Three | 三

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Daichi continued to spike the ball over the net as each girl received it cleanly three times. The boys had already run through their receiving drills before us.

"Next!" Daichi ordered, and I stepped into place; Daichi smiled and raised the ball before hitting it "I won't go easy on you Libero" he admitted and a grin pulled on my face "Hit me with your worst!"

Daichi threw the ball in the air and spiked it to the other side of the court, "Wah, Daichi you're so mean" Hinata cried, I dashed to the ball and bounced it up off of my arms and the stinging sensation spread across my arm.

That's a Heavy spike, I quickly thought before Daichi spiked the ball to the opposite side of the court. Once again I turned my direction to the opposite to which I was facing and bolted to the ball and received it one more time.

"Oooh!" Everyone in the gym was impressed now; Daichi threw the ball up one more time, but the ball had hit his hand wrong and went out of bound "Ah- My bad-!" he called out but my legs turned down the court and flew.

I stared at the swirling orb as it began its decline towards the ground, I jumped head first to the ground as the ball neatly landed onto my fist. It rocketed back up back towards the court and a smile spread across my face I got it!

My chest hit the ground hard, and I felt my body double over and roll; when my head went back upwards it slammed into the hard brick wall. I swore I could hear someone cackling at the accident, but I was too dizzy to tell.

"M-Medic!" Michimiya panicked as the ceiling above me multiplied and swirled, almost everyone's faces had turned blue.

"I'm fine~" I insisted as the Captain bandaged my forehead "I thought you died!" Michimiya exclaimed as she held the ice pack against my head "Don't put me on the bench coach!" dramatically I began to act as I lifted my hand to the back of my forehead.

"Geeze you're so reckless, what if you actually hurt yourself!" Michimiya began to lecture me, I looked down towards the ground and lowered my hand "I'm sorry but I won't let a ball hit the ground if I can help it"

"That's the responsibility I took on when I decided to be a Libero!"

Yui smiled and lifted her hand to flick my forehead "Ouch!" I cried and looked back up at her, "Honestly, with always being in the back you think that you'd remember that there's a whole team in front of you.." she sighed. 

"Captain..." I murmured and Michimiya walked away from where I was resting "As long as you're doing your best, so will we!" Yui looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up "Michimiya-Shenpai!" I cried out and got up, "Ah- Calm down!" startled by the sudden outburst she gestured for me to be quiet.

By the time I could participate again, receiving drills had ended. As the girls walked back towards the resting area, we passed by the boys and a voice spoke over the rest "It seems like 'The bigger you are the harder you fall' has exceptions after all" the blonde picked at me again and I felt a vein pop from my temple.

Tough talk for someone that can't receive, I wanted to retort back, but I clenched my jaw shut.

As Sugawara and Daichi switched places, I saw him look around the room before his eyes landed on me and he excused himself before making his way to me "Gomenasai!" He immediately bowed apologetically and I waved my hands embarrassed.

"No no! It's okay! It's my fault! It doesn't even hurt!" I pardoned him and continued to wave my hands for him to stop. Soon Daichi finally stood straight again "You're really talented as a Libero, the girls team is lucky to have you" Daichi complimented me and I scratched my cheek embarrassed again "Thank you Sir! But I still got a long way to go!" a chuckle fell from my mouth and he laughed "You know if that was a real spike that went out of bounds, you could have let it hit the ground" he continued to laugh and I tensed up and looked the other way "I- I knew that!" my voice quivered as I covered more of my embarrassment.

Arguing between Hinata and Kageyama started up again and sweat dropped from Daichi's head "If you'll excuse me" Daichi quickly bowed and started to run to the two "Hinata! Kageyama!" his voice boomed once more.

Soon the spiking drills began and all the boys lined up for their turn.

I scanned my eyes over the boys volleyball team as they continued spiking drills, Hinata was no short from amazing as well with his tall jumps that had everyone impressed "Woah! I was wondering how he could be a middle blocker" Ami giggled and Tadako sighed "He has to have leaps and bounds of energy, I envy him". 

Ennoshita-Senpai and Tanaka-Senpai were amazing too, except Tanaka kept taking his shirt off and waving it around whenever the ball had hit the ground; Daichi had to keep scolding him for it. Soon it was time for the tall first year to spike and a look of disinterest resided on the blonde's face as he towered over the rest, What was his name again?

Tsumishima? Ah no, it sounded like the moon, so it must be Tsuki.

He waited as his team members continued the drill. The lack of fire in his eyes boiled my blood. How could you let talent waste away like it's a nuisance, being that tall is a gift in the Volleyball world, so why?

He jumped up into the air and I watched him arch his arm back and slap the ball with his half-assed effort which was no doubt unsatisfactory, he walked back to the end of the line after being excused. After the drill ended, I tore my way towards him and approached the bean pole. The Middle Blockers golden eyes looked down at me as a condescending smile pulled on his lips

"Hey Mr. Moon!"

A face of dislike contorted into Tsukishima's face from the new nickname "Hahh? What kind of insult is that?"

"Why are you here if you're gonna hate every second of it?" I kept eye contact with the giant as he looked down on me, not daring to back down from the serious question. "Irritating" mumbling from his lack of interest but his stare held strong to belittle me.

"Huuuh? I'm irritating? You're the one who's irritating Shittyshima" by now both coaches caught wind of what was transpiring and made their way over here.

"Hey you two-" Mishimiya tried diffusing the situation but not before Tsukishima could cut her off "Uselessly hot-blooded people irritate me" he pressed the bandage on my forehead and tears formed in my eyes "Ack! You- Well Uselessly lazy people irritate me !" I yell back as I held the wound on my head. While retorting back, a hand grabbed the back of mine and Tsukishima's head and our faces turned blue with fear "That's enough." Daichi's voice was serious this time.

"Let's clean up guys" Daichi finally dismissed us from practice and the entire hall cheered with agreement "Hey [Y-n] can you get this side of the net for me "Sugawara asked and I nodded before answering "Yeah".

The boys net was a little taller than the girls net so I had to use my tippy toes to reach the top knot, my fingers fumbled with the knot and I let out a exasperated sigh "Seriously, who used the wrong knot" my train of thought had left my head through my mouth.

"Seems like running fast isn't going to help you here, huh Chibi-Chan" a rather irritating voice spoke from above and behind me "Fly away space man-" my voice didn't hide the fact I wanted nothing to do with him "Ah Tsukishima, Please help [Y-n] would you" Sugawara smiled blissfully ignorant.

"Guess I have no choice, let someone with the right qualifications handle this" Tsukishima pressed on to tease me and I looked up to glare at him "Ill break your knees" I (half) truthfully barked back and that stupid shit-eating grin returned "As if you reach those either" he laughed down at me before taking only a minute to untie the thing I struggled over.

"You're just freakishly tall" I grumbled back as I quickly blasted through the bottom knot.

"I got it!" Sugawara exclaimed as he untied the knot.

"Same here Suga-san" Tsukishima called back and Suga brought it down to fold.

"Let's fold it carefully and put it in the storeroom" Suga directed and Tsukishima left without another word.

Hey Mr. Moon! ~ 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚒Where stories live. Discover now