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The final bell tolled for the day and I promptly sat up and gathered my things from my desk, Manami looked at me quizzically before a slight smirk grew on her face "I've only seen you this excited for volleyball practice- Do you have a date or something?" she forced her seat back as she stood up and stretched.

I couldn't help but let out a giggle at her suggestion "The only love of my life is Volleyball, there's no room for any boys in my heart" I held my cheek as the sport reminded me of the good times "Besides, it's not like anyone is interested in me anyways."

Watching me dote, Manami gave me a melancholy smile as if she recalled my fate partaking in the sport, slightly hitting the top of my head she shook her own in disbelief "You're so oblivious that it's admirable" she started towards the door of the classroom.

I tilted my head in confusion before I hastily followed behind her.

"Huh? Oblivious about what?" I strolled with her down the corridor of the school, passing by all the first year students as we made our way towards the gymnasium.

She chuckled before looking at me coyly "Do you prefer Brunettes or Blondes [Y-n]?"

"Ehh? Where's this coming from suddenly?" I felt myself get flustered and red in the face as she urged the invasive question but instead answering mine she just popped another one out "Do you like someone who's cold and calculated or someone whose sweet and playful?"

At this point my face was scorching with embarrassment and I gave Manami a casual shove to the side and she chuckled at my reaction "Geeze! You're too much-" My lips pursed together and taking a few seconds to calm down, I let out a sigh before laughing off my embarrassment "I think I'd be able to tell if someone liked me" I admitted and another head shake came from her direction.

"Sorry you two, I tried" She apologized from under her breath and it just fell short from my own ear shot.

The chilly spring air surrounded us as we exited the building "Now that I think about it, why are you going this way?" Manami asked and a wide grin grew on my face "It's on the way to my destination as well" I replied and she gave a perplexed look "There's only the two gymnasiums and the field from here" she pointed out and I nodded in response.

"I know!"

After stopping by the girl's gymnasium and giving my former teammates a quick hello, I quickly made my way towards the boy's gym and anxiously peered towards the entrance. There stood the beautiful Ravenette who was just peering off into the distance, I quickly meddled with my hair as I became self conscious of how I looked, Kiyoko jumped as she noticed my presence and promptly walked up to greet me. 

"I'm so glad that you could make it today" Kiyoko's voice was quiet and calm which promptly put some nerves that were gnawing at me at ease "I'm just glad that I could be of help" I beamed as I scratched my cheek.

"The boys are just finishing warm up's now, we can reintroduce you to them before they practice" Kiyoko now shifted towards the door gestured at me to follow her and I almost hesitantly did so.

The door slid open and everyone's eyes instantly turned towards us, embarrassment hit me again but before I could do anything to greet myself Daichi gathered everyone's attention "Before we begin today, I'm sure all of you already know [Y-n] by now. Because of recent circumstances, [Y-n] is temporarily off the girl's team until further notice"

Tsukishima's lackadaisical attitude shifted towards curiosity and he observed to what his upperclassmen had to say about me, Yamaguchi was already beaming from the next few sentences.

"Until [Y-n] learns more about her condition and seeks treatment, we request you to welcome and take care of her as a new manager of the Karasuno's Boy Volleyball team"

Hey Mr. Moon! ~ 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝙺𝚎𝚒Where stories live. Discover now