Two | 二

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 Yui Michimiya pulled open the boy's practice hall door and the boys inside had stopped practicing as they watched us enter "Pardon the Intrusion" she announced and turned to rest of the girls "Switch your shoes and prepare for warm-ups" the captain instructed and we all answered back.


"Welcome welcome!" Tanaka greeted the ladies at the door and not ten seconds later a tall male with short brown hair and dark skin loomed over Tanaka-Senpai "Tanaka, get back in line" he scolded. Tanaka pouted and apologized before returning to the boy's line. Yui quickly approached the male and smiled "Hey Thank You to agreeing to this Daichi" Yui grinned and the male named Daichii waved his hand "No no, thank you for coming. We can all benefit from this"

I quickly took off my outside shoes and switched to my white and red Volleyball ones "Hurry [Y-n]! You're so slow!" Moe let her hand hit the back of my head as she passed by me "You could've just told me!" my voice rose in irritation and she laughed at my reaction.

"You're so hot-blooded~ I can't help but pick on you~" she doted on me and a pout landed on my face "You're so mean senpai" I whined.

"Hey you two, get over here!" Michimiya barked at us and we both jumped from the sudden order


We all stood in a circle counting in synchronization as we stretched out our leg muscles, I look up toward the boy's team who had a few staring towards us. Some of the girls were also stealing some glances as well before Daichi barked at them "Focus would you!" a small vein popping out from his temple as he yelled.  

Some girls giggled but not before we got a similar scolding. Still both the teams peaked glances whenever the coaches weren't looking. Me and Hinata caught eye contact with each other and gave  small small waves before quickly returning to stretching. 

The girl and the boy's teams stood adjacent from each other and across from me was a freckled-boy with long green hair. He seemed to be a bit shy with his eyes quickly scanning the room. The boys eyes landed onto mine, he jumped and quickly looked to the left with a blush of embarrassment forming on his cheeks.

Next to the freckled-boy was a tall short haired blonde with an unenthusiastic look on his face, it's as if he was forced to join this club against his own will. Thick framed glasses sat on the boy's nose, and his golden brown eyes stayed unmoving from the side of the gym.

"He's tall for his age and mean! And his has this dude that follows him like a side-kick" 

I wonder if this is the first year Hinata was talking about...

"Uh- ah! First of all, I want to thank Sensei and Daichi for agreeing with this practice today. I hope we're able to have fun and learn a lot together!" Yui bowed and everyone clapped at the short speech "We'll practice receiving and spiking! But first we'll introduce ourselves" Daichi's voice was loud and powerful, it was truly a Captain's voice.

"As most of you might already know, I'm the leader of the Boy's team; Daichi Sawamura but just call me Daichii. My position is Wing-Spiker" He smiled, and I felt a bit of awe at the leader presence he emitted. "This is Shimizu Kiyoko, she is our team manager" Daichi introduced a beautiful female with dark hair and pink glasses, she simply nodded showing how quiet of a person she really is.

"Im Sugawara Koshi I'm Karasuno's official Setter, thank you for coming out today" Sugawara bowed politely which brought a smile to my face He's really nice.

"I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke! It's a pleasure to meet you beautiful ladies! I'm a Wing-Spiker" He winked and all the girl's face's turned blue as they turned away. The boys' team reacted in a similar manner. My throat tickled from holding in my laughter Don't laugh Don't Laugh Don't Laugh I had to remind myself.

The introductions continued player by player: Ennoshita Chikara... Kinoshita Hisashi... Narita Kazuhito... Hinata Shoyou (He introduced himself loudly from nerves)... Kageyama Tobio... The Boy across from me introduced himself as Yamaguchi Tadashi.

"Tsukishima Kei, Middle Blocker. Nice to meet you" his voice came out as dead-pan and uninterested, his eyes scanned by everyone before looking off to the side of the gym. His body language screamed that he wanted no part of this Whats your problem, I wanted to ask but I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm Yui Michimiya, I'm the Captain of the Girl's team, my position is Wing-Spiker. I hope we can all learn from today!" our captain introduced herself and slowly we went down the list of female players: Mao Aihara... Rinko Sudo... Moe Kikuchi... Manami Aoki... Chizuru Sasaki... Ami Ito... Eiko Ishikawa... Tadako Maeda...

"I'm [Y-n] [L-n], I may not be very tall but my position is a Libero so it helps getting to the ground faster, it's nice to meet you all!" I bowed quickly.


I looked up and saw the blonde looking down and me with a dead-pan face, we kept eye contact for what seemed like minutes before I scrunched my nose and looked away to the other side of the room as Tadako Maeda introduced herself.

I really can't stand him already, who's this beanpole anyway? I bitterly thought as introductions wrapped up.

"Alright lets run some laps" Daichi ordered, and we all responded back as usual. Most of everyone ran in pairs or groups but as per usual I ran on my own. It's not like I want to run by myself but I have a faster jog than most, the tall blonde slowly started to get closer as I approached him. A condescending smirk pulled on my lips but I quickly hid it and pulled a straight face.

"On your left" I announced and passed by the blonde he looked down at me quickly before getting a annoyed look on his face "Gomen" he said insincerely before looking forward. Not more than thirty-seconds later I approached the blonde again "On your left" I announced again and a vein popped out of the side of his head as his eyes stared me down maliciously, he didn't say anything this time.

I began to approach him and just as I was about to call out again he stepped out into my way and looked back with a shit-eating grin on his face "Ah- Gomen, I couldn't see you down there Chibi-Chan" his voice dripped with derision and a vein popped out of my temple.

"Whats wrong, those legs aren't fast enough for you?" I taunt and his grin turned into a sneer and he started to jog slower while staying in my way "Move you pole!" I raise my voice in frustration and the grin returned "Am I in your way? I couldn't tell" he kept teasing me and I cried out in frustration "Four Eyes!"

"Short Stack"

"Big Foot!"





The condescending smirk returned and he tilted his head "Thank you" he praised and I felt myself break "You-... You-!"

"You two!!" Daichii's voice boomed and I quickly ran past the blonde who no longer blocked my way.

"Gomenasai!" Apologizing nervously I pouted as I ran "My mom said my height was cute" I put my hands on my thighs as we finished up laps.

Stupid Four-eyes!

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