the room.

"Seriously" he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and began walking towards the line where everyone was lining up.

The whistle blew again and Aoba Johsai served the ball "I've got it!" Daichi called and Hinata yelped as he jumped in front of him and received the ball, All the girl's faces turned pale as we watched what happened in front of us "Hinata-" I choked out.

"Ennoshita, cover him!" Daichi called out as Ennoshita passed the ball to Tanaka "Got it!" Tanaka called as he tried attacking but Aoba Johsai already formed a wall over the net, Kageyama dived for the ball but fell short.

A whistle blew in favor of Aoba Johsai and all the girls sighed "This doesn't look good" Tadako examined, Hinata, what are you doing...

Again and again Hinata fumbled across the court like a newly born lamb and pushed other players from earning receives. Hinata ran into the referee's chair and knocked the chair and the ref onto the floor, "Hinata!!" Daichi yelled almost on the verge of tears.

My mouth fell agape as I watched the game, unable to believe my eyes to the score it was 24:13 with Aoba Johsai at match point. I put my head on the cool railing to try to cool my face from the second hand embarrassment of Hinata's nerves.

I looked at the lineup and almost passed out when I saw who was serving next, Kageyama looked beyond pissed but everyone else was trying to calm him down. Hinata's face was sickly pale as he stared at the ball.

The ref's whistle blew and without missing a beat Hinata tossed the ball up into the air, I immediately knew the ball wasn't high enough.

oh crap!!

His fingers hit the ball and his face immediately read panic. The ball spun straight forward towards Kageyama. A loud thud echoed through the whole gym and not a peep was spoken by anyone. My jaw unhinged as my unexplainable horror remained unspoken, Kageyama slowly turned his head towards Hinata and veins popped out of his temple.

Tanaka let out a snicker before him and Tsukishima burst into uncontrollable laughter, "Hey is the back of your head okay?" Tanaka yelled, which egged Tsukishima on "Nice Headshot!" he yelled at Hinata before clutching his stomach in laughter.

Suga finally came in to intervene, "Hey, stop it! Don't make it worst!" he scolded the underclassmen, Kagayama dropped his hands from the defensive position and turned to walk towards Hinata.

"W-W-Wait we can talk this over" Hinata stammered as he stepped back defensively, but Kageyama showed no signs of listening. It was nice knowing you, I already mourned him before Kageyama did anything "Kageyama, Wait! Listen!" Hinata yelled as he shook in fear. Kageyama only stopped when he was only a foot away from Hinata. He tried to put on an apologetic smile only to be cut off by Kageyama "Listen.." He grumbled.

"Okay" Hinata showed immediate obedience as Kageyama loomed over him "What's making you so nervous and freaked out?" Hinata didn't answer the question which made Kageyama bend down towards him "Is it the tall opponents? Is it because it's your first practice game?" Kageyama bent down closer to Hinata with each question, cold sweat dominated over Hinata's face.

Kageyama's intimidating nature horrified me, imagining being in Hinata's position made me want to pass out. Kageyama slowly lifted his arm as he spoke again, "What could be more frightening than nailing me in the back of the head with a serve?" he slapped the back of his head.

"Tell me" Kageyama asked, expecting an answer this time.

The cold sweat had reabsorbed into Hinata's skin "I can't think of anything" The complete lack of emotion in Hinata's face almost scared me as much as Kageyama "Then you have no reason to be nervous anymore, right" Kageyama continued to slap the back of his head and I almost couldn't watch anymore.

"Because you've already gone and done, the most frightening thing" He stopped hitting the back of his head and pointed at Hinata.


"Get back on the court, you moron!" Kageyama yelled and pointed over to the court, Hinata fell into a defensive position as he protected himself from Kageyama.

Kageyama walked back over to his position and Hinata peeked up, "W-wait, You mean I got away from that?" Hinata's face lit up "Huh? What do you mean, " Kageyama asked angrily.

"Woah, I thought he was going to end him then and there" Manami whistled and I nodded before stepping away from the railing "I'm gonna go down there and cheer them up" I started towards the stairs and made my way to the boys bench.

Now the game is really starting...

Hey Mr. Moon! ~ 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚒Where stories live. Discover now