Eight| 八

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𝟛𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Tsukishima wrote in his notebook as he finished up his homework for Japanese history. The thought of [Y-n]'s bloody nose made him stop and look over toward his dinosaur figurine collection. He knew that [Y-n] had been lying. Call it a gut feeling, but he couldn't understand if it wasn't from hitting her face on the wall then what could cause it to bleed.

He looked back down at his notebook trying to focus but the image of [Y-n] popped back up and a vein popped out of his temple "Seriously short stack, you're going to annoy me in my own house?" his voice rang unheard in his room and he sighed before flipping open his laptop.

Spontaneous Nosebleeds

His finger pressed the enter button and the first thing to pop up for symptoms was high blood pressure Alright that's a start, he thought before typing once again.

What causes high blood pressure?

His finger hovered over the enter button this time This is stupid, if she says she's fine then she is, closing his laptop he pushed out his desk chair and walked over to his bed. He laid on the width of his bed and folded his arm over his eyes "You better not be lying Chibi-Chan" his voice was gentler this time.

[Y-n] sneezed and looked around her room frantically. The feeling of someone watching her loomed over her and a shiver ran up her back, Scary!!

𝟙𝕤𝕥 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Yawning as I sat at my desk for lunch Manami tilted her head "Did you not sleep well?" she asked, and I turned my head to avoid her stare "I got back from practice a little later than usual and I had to finish English homework" I muttered and Manami slapped the back of my head.

"You said you won't let late practices mess with school!" Manami scolded me as I held the back of my head and pouted, "I swear it's not!" I defended myself and Manami crossed her arms, "Spell Mushroom in English".

I looked down at my desk then at the ceiling trying to remember "M-U-S-H-R-noko?" I look up at her hopefully and she slapped me on the back of my head again, "Don't switch to Japanese in the middle of the word!". Yamaguchi's head peeked into the classroom and spotted me "Ah Sumimasen, can you tell [Y-n] that Yamaguchi is here" Yamaguchi asked one of my male classmates and he nodded his head.

"[Y-n]-Chan, Yamaguchi is here to talk to you" my male classmate walked up to my desk and I looked over to the door to see that Yamaguchi shyly wave to me "My savor- I'll be back Manami" I smiled at her and she squinted her eyes at me "This isn't over [Y-n]".

She has a good heart, but man she's scary!

Approaching Yamaguchi I smile at him as we both left out for the hallway "What are you doing here?" I ask, and Yamaguchi scratched the back of his head.

"After last night I wanted to check if you were okay" Yamaguchi worried and my heart felt a bit heavy before I tried my best to look embarrassed "Of course! I was clumsy and hit my face on the wall. It doesn't hurt anymore!" I look up at him and he seemed relieved.

"Thank goodness- There was a lot of blood so I was afraid you got really hurt!" Yamaguchi expressed his concern and I looked down at the ground "Gomen, I didn't mean to worry you" I apologized sadly.

"It's okay! You were hurt, so it's natural that people would worry, Tsukki seemed to be thrown off as well after seeing that blood," Yamaguchi recalled and I crossed my arms and looked out the window of the hall.

"Tsukishima probably thought I was stupid, running into the wall like that" I mumble under my breath and Yamaguchi chuckled "That would seem like him but he really cares even if he tries not to show it."

"You're such a freckle face, Tadashi!"

"Why are you so scrawny?"

Yamaguchi fell to the ground on his bum after one of his bullies shoved him, he let out a gasp of pain before his bully started speaking again "You have to bulk up so, you get to carry all of our bags" the bully let go of his bag and it hit him square in the face.

Yamaguchi held back his cries of pain but tears rolled down his cheeks, "Seriously you're crying?" Another one of his bullies ridiculed him "He cries about everything" the other bully maliciously smiled as he held up a stick he picked up from off the ground. I didn't do anything wrong, he thought as he tried to stop the tears from rolling down his face.

Young Tsukishima began walking by the scene when he saw the scrawny boy on the ground crying , three other boys surrounded him "You crybaby!" a boy picked at him and the scrawny boy looked up and both of their eyes met. The bullies turned around and saw that Tsukishima was staring at them.

"What're you looking at?" The boy with caterpillars for eyebrows yelled at him and the other bully looked at him nervously "Hey, isn't he a sixth grader" He whispered to the other boy and he shook his head. "No, he's just from class 3".

Tsukishima having enough of this placed a condescending smile on his face and tilted his head "Lame" he ridiculed them and walked away.

Yamaguchi jumped in surprise from his words, wondering if he meant those words towards him too.

"What do you mean! Hey, wait a second!" Caterpillar eyes yelled as he approached Tsukishima, grabbing his backpack as he turned him around. Tsukishima loomed over the boy and he quickly realized his mistake when Tsukishima bent down towards him "What" the blonde asked and the boy gulped in fear.

Grabbing a hold of his pride again the boy yelled back "You're the one who's lame four eyes! Stupid Stupid Stupid!" Caterpillar eyes voice quivered as he ran away, Tsukishima let out a bright laugh as all the boys gathered their backpacks and ran with him.

"H-Hey wait a second"

The boy with the thick-framed glasses stared at Yamaguchi for a second before heading the way he was previously, Yamaguchi watched him enviously.

"To be honest, I envy him" Yamaguchi admitted and my eyebrows raised in surprise. "He's always been so cool, even up to the point when we first met" Yamaguchi continued on "It may not seem like it but he really cares, even though he can be really mean sometimes" Yamaguchi laughed and I couldn't help but place a smile on my face.

"Say you're pretty cool too Yamaguchi-" I started and color filled his face as his blush brought out his freckles "No-no! Not at all" He stammered and scratched his cheek. Tsukishima sipped on his juice box as he listened to the two from next door. Listening to the two made him want to walk out and join them but he quickly decided against it. He finished his drink and threw it into the trash.

Some unpleasant emotions ran through him as he listened to the two get along, but he ruled it off as being annoyed from my voice and went back to go sit in his seat.

The lunch-break bell chimed notifying everyone that lunch has ended "Ah- I'll see you around Yamaguchi, arigato for your concern" I smile as I began to walk back into my classroom "It's not a problem at all! I'm just glad you're okay! I'll talk to you later, " Yamaguchi waved as he turned to head back to his class.

I smiled and walked back into my class only for my eyes to catch Manami staring daggers at me "M-U-S-H-R-O-O-M" she spelled out and I tilted my head letting out a sigh "B-O-T-H-E-R-S-O-M-E" I spelled out and her eyes widened "Hey- What did you just spell" She shook my arm as I sat back into my desk "I dunno-" I shrug my shoulders and smiled "That's such a long word! What did you spell?!".

Hey Mr. Moon! ~ 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚒Where stories live. Discover now